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Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:36 pm
Sora frowned at the little Suffix Hanako had added to his name. He never heard anyone say his name like that before.. he didn't like it that much. Sure, any other little add on to his name would be fine. However the 'san' wasn't really working for him. "Um, Hanako? You don't need to add that 'san' to the end of my name. In fact, I think I'll call you Hanako-chan since you said that." He replied with a little smile. The boy turned his head slightly to look at Yaju. 'So no sensei? Alright, I can understand why.' he thought and returned the nod. He looked up towards the sky took deeply sighed. Man, he was already bored and he had just gotten there. What a drag that was.

Sora began to play with the fur inside of his jacket hood, not knowing what else there was to do. He could probably ask Hanako how she turned blind but.. naah. It could have been a touchy subject for her.
Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:44 am
Hanako sat herself gently on the ground beside Sora, body still tense as a spring and ready to flee. "Hai, Sora...kun... And, I-if it's okay, I'd rather call you Sensei. My pa-, my father, has taught me well when it comes to respecting your elders, N-not that your old! At least I don't think you are, but you say you're seventeen, so I guess you aren't old, and oh I'm rambling," she uttered quickly and quietly, looking no where in particular. She thought for a moment before the 'chan' part decided to make a reappearance in her mind. "Ano, Sora-kun(?)... But... 'chan'...?" she said, a bit more stiffly than she would have liked. It made no sense to her really; Chan...? "Nazedesu ka...?" she asked, unsure why he would use the 'chan' honorific with a girl like her.

(Nazedesu ka = why. Sometimes I'll be using Janapese with her; Makes her a bit more interesting and I never really got to do it with Kira)
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:10 am
Yaju cringed for a moment not even knowing how to react to this girl, her...niceness so to speak was damn near sickening to him although he forced a smile and chuckled," alright fine i will allow the two of you to call me sensei...just don't abuse it around to many people, i still have a name to live up to in the village," sighing he would stretch and look around for a moment, thinking of what exactly he was going to do about this tree that he had kinda demolished but not on purpose. After thinking about it for a moment he would chuckle at Hanako's ramblings and shake his head," It's fine, i would rather be liked to be called by my actual name for it is something i am use to...although only one of my prior students still call me sensei and its still a little awkward," although he was inwardly lying, the whole sensei surname was not his bag of tea and he would preferred to be called by his first name seeing as it was all he ever knew until recently.

Yaju would lean in closely and stare into Hanako's eyes for a moment, his mouth and nose still obscured by the collar of his jacket. He would stare at her for a moment more before grinning," So what happened to make you blind Hanako, i am quite curious about it," saying almost rather bluntly.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:29 am
Sora faced Hanako while still on the ground. He observed her from head to toe, wanting to remember her face any other time that they might meet. The boy noticed how cautious she seemed to be.. it made his wonder a lot. Something must have happened to her to make her act like this, he was going to find out and try to fix it. The genin lightly poked the older girl's cheek and felt like laughing at her silly question towards him. "Because Hana-chan, you're my comrade now. I like to give my comrades suffixes.. unless you don't want me to. Of course I'll stop then." He replied with a tiny smile. He pulled back his had and simply put it back into it's previous position, behind his head.

Sora lazily looked at Yaju once the jounin had gotten closely into Hanako's face. He was confused at why until he heard the question that was asked. That.. was the exact same one he was thinking about earlier! It was weird.. maybe Yaju could read minds? It would be interesting if he could, either that or he was a good guesser. The genin yawned and waited for Hanako's reply to the question since he was curious on the topic as well.
Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:13 am
Hanako cringed slightly at the touch on her cheek, memories racing through her young mind, and nearly sighed in relief when it was gone. "No... Hana-chan is fine, I was just wondering why..." she commented, deciding she kind of liked the nickname. It was a nice change from being called 'Woman', 'Brat', or 'HANAKOOOO!', so she welcomed it.

