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Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Why Not (P, Echo if he joins) - Page 5 Empty Re: Why Not (P, Echo if he joins)

Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:37 pm
After hearing Aqua ask how a Kazekage could lost in the forest, and have a brother who was once the Hokage, Koroshi begins to chuckle and speak "Well I got lost when I was still a genin living in the leaf village, and before my brother became the Hokage." Koroshi says before his tone becomes less playful, and more serious "Although I curse myself all the time for being dumb enough to get lost that day, for you see after I got lost chasing after my jacket the Leaf village was attacked, and was almost whipped out, but thanks to my brothers Viper and Echo they were able to fight back, and rebuild the village, Viper becoming the Hokage to help rally the people, and to protect everyone" Koroshi continues, his tone getting sadder by the second "I can't help but think that if I was there, then I could have done something to help out, and maybe those thousands of people wouldn't of died, including our current Hokage" With a sigh Koroshi continues speaking "Which is why when I was offered to look after Suna when their leader died, I accepted it without hesitation. I will do anything to protect this village, even if it means I die doing so" Koroshi finishes speaking but then thinks how sad and grim he most have sounded to the young ninja standing before him "But with the strength of all of our ninja I am sure that this village will never fall!" Koroshi says to hopefully lighten the mood.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Why Not (P, Echo if he joins) - Page 5 Empty Re: Why Not (P, Echo if he joins)

Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:09 am
"Wow, such dedication to your village." Aqua would say to his friend, the Kazekage. "I wish that one day that I could prove how loyal I am to my village, but I was just too weak the last time." Aqua would then say to his friend looking down. He knew that the last time one of his villages was attacked he was only a simple student and knew little about how to defend himself or the village. His home village was destroyed and he could not stop it. this made him feel bad.

After a few moments if he was not stopped then he would the look up to his friend and begin to walk towards him, facing him with only a foot between the two ninja. He realized then that there was no way that time that he would have been able to defend himself without becoming fodder for the enemy. No he needed to survive to return his former village to greatness one day. And this man who was the leader of another village would awaken his drive.

"But thanks to you, the next time I need to protect the things that I love, I will be able to defend them with all my heart." He would say to him while extending his hand so that koroshi, if so inclined, would shake it.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Why Not (P, Echo if he joins) - Page 5 Empty Re: Why Not (P, Echo if he joins)

Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:31 am
Upon Hearing Aqua talk Koroshi fears that he may have awoken some buried sadness within his new friend, and begins to feel even worse about himself, thinking that he ruined Aqua before he even had the chance to find his place in the ninja world, but alas Aqua approaches him, and thanks him because next time he will be able to protect the things that he loves, and will be able to defend them with all his heart. Hearing these words brightens Koroshi's spirit, and makes him let out a rather big smile as he reaches forward and grasps a hold of Aqua's hand, giving it a firm shake. While doing this however Koroshi's got of Earth technique activates, forming a suit of armor a few feet to Aqua's left, the armoring looking to be a perfect fit for Aqua. "Well if you are doing to protect the people that you love, then you will need to protect yourself" Koroshi says with a smile as he gives the hint that the armor is for him.

(The armor looks like the Cataclysm armor in the picture The joints and such in the armor and made in a way that the earth moves just like that of normal armor, not blocking or resisting any of the boys movements. Also since the armor is made from Koroshi's chakra it has 400 health )

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Why Not (P, Echo if he joins) - Page 5 Empty Re: Why Not (P, Echo if he joins)

Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:51 am
As his hand was being shacked. He saw the armor being created out of the corner of his eye. AS he, being koroshi, was looking and creating the armor he couldn't help but look away from the kazekage and look towards the armor set that was being created. It was amazing, all of the texture of the armor and the power coming from his friend was amazing, incredible, unbelievable even.

"Wow... sir that was incredible. That is for me?" Aqua would ask his friend knowing full well the answer. Pretty much not waiting for a reply from the young kage he began to the run to the suit of armor. Taking a few minutes to look around the armor and just gaze in its glory. It took a few minutes to put on and when it did it felt as though he was not worn down at all. The amazing suit had covered his entire body leaving no area except for his face exposed to anything. 

