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Communing with the Salamanders Empty Communing with the Salamanders

Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:55 am
Part 1

Once again Inazuma’s search for answers and understanding had brought her back to Amegakure, or as it was known now; the Skyscraper Village. This was different though, because this time she had come looking for power. You see, in her research into Hanzo, the former village leader she had discovered one of his unique abilities; he was the only to bond with the salamanders that inhabited the nearby caves. He used the creatures in battle utilizing their natural venom to his advantages. Ina wanted to gain their strength as well, hoping the Earth and Fire elements they were rumored to possess would be a good pair with her own Water and Lightning elements. As Ina walked through town she felt the soft pat of Amegakure’s infamous weather as it fell to the ground. The moisture was so much better than that of her home city; at least the air was thin and light. She breathed deep, the salt in the air depositing a little on her tongue. She licked her lips in an attempt to rehydrate them, though the gentle sea breeze kept that hard to do. The young shinobi looked about, taking the vaguely familiar city around her. The affinity she shared with it, despite her lack of loyalty was amazing.

“Excuse me sir,” posited Ina to a man probably in his mid to late 30’s, “I was wondering if you might direct me to the ‘Zuruzuru Cave’” The man nodded speaking quietly, “It is due east about a mile or so out. However, I would not recommend traveling there though. Many ninjas have lost their lives attempting to commune with the amphibians that inhabit that cave.” Ignoring his warning Ina headed out speaking behind to him, “I do appreciate your concerns but I need to see this through no matter what that might entail.”

With that Inazuma continued onward, heading east out the village. She traveled for roughly 20 minutes, trudging through the rain and subsequently the mud it had created. Ina grabbed at the cloak around her head, pulling it tighter around her face. Inazuma was closing in on the cave; its dark face staring back at the shinobi through the precipitation. She closed her eyes, pressing them together until all she could see was the blackness. She thought about what the man had said, wondering what exactly he meant by what he’d said. What exactly he meant by what he’d said. What exactly he meant by what dwelled within these walls that so terrified her. She hadn’t come across to much about the creatures, more or less that they were reclusive beings with the ability to secrete poison. Apparently the head of the salamanders was one named Ibuse who Hanzo used on many occasions, including a legendary battle between the legendary 3 sannin; Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade. “Damn…” she thought to herself, “Why am I listening to that old man? I just need to do this…” Inazuma opened her eyes suddenly, her pupils dilating as they caught the light. With one foot extended the young girl headed towards her “fate”. The wind whipped up around her, causing her cloak to flutter in the breeze. The weight shifted about, rattling the kunai she had tucked inside. She breathed heavily as she pressed on, one foot in front of the other. She looked up at the no looming cavern with nothing but a step separating her and the black mouth ahead. Sighing she stepped into the darkness clicking her lighter on as she did so. The light cast a small radius around Ina, illuminating the cavern around her. Her steps echoes through the emptiness, clapping off the walls and ceiling. “Hello…” Ina spoke out to no one. She had hoped there might be some semblance of life, or anything really. Not more than several feet later Ina turned to face where she had come. Though the young girl could see light from the entrance, it looked no bigger than a small torch on the opposite side of a large field; barely visible to the naked eye. She returned to her path continuing to head away from the safety of the open. Inazuma perked up, hearing something soft in the distance; the patter of something moving. “Is someone there…? Or something…?” she spoke calmly.

“Who dares enter my chambers?” bellowed a deep voice from the shadows. The sound shook with such ferocity that the light that had thus far guided Inazuma went out. The voice resounded with distinction, though spoke with a solemn sincerity. She lowered her hand, replacing it inside her cloak though still clutching the metal in her palm. “My name is Raiu Inazuma and I have come in search of the one they call Ibuse. He once answered to a man named Hanzo, former leader of Amegakure.” The voice laughed in apparent amusement. “Haha… Hanzo! Now that is a name I have not heard in over 200 years. Since him, no one has ever been worthy enough to a direct council with me. Prove yourself and I shall commune with you.” At that moment a small torch standing 3 feet in front of Ina ignited, as if upon someone’s command. Before it lay a small stone table, no more than 4 feet high and 3 feet wide. The torch light danced about the room illuminating the stalagmites and stalactites which bounced in and out of focus with the glow. The voice spoke again in a grumble as a small black salamander no bigger than 3 inches and 1 inch crawled to the middle of the counter, “To prove yourself you will need to eat this little one. As you do our toxins ill enter your blood stream and should you survive this ordeal you will have your meeting.”