However, upon Yaju's question, she froze. Her breathing hitched momentarily, dull yet pretty green eyes widened. She couldn't tell them. She couldn't tell anyone. Daiki would kill her, surely. So she had to lie. Hanako struggled to find words, choking on air a few times. However, she quickly made something up, scrambling to answer. "O-oh, ano... I was sparring with a friend at home, and w-we were inside the house. She ran out of mock-kunai, and decided to throw a glass bowl at me, thinking I'd dodge. But I had twisted my ankle and didn't move fast enough, so it hit me in the face," she lied fairly smoothly. "I don't really like to talk about it; It hurts just remembering. So please don't really pry on me..."
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:28 am
Yaju would smirk for a second and shake his head leaning closer to her so that she could only hear what he was about to say," Your a terrible liar, but i will not push this issue any further...eventually i will find out what happened but until then," he smiled and moved back, looking at the both of them," Welcome to my what would you two like to do," this time his voice was a little kinder than usual only because they were still kids..not that he cared anyways. He wondered what the two would say for a moment before he had moved his collar for a moment showing the scar over his nose to only quickly be covered back up and followed by a small yawn. Yaju grinned for a moment and put an arm around Sora before laughing," ah i see you like her don't you Sora, its written all over your little face. Well why don't you ask her out for dinner or lunch," patting his back rather hard, he would back off a bit and wave his hand in a joking manner.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:37 am
Sora frowned at Hanako's little story on how she turned blind. What... a load of crap that was. He didn't believe it one bit! You don't get blind from something like that, who would even spar inside a house anyways? They should have known better, even he knew better than to do that! The boy got up from his spot on the ground, sat straight up, and stretched his arms. He lightly smiled at Yaju's question and immediately began to think. Just what did he want to do? "Well, we could always train or something? Wait, that wouldn't be a good idea with Hanako being blind and all.." He suggested. Man, just how were they going to get anything done with a blind teammate? He guess they could figure something out.

Sora was in his little thinking pose once their sensei had patted his back, very hard too. It broke the boy out of his thought process and almost made his do a faceplant or something of the sort. "What?? I don't like her, why would you think that?" he questioned the jounin as he sweat dropped. He understood that Yaju was just teasing him, but he wasn't really used to any kind of teasing what so ever. The genin turned away from facing his teacher and leaned his head into his hand. "Anyway, I don't really know what I want to do next." he mumbled, still trying to come up with something.
Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:53 am
She didn't see as Yaju leaned in towards her. That fact was obvious. But it just made her situation worse when he stopped moving, only a few tiny inches from her face. She felt his hot breath against her cheeks, and she mentally gulped down her fear. He's not Father... He's Yaju, Yaju-sensei... He won't hurt me... she thought to herself, breathing hitched. However, she flinched back a bit, increasing the distance between then. It was more comfortable that way, sorta. She listened to him finish speaking, and resisted the urge to shiver. Was she really that bad at lying? Grrr. She hoped they never found out.

Daiki'd kill her, no doubt.

Against her will, though, she blushed as he made the comment about Sora 'liking her'. However, she knew he was joking. Who could like a person like her? Hm, it was nice to wonder though. She listened to them converse for a few moments, trying to memorize the way they spoke, and then she took her turn. "W-well, you could train if you want... I'm currently trying to improve my hearing and other senses, so 'observing' a fight could be useful in that way..." Hanako offered shyly, deciding that a blade of grass that she could not see in any way was much more interesting than meeting the eyes of her new teammates.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:35 am
Yaju smiled for a moment as he stood up and dusted himself off, moving towards the now in half tree," Training eh? well this will be interesting and even a blind person can fight, its actually pretty easy. So you two will fight me now and i will not use any jutsu just my hands and feet," smiling he would pull out a very thick strand of bandages and wrapped it around his eyes, covering them then tying the remains into a knot. Taking three steps backwards and to the right he would be in an open area in which he could feel and "see" everything around him, due to his enhanced senses. The two would still be in his sights as their chakra signatures were stable and normal for the most part. If these two wanted to train he would at first be a little less serious but still keep in mind that they were his students and at least give them a chance.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora) - Page 2 Empty Re: Frozen Flower (IO, P, NK, Sora)

Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:02 am
Sora snapped his attention up at Yaju and saw the jounin use some bandages to act as a blindfold. Well, if they were going to spar it would be the perfect moment to really see his progress. The boy lightly smirked and bounced up onto his feet. He stole a glance at Hanako, wondering if she would really be able to fight. She could probably use the battle to help her practice using her senses, it seemed to be the only thing to do during the fight. However, he would assist her if it was necessary. Sora quickly observed his surrounding, trying to find something he can use to help him. Sadly he couldn't really see anything helpful so he tried to think of something else.

'Maybe I can use a jutsu? No, I can use one later.... but still...' he thought with a frown. It seemed to be the best way though. The boy took a deep breath and stared at Yaju. He performed a few backflips, distancing himself by 2 meters. 'Forget it! I can just use a simple jutsu.' he thought. Sora swiftly performed hand signs and a puff of smoke surrounded him. There was an exact copy of the genin on the real boy's right side. The clone ran straight at the jounin while the original tried to get behind his teacher using his full speed. Sora stopped about 1 meter behind Yaju while clone aimed a punch for his opponent's stomach. The Yuki dashed forward and tried to kick Yaju's backside.

His clone would just vanish if the punch hit anyway, so that was just pretty much acting as a diversion. Sora still needed to practice battling other people though, since he never really done it often. This had to be one his first spar actually, so that was a bit of a problem.

(Not really much on battle rp as you can tell... Actually I stink...)
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