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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:43 pm
(Sorry a little rushed, late for class!)
John probably couldn't have seen the fire coming down because he was in the barrier but I'll let it slide. Just pay attention to details like that.

The fire and wind attack didn't harm Ling in the least bit because she was still in the safety of the Water wall. And because Jutsu defenses were ridiculously good she was fine, just fine. "Hang on Mr. Jounin." Ling had Hiru bring the Jounin very close to her, as she performed the ram seal. A wave of water would push her up into the air above the trees, and the waves would wash out all the fire on the ground, and sweep up the Rai, and Chiro if they didn't do anything to stop it. Which they probably would. 20 meter waves are really big. Yeah actually since they were ninja they would jump to a safe distance and start channeling their chakra for something big.

But for the Fun bit. While The swing of Mako was too fast for Suzika to properly follow the rupture itself moved at maximum a speed of sixty, which she could easily follow. She liquefied her water sword, and brought her hands together to form a single seal. She turned her head towards the ground and from her mouth came a razor sharp spray of water which propelled her up. she used the pressure from her water to torque her body to where her feet were above her head. She then moved her head so the water would propel her forwards and out of the fire. And of course there was this cool matrix scene where it shows the rupture fying just under her head and cutting off all of her dread locks. "I'm gonna look so ugly!" She mourned, as she did that lovely flip over mako.

Because the minimum amount of effort it would take for Mako to get out of the fire was obviously just taking a step forwards out of the falling branches. So while he was distracted by Suzika and her awesome improbable dodge the five genin finished their attack. As they were actually nowhere near the falling branches. As mako had his back turned and performed the rupture The three shuriken would go into action. The one aimed directly form him transformed back into a human and slammed his foot into the back of Mako's head taking him from the standing position directly to the ground, and would end with the genin's foot holding mako to the ground. The other two shuriken would become human as well and each would grab one of mako's arms and hold it behind his back. This would happen almost simultaneously. So as the two genin were wrapping their arms around Mako's arms which would be outstretched from performing the rupture the one kicking him would go into action which would hamper mako from resisting their hold.

Suzika would come down like a boss razor sharp water still spraying from her mouth, it'd come down and slice tobi and his sword in half killing both of them, because she was a reckless little girl! Luckily that was the end of her stream so it didn't send her flying back into the fire by mistake! She'd turn around towards the pinned Mako, and smile. With a single hand seal and a stomp of her foot a jet of water would erupt from the ground and sail towards Mako at a speed of 50. It not stopped or dodged the water would cut the poor guy right in half starting from the family jewels and ending at his cowlick. It would of course also slice in half the guy who was standing on mako's head as well.

If that worked or not she'd reunite with her Partners and get read to perform their ULTIMATE COLLABERATION JUTSU!

If it were to be that Mako and John could not escape from their fates in time, which of course they would because they were mighty men then they needn't worry. Lings waves would roll in on them at just such a time where it seemed that they were going to die. A deus ex Machina if you will. They'd wash away the fox, and genin just in time for the two ninja to make their escapes, and just in time for all three of them to deal with the chuunin together! Because if there was anything that them fighting opponents apart has taught them it's that they need each other to be effective as a unit! Right? Right? CD anyone? CD?

"Come on guys!" Ling would announce whether she was the one to save the boys or not. "Let's take these clown on together!"

Which they would need two because the chuunin were performing their ultimate collaboration jutsu.

Which was obviously:
Suzika making a big ol' ball of water.
Chiro heating the water up until it began to boil
and Rai jumping obove the orb of water and using wind style to propel the boiling water downward. The fifty meter wide orb would hit the ground, and explode into a tidal wave of steam and boiling water for 100meters burn with a power of 80, and have a speed of 80. It would be finished and performed on lings next post. And ling couldn't defend against it because she was all out of water walls!

Which gave Team Misfit just one chance to come up with their own collaboration Jutsu and counter the enemies attack with it!

"Now let's beat them guys! With Friendship!"