Inazuma’s eye widened, a look of extreme concern coming over her face. She swallows hard, attempting to hide her fear. It was one thing to engage and enemy, your life tied within your own control; the battle dictated by skill and planning. This seemed more like suicide. “This must have been what the old man had warned me about,” thought Inazuma. “I suppose the question is, is it worth it? I mean there is a plethora of advance jutsu and techniques that I could learn in lea of taking this risk. What if I die?” A bead of sweat formed under her head band as her inner dialogue continued. Questions and thoughts raced through her neurons, sending fear, excitement, and almost every emotion in between coursing through her body. Inazuma breathed heavy, her chest heaving up and down as the fog from her breathe condensed only to disperse seconds later. She raised her left hand to her head gently rubbing the back of it with her palm. She sighed loudly, frustrated with her current predicament…. “Well I suppose the best things don’t come cheap,” she thought, extending her hand outwards.

“If you do this, there is no turning back. You must understand this…” spoke the booming voice.

“I do…” Ina responded, placing her left hand out. The small salamander below twisted and turned in place, as if it was almost excited to be eaten. Her fingers spread, forming a cage around the amphibian, catching it as her palm lowered. Ina cupped her fingers around the squirming animal, its feet tickling her as it moved in her palm. She tightened her fist contracting it hard against the creature. She then concentrated and began to mold her chakra in her hand. Inazuma then proceeded to create a small jolt of electricity running from up her arm down towards her fingers. As it reached her hands, she held the element for several seconds before releasing, wanting to make sure the salamander as dead. Turning her hand palm up she slowly opened her fingers, surveying the now dead creature. “Better to just do this and get it over with,” Inazuma thought aloud. With that she brought the mass towards her face and opening her mouth as she did so Ina popped the dead animal in her mouth, instantly feeling sick at the taste. It’s body felt slimy like calamari, sliding around her mouth. Inazuma was afraid to chew so instead took a large gulp and swallowed it whole. Her body’s first reaction was to vomit, though she fought he urge with everything she had. Instead she fell to her knees choking back her gag reflex that wanted so desperately to expel the foreign substance. She coughed and drooled as her vision went cross creating two tables in front of her. Her left hand reached out wildly, attempting to find the stone support. She waved through the air several times before her fingers made contact with the hard surface. Trying to grasp it, she pulled herself up. Or at least attempted to… Unable to think clearly, mind reeling over to many thing, her feet continually gave out underneath her. She began to see images… people… places… She saw her teacher Namiko lounge at her with a kunai, disappearing just as the blade would have gone through the chest. She saw the familiar skyline of Amegakure erupting in flames, bodies littering the streets. The images were shocking and morbid causing the young shinobi’s heart to race, only increasing the spread rate of the poison. Soon after Inazuma collapsed once again; unable to move her limbs. As she lay there crumpled on the floor she began to feel her chest tighten and her throat start to close. Inazuma gasped wildly for air thinking, “This is what death must feel like…” and with that she succumbed to the darkness, closing her eyes letting the emptiness take her.

Word Count: 1611
1611/9500 For Salamander Mastey
+8 Health +8 JP
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Communing with the Salamanders Empty Re: Communing with the Salamanders

Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:14 am
Approved for stats, +8Health, +8JP.