"How do I look?" Aqua would say. Standing as though his posture was far greater and superior than it was before.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:01 am
Koroshi smiles upon seeing his friend wearing the armor "Hmmmm I think somethings missing.... I got it!" Koroshi says after a moment of thinking, he then snaps his left middle finger against his thumb, this motion again causing his God of Earth technique to activate, this time two weapons form out of the ground at Aqua's feet, the first being a mighty hammer, the handle of it being 2 feet tall, the hammer itself being 2 feet wide long ways, and a foot wide on each end, and being 1 and a half feet tall, making the total height of this weapon be 3 and a half feet, although if this is too big for Aqua Koroshi can alter the size so that it is easier to control. Upon the center of the hammer on either side of it lies a carved symbol of a wolf's head baring its teeth, next to this however outlining the edge of the hammer is what appears to be nails sticking into it.

The next being a one handed blade that is roughly about 4 feet in length including the handle, the blade itself however has the appearance of being split in half, leaving a small quarter of an inch open between the swords edges. In the base of the blade however the small opening grows and forms into a 2 inch wide and tall circle, each of these weapons being made out of Koroshi's chakra, there for they each have the health of double Koroshi's chakra, for the sword however it also has the sharpness of double Koroshi's chakra. "What's armor if you don't have badass weapons to go along with it?" Koroshi says with a smile as he waits for Aqua to pick up his new weapons.

(Hammer Sword )
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:06 pm
"Thats....incredible." Aqua would say. Picking up the two weapons a few moments after he had stopped talking. In just a few moments he had been given great armor and weapons to help him on his quest.

"When I go back the skyscraper village they are going to be shocked to see this.... Thank you Koroshi. There is no way I can repay you for all that you have done for me. All I can do is fight for you, in the name of what you stand for at all costs. I wont let you down I promise." Aqua would then say to his friend. He had no idea what he did for him, it was the most that he had ever been given before, and to him (although it was not in his personality to do so.) was just in utter shock of everything, not knowing exactly the course of action.

The first weapon that he looked at was the hammer. It was made for someone his size of course, but i looked as thought it could have the power to inspire its allies and strike doom into its foes. It appeared as though it was a relic from an ancient time rather than just something that was made. The rugged edges but smooth handle, it was fit for a kage and something that a kage would make.

"This hammer." Aqua would say, pasuing for a moment to revel again in its glory. "I shall name it....Doomhammer!"

He then took a good look at the sword. The detail of the blade was great too, and it appeared to be stronger than any other weapon he had ever seen. It could be the most powerful weapon in the world, probably not though. He then proceeded to slash the weapon at the ground and when he did it made a sound like it was thunderstorm. Its sound shook Aqua's very being, and knew exactly what the weapon should be call.

"I shall call this weapon Thunderfury!" Aqua would say. "Thank you again. I shall treasure them always."
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:06 pm
Upon hearing his friend Aqua speak, telling him that he will fight for him, and telling him the weapons names, Koroshi smiles "Those are fine names for these weapons! And as for a way that you can repay me, don't die, no manner what." Koroshi says as he begins to think of everyone that has died because he was either not there, or because of him in some way, he just hopes that this kid can live and long and happy life. "If you can do that and still protect the people you care about, then you can call us even" Koroshi finishes speaking, his smile getting larger as he begins to think that maybe one of his friends will live in this crazy world, and will not die in it by someone or something.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Why Not (P, Echo if he joins) - Page 5 Empty Re: Why Not (P, Echo if he joins)

Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:12 pm
"I will do all that I can to do so." Aqua would tell the kazekage when he was done speaking. What he said was did not make total sense but he got the message across. He will survive. With the tools that he had right now he felt as though he could do anything that he put his mind to. Looking at his armor he would look at it and see how amazing it was. The look at it and see how he can use his wood to turn it into something better. Using the earth that Koroshi had used for his weapon he would make a simple wood seal that would then begin to make his wood connect to the earth armor on the back. The wood would then start to branch out as though it was beginning to hold something. After a few moments it would be complete, having the wood be an inch in diameter and tentacle like.  Two of these branches would sprout out from the lower back and travel down to the each side of Aqua right at the hip, and then curving back around so that the end of the branches would be facing directly opposite of Aqua. He would then begin to place doomhammer and Thunderfury on the right and left branches respectively. Once in place he would have his branches then wrap around the handles of the weapon, holding them in place and then having the branches wrap around several times very thinly, creating a tight handle for the weapons to stay in place leaving a hand's length (of aqua) open to hold..