Moral of the story: No one person on our team is the 'Trump Card'. It's working as a team that makes us strong. <3

(332 -50 for colliding wave -1 for seigan)
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:14 pm
John had killed the genins, but at the price of getting himself stabbed at the thigh. John had to act quick as he heard the sound of the water wave heading his way. John activate the 1st gate, which made his muscles more refined, his chakra rushing a bit faster, and he felt rejuvenated. John quickly took off his vest, and quickly pulled it over the leg where he had the hole at his thigh to stop the bleeding. John then turned around and with the speed and strength of 46, rushed towards the fox, and before it had the chance to throw out the poison gas, punched the fox at it's neck with the right fist aimed at the fox's left side of the neck with the strength of 46 and speed of 46. there was a very audible snapping noise, or a cracking one, John didn't know, and the fox dropped to the ground dead. with the fox dead, the barrier disappeared, and John rushed out and stood 20 meters before the wave that was rushing towards him. John had to act very fast. as the wave was coming closer and closer towards John, John crossed his arms and then uncrossed them with the speed of 46 and shot out all 10 finger bullets that flew towards the water wave with the speed of 46 and the strength of 46. and with the wave coming towards John, there is no way that John would miss it. John would hope that Lingqi and Mako would help out with the collaboration technique.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:19 am
(Well first things first being that this whole situation is a bit out of control and very confusing to read.)

John had rushed after the fox to attack it prior to the fox releasing a poisonous mist capable of putting him out of the battle.  He hit the fox just before it had a chance to respond, however the fox was no ordinary fox, he was a summon.  The summon knew immediately that if it didn't disappear before the attack came in he would die.  So Taro the fox voluntarily released its summon away from its master going back home and living to fight another day, because its lame to kill summons.  And this would release the barrier and stop the mist leaving John to deal with the remaining enemies. 

Lingqi was performing admirably protecting the escort letting Mako handle a great deal of the work, and John had finally weaseled his way out of his sticky situation which meant that things were staring to go in the favor of team misfits.  The collaboration jutus had stopped and been dodged or blocked by everyone and the only actions by enemies occurring at this moment was a four on one gang bang from the five genin and the Chuunin Suzika, targeting himself.  Mako was ready though.

Even though he had his back turned to the people Mako had extremely advanced senses, and was capable of sensing peoples location without line of sight.  A technique developed by non chakra using fisherman from across the sea, and brought to Konoha by the Hokage himself.  Which meant that even though his back was turned he could hear the Shuriken closing distance on him.  He instantly formulated a plan.  The shuriken flew at a frightfully slow speed in his direction and would be more than easy to deal with.   Seeing as how Mako realized that whoever threw these random shurikens either had next to now ability to throw them and the genin who had become shurikens technically didn't really even have the ability to become them.  Mako would make his own action.  He would prepare to deflect the incoming shurikens with his blade when they came close.  However he stayed prepared for everything seeing as the flying chick would likely pose a threat as well. 

The shurikens came in close to him, then transformed, throwing Mako off a bit but not entirely ruining his game plan.  As they attempted to grab his arms he would proceed to kick one on the same side as his sword arm in the kneecap stopping that individual from gaining leverage and allowing Mako to cleanly slice the other one with a speed of 115 on the sword swing and 100 on the kick he could easily achieve this and prevent being held down. The last shuriken would come in slowly just as the flying chick came over head.  The shuriken transformed and kicked out, Mako predicted the attack though and grabbed the genin's leg as it came for his head.  Apparently the girl Suzika was entirely too reckless because she would still launch the water slicer attack at Mako, Mako would respond by tossing the genin who had just grabbed upward to intercept the slice then taking a quick step backwards.  As the slice came down removing the genin's leg and crashing harmlessly against the ground. 

"Damn It that tricky cute boy." Suzika said as she launched the jet to take her back up to where Chiro and Raikoh awaited.  The girl couldn't help wandering off in her own mind about a potential future with the Sarutobi who had just adeptly dodged her attacks.  "Oh, if things were different my love we could live happily ever after,"  the girl said to Mako as she jetted upwards through the air and they all three would proceed to push together their ultimate attack which would ultimately stop the three genin, if they didn't formulate a plan.

"Team, Regroup quickly!!!" Mako would yell hoping that John could make the ten meter traverse he would need to get up to the rest of the group.  Mako also hoped that Ling noticed that the problems were relatively solved and would no longer need to release the wave of water as they had bigger fish to fry.  Mako would HoHo over to Ling and would be there in a matter of seconds leving the crippled genin where they lay. 

The jutsu the enemy formed was now finished and was preparing to be launched.  Mako started forming handsigns as quickly as he could. for each single hand sign a cane would appear from the ground, he made one in the time it took before the Collaboration jutsu in the air above them launched. 