500 word mark to meet boss achieved, 1,111/1,500 to unlock first summon of Ichiro.
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Communing with the Salamanders Empty Re: Communing with the Salamanders

Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:17 am
In a matter of seconds it was over, her heart dropping to a near death state; breathes shallow and light. It was in this state that Inazuma entered a dream world of sorts, created by her subconscious’ darkest desires and deepest fears. Inazuma seemed to simply wake up, coming to in a dark room. Though no light hung about, the young shinobi could see several feet around her. She stood from the cold, floor pushing herself up with her hands. Her clothes readjusted around her, the metal inside clinking against each other. Inazuma brushed the bangs from her eyes, he hair falling gently against her cheek. She walked forward, the “light” moving with her as she did so. Ina called out into the darkness… “Hello! Is anybody there?” From within the black came the soft tap of movement, the patter echoing around her on all sides. Ina’s heart began to race as the suspense continued to grow. Each tap echoed louder than the last until it seemed like they were right around you. And then from within the shadows stepped a dark figure, illuminated only enough to make out the outline of their person. A laugh rose up from the mystery guest, permeating the vacuum that surrounded them. It was too familiar, something was wrong… And then it hit her… It was HER laugh. A few steps closer and the figure came into view. She saw an identical copy of herself standing ahead. It wore a smirk as it continued to softly chuckle to itself. It stood much taller and straight than Inazuma, simply oozing confidence and charisma. The real ninja stood slightly slumped being that she was not physically, but rather mentally exhausted. She remained in place, trying to sort through the incredible amount of information that was now running rampant in her brain. Then the mirrored replica spoke. Even its voice sounded different though it was her own, speaking with a distinction and arrogance her tone did not convey.

“Hello there Inazuma… Do you know who I am? Do you know where you are? More importantly, how are you doing? You don’t look so good.” The clone smiled sinisterly at Ina, as the young girl began to go slightly white. “You don’t know much of anything do you now? Oh my! Way to jump into this headfirst idiot. HAHA… Well then this pleasant. Please allow me the pleasure of “dropping the curtain” as they say. I am you; or rather a piece of you… I represent all you fears, doubts, and darkness. Cliché I know right?’ The replica walked closer now coming into full view, donning the same apparel as Inazuma. The difference was, everything seemed to stand out bolder on this manifestation of her personality. The crimson clouds seemed to drip like blood around its visage; the black even seemed to stand out against the darkness around. The clone continued, “We are here in the deepest part of your subconscious; the unused “dream space” if you will. Here the controller can shape their fate, more or less. You see, if you can defeat me you are free to design your subconscious as you see fit, though as I said, you need to first beat me… ‘Yourself.’” Once again the doppelganger crackled evilly, its hole body shaking as it did so.

For what felt like eternity, Ina stood still absorbing that she had heard. Her hands shook with anxious energy. She was neither scared nor excited, but rather nervous. She tightened her fingers, knuckles cracking as she formed a fist. “Am I dead?” asked Inazuma calmly, not wanting to show any signs of weakness.

“Is that what you’re concerned about you pathetic little girl? Like a small child clinging to life… Or have you forgotten put yourself here? Either way, I say nothing more until I lay defeated at your feet. Good luck by the way.”

“Have it your way…” With that Ina pushed hard off of her left foot, drawing her right hand to her body. Guided with the certainty that comes after years of training, Inazuma smoothly retrieved 2 kunai from her cloak, throwing them directly at her opponent. With a smirk the imposter formed the tiger seal, mouth swelling as it did so. Subsequently it fired out a single, small Water Release: Gunshot. It stood at only 3’ wide but as it flew from the clone’s mouth it collided with the kunai. The technique’s density was too much for the pieces of iron, reflecting off the jutsu and falling to the ground with a clang. The attack still pressed on leaving little reaction time for Ina. Thinking quickly she firmly planted her right foot, pivoting to the right as she did so. Her cloak fluttered behind her, flapping wildly at the sudden change in direction. As Inazuma moved the attack sped closer, missing her by a matter of inches as it passed by. *Rippp* The sound of fabric tearing filled the emptiness, the blast pulling a large chunk of her cloak with it. As Ina resituated herself, she pulled on the coat bringing the bottom of the back side into view. Several feet were missing, leaving frayed material around the new edges. “Damn that was close,” she thought. Once again her doppelganger chuckled to itself.