Then he would take Thunderfury's branch and have the handle holding travel and wrap around the sword, creating a sheath for the sword. When that was completed he would then take his two weapons by the hand and have then pull them out of their sheaths. This would happen with the wood instantly repelling from the items and then coiling its self back inot spiral that wraps around the back of the armor, appearing as two small balls on both sides the armor.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Why Not (P, Echo if he joins) - Page 5 Empty Re: Why Not (P, Echo if he joins)

Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:40 am
Koroshi upon seeing the mastery of the wood style for the first time, and being used by his young friend, that to his knowledge has just learned, is amazed by how he has made the armor he has made even better. With a smile Koroshi begins to clap, while in his head he begins to that his friend is going to do fine in the ninja world, in fact he has high hopes that he will become an extremely strong ninja, and with the new armor and weapons that he has now gotten he doesn't have to worry as much.

After thinking this however he remember that Aqua traveled here from his far away village of Skyscraper, surely it most cost a great amount of money, and most be a rather hard journey for a chunin of such a young age "Oh I almost forgot" Koroshi says as he moves his right foot to the left by turning it slightly, this small movement making a 4 inch long, and tall stone slab form out of the ground in front of Aqua, upon it has the numbers 13,000, as well as Koroshi's name "You can use this to get back to your village, just hand it to whoever you have to and it will be taken from my vault, and if you have any money left over feel free to spend it on whatever you feel like you will need" Koroshi says with a smile.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Why Not (P, Echo if he joins) - Page 5 Empty Re: Why Not (P, Echo if he joins)

Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:10 am
"Wow, 13000 ryo. That is a lot of Ryo Man. You know that I can't accept THIS." Everything else that he was given was something that Koroshi himself created. This however was money. Real money that could be used to buy things that HE needed. It was too much.
However he knew that there was no way the Koroshi would allow him to give it back to his friend. Reluctantly he would look up to korohshi with a smile and say....

"But i know I have no choice, thank you Koroshi. I will use it to make you proud." Aqua would then say with a sharp and thankful smile. He still thought that the offer was too generous, but of course he would use it to his advantage. 

He would look back on all the things that he had done today. He had learned the earth element and then used it to create wood for the first time in his life to a great standard. Perhaps he was just inspired by the greatness that was around which made him work his ass off today. No matter. It was getting late and it appeared as though the moon was up still. It had seemed as though moments had gone by when in actuality whole hours had passed from the time that they had started their training and we finally got to this moment. There was still a lot of work to be done for the young ninja to finally be considered great and powerful, however he had received so much today so that he felt as though he was on top of the world.

"Although I have nothing left to give you, if there is ever anything that you need from me at all. Anything that you need I work my ass off to get to you in your time of need. Although my friends and my loyalties are regrettably to another village. I will not fight against you. You have done more for me than my kage has even ever done for me. Even the former Mizukage, who I assumed to be a god among men, would never do something like this for me...."

This made Aqua think about this for a second then give him another question. Something went through his mind that made him think that maybe his friend was actually trying to get something out him in the end. Maybe he wanted a military alliance or for him to spill secrets about his village. Aqua started to shake a bit and wonder. Then in that wonder he began to ask his friend exactly what needed to be asked.

"Is there something you want from me?" Aqua would ask him. He would hope that he was wrong and that he was just doing this out of kindness. But he just had to make sure to ensure that his mind was at ease. Of course it is odd for a kage to give so much to a young genin from a rival village. Alas, the question was brought to his friends attention. [8524]
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