"We do not need to combine a jutsu powerful enough to defeat them just strong enough to stop theirs," MAko said loudly enough for John to hear.  "Everyone launch as many projectiles as is possible! 10,000 Arrow Jutsu :  Fighting in the Shade,"  As the big boiling water jutsu came their way Mako would begin launching his very hard rock javelins into the jutsu hoping his teammates would back him up.
-10 for swallow
-5 for 1 partial earth canes
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:59 pm
(John I told you, you could't timeline it to where you attack the fox first like three times. XD)

(As far as the Genin are concerned)

In the immortal words of Youka Because the Fox wasn't a dead fish it would actually try to attack john while he was dispatching the last geinin. with the way mako worded the attack, and the time between John activating the second gate, and fixing up his leg the poison would fill up the barrier. She he could probably Finish off the fox before he became paralyzed. But he'd totes be all paralyzed by the time the fox and the barrier poofed. Luckily Lings waves were sweeping him up and curling up to protect him. Hiru would go ahead and grab the paralyzed guy, and get him out of the bubble before he like... drowned and stuff.

Suzika wasn't entirely sure why mako thought he was able to avoid the genin's attacks, but he was so gosh darn cute she let it slip.

Ling sighed as she saw Hiru swimming away with John. Alright so that Collaboration wasn't going to work afterall. Her bad, her Bad. Plus he probs didn't have the chakra left to do it anyway. Okay that's why Mako was the strategist and she just hung out with the jounin. Speaking of which. She looked the man up and down. Not a scratch on his head. A little wet. Very Wet actually. Underwater in fact. Because Her Giant orb of water had completely encompassed them. Whether Mako was in there was up to him. But Mr. Kaguya was out for the count so she was going to have to abandon the idea of the collab for now. 

The Orb of Steam would descend upon them, But Emberassingly enough Lings Orb of Water was actually stronger than the ball o'steam. The ball would collide aginst Ling's own sphere and detonate prematurly, no doubt bathing those nasty mercs in their own scolding stream. Then of course Mako through a cane through one, and ling would Water Needles another. And if The third who would obviously be Rai was to survive the blast of steam he would scurry on out of there. Because this really wasn't worth dying for. 

Ling, Hiru, The Jounin, and John would all be guarded by the explosion by being inside of the Sphere of Water that Ling had created. Mako may have been in there if he wished. But seeing the steam explode he could find cover inside of it, or under it. Whatever he wished really.

And there we had it right? Jounin defended. All the thugs dead and gone. Mission Accomplished! rrrrright? 

Mission Totes Accomplished
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:47 pm
John was surprised that he got rescued by the girl's monkey. he had seen it earlier when they met at the meeting area but thought nothing of it at first. then came now as John got surprised that the little monkey managed to save John before he drowned from all the water, cause he was paralyzed. if John remembered correctly, John got paralyzed due to the poison, so he hoped in his heart that it wasn't a permanent effect.John couldn't move, which was a bad thing.but John was now safe as he was in the large bubble. John could see his teammates and their escort was fine as well. john had survived a life or death mission. John's smile grew even bigger in his head as this meant that he would get stronger. this meant that he would get one step closer to becoming strong so he could defeat the man who destroyed John's life. John was now going to wait until ling dispersed of the water bubble and the small river that was created, before his teammates could take a look at John's injury and his paralyzed state. then they could properly finish with the mission and head back home.

Last edited by John Kaguya <3 on Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:39 pm
Well almost complete,  Mako being the ever aware master of badassery knew that there was one teeny weeny detail that was being overlooked by team misfit and the rest of the squad.  They had wiped out all of the genin and scared off the chuunin and if they ever had a leader, that person never showed.  Mako would reluctantly escort the now likely extremely adrenaline doped Lingqi and Hiru alongside the limping John the rest of the way through the fire to the Daimyo.  Mako would never finish completing the mission.  He might get a nice little butt kicking but never would fail a mission.  

They made their way into the main city (whatever its called) and lead the Jounin whose life they had sworn to protect up to the Daimyo to share the information.  The jounin would walk the parcel up to the Daimyo and bow before him.  After handing the package over the Daimyo opened it and looked stern faced while reading it.  Then as he reached the very end of the scroll, a slight smile started to crack on his face, followed by bouts of uncontrollable laughter.  This would likely throw off everyone in the room as most here had risked life and limb to deliver the "Important" information.