Inazuma wasted no time, this time forming her own tiger seal. She concentrated hard, opening her mouth seconds later allowing water to come spewing from her open lips. It collected in a small puddle in front of her, quickly forming into her own imagine as a ater clone. Wasting no time at all, the newly formed copy charged at Ina’s opponent. As it ran forward Ina continued to hold her Tiger seal. Opening her trap once again, the young shinobi let forth a mist, imbuing it with her own chakra. The good clone continued forward, drawing its own kunai from its left jacket pocket. She could feel her enemy in this heavy fog that now surrounded the area, almost as if she had radar inside her head. Directing the water copy, she withdrew her on kunai; once again firmly holding it in her left hand.

The enemy laughed as it began to move around the area. The water clone lurched forward several times, narrowly missing its target with each blade stroke. Regrouping Ina called the doppelganger back to her side. “Don’t you get it?” Questioned the embodiment of her emotions, “You and I are the same… We share the same desires and thoughts, and subsequently was have the same chakra. So using this mist ability is pointless.” The enemy continued to laugh wildly, amused at the predicament Ina was in. Inazuma understood what it had said to be true, there being no other explanation as to how it could dodge effectively in the Hidden Mist Technique. The young shinobi released the mist returning the odd room back to “normal.” She closed her eyes trying to think. Nothing definitive came to mind as her head raced with plans and formulations. The best she could think of at the moment was to use one or more water clone to distract the enemy while she struck a killing blow. “I’m waiting!” taunted the evil copy of herself, “Come and get me!”

Word Count: 1,208
+6 Speed + 6 JP
2,819/ 9500 for Salamander Training: 819/2000 for Ichito
Ichiro summon unlocked
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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Communing with the Salamanders Empty Re: Communing with the Salamanders

Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:21 am

Ichiro summoning gained
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Communing with the Salamanders Empty Re: Communing with the Salamanders

Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:58 pm
With that Ina once again expelled water from her mouth, forming a second water clone in the process. A poll now stood ahead of her team, water moving listlessly about. Sending the 2 copies racing towards her opponent, kunai drawn held tightly in their let hands; Ina began to form 3 small spheres above the water ahead. Releasing the clones forward, Ina watched their progress. As they neared the enemy Ina unleashed her Water Release: Gunshot, sending the 3 hovering spheres, now roughly a foot apiece, flying towards her enemy. The water clones, now only feet away began a coordinated assault on the evil manifestation of their creator. Flanking the enemy, they both lashed out; one aiming high towards the head and the other ducking slightly to slash at the gut. Seconds before the attacks made contact, the enemy gracefully bounced backwards several steps causing the water clones to sing wildly through the air. However, Ina wasn’t worried as she watched her water bullets fly forward. Wasting no time, the enemy moved fast to create a Tiger seal again, seconds later shooting it own gunshot blast flying. As it moved onward the blast grew, gaining size until it was roughly 5 feet in diameter. With a density vastly larger than that of her own, Inazuma’s spheres was easily displaced as they made contact with the enemy attack. However, this did not seem like enough for the jutsu as it sped on continuing its path to the young shinobi. Having little time to react or think, Ina concentrated her chakra in to what little water was left in the pool she had created early. Her brow furrowed as a bead of sweat began to form under her headband, eventually running down her face. As she manipulate to liquid it formed a thin shield only a foot deep. Unable to match the density of the oncoming attack, Ina’s Water Sky Convergence did little more than take part of the force. As the jutsu bore on, breaking through her defenses, Ina had only enough time to bring her arms out in front of her chest. They took the brunt of the impact, water showering her face, stinging the skin. She could feel her bones start to ache and bruises starting to form as it impacted her. She closed her eyes, keeping the water out. As the attack dissipated, Ina surveyed the damage. She had managed to stop most of the gunshot, but what she could not, her arms were paying for. Cut and bloodied to she held them to her side, severally angry at this new turn of events. However, something occurred to her as she looked around the room. Water riddled the floor… If only Ina could get her opponent over to the moisture she could use her lightning element to possible shock it.

Ina shook it off, needing to stay focused. Before she had time to attack though, her clone laughed. “Ok… Seriously!? I am you… I know what you are thinking. You want me to move over there so you can shock me right? Of course I’m right, after all, we are in your head right now. Do you really think it was going to be that easy? Wait… Don’t answer that, I know you did.” Ina stood silent, mouth slightly agape at this last piece of the puzzle.

“So you’re saying that there is no way to beat you, because you know everything that I do?” Ina questioned. The evil clone nodded slowly, grinning from ear to ear. “Ok… So the only logical thing to do is this…” With that, Ina withdrew one of her own kunai’s, gripping it tight in her left palm. Her fingers were white as she constricted them tighter still. Before anything could be done by the evil doppelganger, she plunged the kunai downward, striking herself square in the gut. In that instant the two water clones dissipated into puddles on the black floor. Inazuma fell to her knees, tears streaming from her face… This was the second time she had felt death, its cold hands gripping her fail frame and pulling her from it. She spat up slightly, a familiar iron taste filling her mouth as blood trickled from her lips. As she lay there slumped over she watched as her opponent crumbled to the ground as well. If she could not save herself, she would at least spare the world the manifestation of all her hate, anger, greed, etc. And with that, Inazuma shut her eyes for what she believed would be the last time. She smiled slightly, chuckling to herself. “Funny, in all my life I would have never imagined it would end like this.” Ina’s eyes closed, replacing one darkness with another.

Several minutes passed back in the cave before Inazuma’s eyelids began to flutter and her breathing steadied. She still lay sprawled across the cavern floor, arms and legs thrown haphazardly about in her fit of death. Ina managed to barely open them, allowing the light of the torch ahead of her to fill her eyes. She felt cold, lying on the chilly stone floor. Her sweating had saturated the cloak she bore and it hung like a heavy, wet blanket over the shivering young girl. Minutes passed as the young shinobi slowly came too, the motor functions beginning to once again work properly. Ina could still feel the poison slowly pumping through her veins, coursing to every inch of her body. It had a burning sensation that accompanied it, not painful, but still prevalent; like a permanent reminder of what had occurred here. Slowly Inazuma began to move her appendages wiggling only her fingers and toes at first, though moving towards the full limbs themselves. Several more minutes passed as this continued on, every moment providing new strength to the young shinobi. Finally she had the strength to straighten up off the floor and sit upright. Inazuma panted for air, her lungs still tight from her near death experience. As she sat there, the booming voice of before spoke.

“You are indeed worthy, Raiu Inazuma…” it spoke, voice shaking the cave as it did so. As it continued the walls burst to life as several more torches ignited against the rock. Gathering what strength she could muster, Inazuma turned to face where the light had come from. She now found herself only 20 feet away from the largest salamander she had ever seen, its black body standing an impressive 45’ by 15’. It towered as high as the cavern, barely fitting inside. Inazuma’s eyes widened as she took in the impressive stature of it. “I am Ibuse… The Sage of the Salamanders… The one you seek. You have survived our test when no one else has been able to do so. Some go mad from the infinite battle raging inside them, though most die within minutes due to the poisons lethality. You have lived through both, so congratulations, you have your meeting. What is it that you seek?”

Ina sat dumbfounded for what felt like hours, trying to wrap her head around what had happened. It all just seemed so surreal, last thing she truly remembered was eating the baby salamander and then it all seemed to go black. And she vaguely remember a battle, she couldn’t place a face but she could recall a black room with a shadowy figure; she remember stabbing herself and then waking up. “Had it all really happened?” she whispered aloud to herself. She shook her head; there would be time for her own personal answers later. “Ok…” she spoke loudly, “I wish to contract with you wise Sage. I have read of your power and your skills, and I wish to align myself with yourself and your ilk.” The gargantuan creature breathed deep and exhaled before speaking calmly and clearly, “I understand that dear girl… Why else would you have subjected yourself to such torment? Tell me what you seek in life… How you wish to use our power.”