"HA HA HAHAHAHA HA HA HA, hue hue hue OH Lord Hokage, this is the best one yet. Bwahahaha a weinerschnitzel perfect.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh I needed a good laugh.  I thank you ninja very much for delivering the Hokage's joke of the month for me it keeps my spirit up,"  The Daimyo said tears running down his face. Mako would bow in response to that.  A mission completed and job well done.  He would help John back to the city trying to keep ling on a short leash, though failing just in case any other ninja decided to attack.  Mako would guide the Jounin up to the Hokage's chamber following dropping John off at the doctors and letting Ling off of her leash.  There were little words to be said but Mako was actually happy, Chuunin in Konoha this would be the start of his life.

357 TWC 3769

Well lets see Official exit.  Claiming lots, Claiming mission rewards, chuunin rank 4000 ryo and a sword, and some ap.  Also claimig 9 stats and 2000/2000 toward that new Ninjutsu spec from becoming a chuunin if thats ok.  and 1000/1000 for temp paralysis jutsu (but only if i get the specialty) with 500 going toward shadow clones
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:47 pm
Ling didn't miss a beat once the threat was gone, and like for real for real gone she let the orb of water gently sink into the ground and wash across the forest floor. She watched as Rai dissapeared into the forest. Yeah he definetly wasn't going to come back as a reoccurring character in Ling's life. Nope not at all. She turned her attention back towards her Jounin. "That was crazy huh? You must be really important to warrant something like that..." They continued on their walk, and ling trampled over the dead bodies completely phased by their dead nature. Oh ling!

(TWC 4204)
10 stats, Misson Rewards
2050 towards Suiton Severing Wave
2154 towards Reflecting pool

Last edited by Lingqi Rentei on Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:34 am
i made a mistake by deleting my exit and claims.

John was dropped off by Mako at the doctors. John sat there and waited at the emergency waiting room for a doctor to get him. As he waited, John began to get bored, so he started to get down on his knees very slowly. John then very slowly lowered his body down. and began to do push-ups. As John began to work out, people stared at him awkwardly. the guys looked him like something was wrong with him. half of the girls thought he was weird while the other half thought he looked hot. especially with that muscular body. doctors came and went, and went in and out from all doors that John could see. there is also the smell of the hospital. ah yes, the infamous hospital smell. something about it just makes you nauseous when you're inside a hospital for more than 20 minutes. or hell, even a day. and the white walls. the white walls in the patients room. John didn't know why they had white walls. As John made his 20th push-up, John thought maybe the reason the walls were white was because of the fact that the patients are gonna think they're in heaven. that was a small possibility.John was now finished with his 50 pushups and now John was gonna do situps. John turned around and placed his legs as slowly as he could to the bench and then began to do the situp workout. As John got into the 3rd rep, John thought about the mission today, and what had happened. he had very nearly lost his life, but thanks for his teammates, he got out safely and alive. John had read somewhere that it was more important to fail a mission and bring your teammates back alive, than to succeed and have all of your teammates dead. John got to his 11th situp as he thought of what new possibilities awaited him in the future. if he became a chuunin... what would he do then? other than train, train and train some more, John didn't know.John had gotten to his 50th situp when the doctors came to get him. John smiled and was taken to a room. John sat down on the bed and the doctor began to talk to him about something. John didn't understand doctor language.  John sat there and focused on what the doctor said to him. moments later, John found himself in a room where he was instructed to work out in. shouldn't be a problem. John tried them all and they seemed to work, though John felt more tired by using them rather than strengthening his legs and muscles and what not. though John felt relaxed and calm actually. when all was said and done, John began to take himself home.

(exit, 3052 wc, claiming 5 stats. claiming both interception method 4275/3000 and leaf whirlwind 1250/1250. claiming Konoha's Army katana. claiming Chuunin Rank. claiming 4000 ryo. claiming the free chuunin tech's.)

Last edited by John Kaguya <3 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:51 pm
Ok mako and John, your good to go so approved. But for Lingqi, you can only gain at most 10 stars from a mission. Unless you added in the stats from the chuunin rank up? Plz edit it out the rewards more clearly plz. Also, just to make sure, you all get 10 AP for A rank mission.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Misfits shoot for Rank Ups - Page 2 Empty Re: Misfits shoot for Rank Ups

Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:41 pm
Lol I forget that every time. Edited
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