“Very well… I am an orphan, born in Amegakure though only lived there for 8 years. I as then adopted and place in the ninja academy at Kirigakure. Though I had left my hometown at such an early age, my love for it still remained; a city my parents would have gladly fought and died for. But it had become corrupt, a cesspool for greed and violence. Upon my arrival at the academy I made it my goal to study and learn as much as I could about Amegakure. In my studies I learned that it was once a thriving, prosperous village with a strong ninja army and battle-savvy leader; the one called Hanzo. In the Third Shinobi War it served as a battleground for most of the competing nations, though it still maintained itself and proved to be as strong as any of the five main villages. After the war a group was formed in secret called the Akatsuki. Its purpose as you may or may not know was the protection of Amegakure, by any means necessary, in the aftermath of the great war. However, Hanzo felt threatened by this and order them to be betrayed by Danzo of Konoha’s ROOT organization. With only Konan and Nagato surviving they went into exiled until they could exact their revenge, and eventually bring peace to this world. I want to accomplish this goal, but through alternative means. I want to resurrect Amegakure from the ashes and become a beacon of hope for the other nations; perhaps even one day become on of the main villages and possibly even kage. That is what I want to accomplish, and that is why I need your power. I know there will be those who oppose me, and evil that will need to be vanquished, but I alone am not powerful enough. Please, lend me your power and training and I promise I will not fail.”

“Hmmmm… We will help you young one, however long your intentions stay true. We were fooled once before with Hanzo, mistaking his lust for power as an attempt to protect the village. You see, we too call this place home. Our species has lived here for thousands of years and we will continue to do so long after man has destroyed itself. We have seen this city reduced to practically nothing. The streets teem with criminals; death and poverty covering every inch. The corrupt and dirty become more powerful every day and the poor and sick become weaker and weaker. We would like to see this change, though as amphibians we have no claim over the city. You however, are a budding young shinobi and with your ambitions you could become a wonderful leader and potentially return it to its former glory. However, we will not condone the squandering of our strength and should we become displeased we will immediately withdraw our support to your cause. Do you understand this young one?”

Inazuma began to smile broadly; a highly unusual sight for this one. Her breathing began to quicken as she listened to the words of Ibuse. He heart began to pump wildly, and chills formed on the back of her arms. She stayed patient, being sure to absorb each and ever word that the Sage had to say. When he finished she took a deep breathe before answering, “Yes, I understand. As I said before, I promise if you teach me and lend me your power I will not disappoint you.”

“I should hope not… Now, to business... Itumi please come forward.” Inazuma stood from the ground, finally gaining most of her strength. Her heart was still racing, a lump forming in her throat. She attempted to gulp it down, swallowing loudly as she did so. She continued to wait for another 30 seconds before the scampering of feet could be heard. The patter of footsteps grew louder until finally another black salamander approximately 6’ by 2’ came into the light at her left. It scurried hurriedly to the table, placing its front legs up onto the stone. The creature pulled its body up, head and belly now level with the table. It sat there lurching forward slightly for several seconds until it expelled a large scroll from within its mouth. After it had finished it scurried backwards from the stone counter until it reached the Sage, stopping just short of him. “Thank you Itumi… Now Inazuma, you must sign our contract before we will assist you. This agreement binds us together until either party leaves or dies. Should something happen to me, you will still have our help, though the new sage has the right to decline you once they take power. This contract also allows you the ability to summon us to your aid in battle. Should you need us, we will do everything we can to help you. Inazuma… Do you accept all we have discussed and agree to hold your end of our arraignment?” Inazuma replied solemnly and simply, “I do, great Sage.”

“Good!” The great salamander bellowed, “Then please, unfurl the scroll and sign upon the free space.” With that, Inazuma reached out her arms practically shaking as she did so. Her fingers touched the cold fabric, which was surprisingly not wet despite its resting place only moments before. She grabbed the open left side of it and unrolled it carefully to the right. It covered the table completely as it opened, only one name sprawled across its face; Hanzo. The center was decorated with a circle encircled by several kanji. Ina studied the paper, looking it over again and again. On the left there were several lines, all blank save the previous leader of Amegakure. Ina withdrew a kunai from her left cloak sleeve, gripping it in her right hand. She brought it towards her left, pushing the tip gently against the tip of her index finger. As she pressed harder a small trickle of blood ran down the cool, iron weapon. She withdrew the metal, wiping it on the front of her cloak and replacing it in her sleeve. She then pressed her bloodied finger on the line below Hanzo, smearing the crimson liquid against the fabric. She formed the letters of her own name deliberately and carefully. The blood oozed from her finger, staining the clothe a deep red. As she finished, she brought the injured finger to her face. She placed it between her lips, sucking on it gently for several seconds. Withdrawing it, she pushed it to the fabric of her cloak against her leg. “There,” she thought aloud quietly. “Ok then, what happens now?”

“Now we are linked through this contract. Should you require our assistant, you need only summon us using that scroll. All you will need is a small amount of your blood and chakra, placed into the center of the circle. Something else you may want to know… Our poison now courses through your veins. I’m sure you can feel the slight sting, like a small river of fire underneath your skin. This will allow you to resist our poison should you come into contact with it during our encounters. That is a reward for the pains you have endured reaching this point. Inazuma… I am proud to help you in your quest for the betterment of Amegakure. Go now, but should you ever need our council again you may summon our aide.”

Inazuma bowed forward slightly, displaying her respect for the new ally she had made. “Thank you for this opportunity great Sage… We shall speak again soon.” With that, she placed her hands out grasping at the scroll, emblazoned with her now dried blood. She carefully took the right side with the base of the scroll and rolled it with her right hand until it sat closed on the left hand side of the table. Ina took on of her 3’ wire pieces and tied each end to each side of the scroll. She the proceeded to drop her cloak to the ground with a thud, the kunai within jangling about as it fell. Inazuma picked up the scroll again, placing each hand under then ends of the line she had attached. She gently raised the document over her head, laying it across her back gently and almost reverently. Bending over to pick up her outwear, Ina could feel the weight of the scroll easily adding another 5 pounds to her already heavy load. The young shinobi knelt to the floor, her hands finding the familiar fabric that she almost always adorned. She picked it of from the ground, standing as she did so. As she stood there in place, she quickly adjusted the cloak over the scroll, pulling it tightly forward against her chest. It was lucky the outfit had so much extra room. She wasted no time buttoning the suit, quickly snapping the clasps that held it in place, together. With that, she turned away, walking back into the dark. This time she kept her lighter tucked within her pocket, no longer afraid of the darkness ahead. She had faced death twice and come out alive, nothing more could scare her. “I am no longer the same person,” Inazuma thought as she meandered forward through the blackness around. “I will no longer be afraid, for I have seen the worst of me and I have bested it. I may have not rid myself of it, and perhaps I never will, but it holds no power over me. I am the shaper of my own destiny.” As she thought this to herself, the light to the caves entrance grew brighter and brighter, though her slow pace gave her eyes plenty of time to adjust to the contrast. As she came once again to the mouth, she once again heard the familiar sounds of rain coming down over the city. Though the precipitation fell heavy and frequent, the light of the un overhead still made its way through the thinning clouds. She stood just feet from the mud and water, safely tucked under the cave’s overhanging ledge. She poked her head out slightly, staring up at the sky. She replaced her head inside the cave, grabbing her hood firmly by the edge with both hands. Ina then pulled the fabric over her head, buttoning the cloak just above her chin. She then stepped out into the day, feeling the common beat of the raindrops on her clothing. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breathe and exhaling as she did so. Inazuma pressed onwards, heading back to the docks that would take her “home”. It was only a short walk, but the young shinobi was already impatient, ready to go out and prove herself to the world. She reached behind herself with her left hand, pressing the scroll tight against her back through the material of her garment. Inazuma smiled widely again, a feeling of euphoria coursing through her blood, extending to every piece of her body. She began to run, her feet displacing the water beneath them as she raced forward. This was the start of the rest of her life… From here on out, things were going to be differe

Word Count: 3,210
+16 Speed + 16 JP
6,029/ 9500 for Salamander Training: 29/3000 for Ibuse
Ichiro and Ikumi summon unlocked (Not bought)
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Communing with the Salamanders Empty Re: Communing with the Salamanders

Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:52 am
Requesting approval please...
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Communing with the Salamanders Empty Re: Communing with the Salamanders

Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:55 am
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