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Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Kursiu's Chakra and Health Training (Done.) Empty Kursiu's Chakra and Health Training (Done.)

Mon May 07, 2012 8:02 am
Kursiu had went out for training yet again, his drive to get better keeping him focused on the intense training he continued to put himself through. He had been working on a new jutsu to use in order to test out his lightning based chakra. He still only had a small amount of control over his chakra, but he’d learned things from his parents when he was younger, things his father told him about using jutsu and how important the flow of chakra for a certain jutsu was. He continued to think over words from the past about chakra training and how to perform jutsu, when he reached an open clearing out in the middle of nowhere, someplace near the border of Kaminari no Kuni and Hi no Kuni. He didn’t know exactly what countries and villages were in between the two larger countries, home to the rival villages of Kumogakure and Konohagakure respectively. This was the perfect area for him to develop a new jutsu; close to the place he hated, Konohagakure, and near him home he loved and desired to protect, Kumogakure.

He looked around at some small bushes, a few tall standing trees, and some large rocks scattered sparsely throughout the cleared out area. He took notice of one much large rock that was 10 feet in front of him, slightly to the left back a couple feet. Squaring up with the rock, he starting to make some hand seals as quickly as he possibly could base on his knowledge of seals. In order the seals were; Snake, Rat, Monkey, and finally ending with the Dragon seal. Nothing seemed to even happen, which made him realize that he had performed an extra hand seal than what was needed for the jutsu he had developed. He made another attempt, this time performing the hand seals Snake, Monkey, and then he made the Dragon seal. He felt a surge of chakra flow through his arms, into his hands, and with the final seal the chakra attempted to flow to his index fingers. He had high hopes that on his first try the jutsu would work, but as is the case with most newly developed jutsu of any type he didn’t achieve success right away. The lightning chakra built up too quickly and didn’t ball up on his fingertips correctly, which resulted in a violent reaction. Lightning sparked off his hands and seemed to cause a small explosion that sent him flying backwards.

(413 on the word count + 2 Chakra.)

He was sent flying backwards from the combination of his chakra overflowing and sort of exploding and the force behind the lightning power within the chakra. His body flew through the air fairly quickly, making him realize that the impact he was going to receive when he hit the ground was probably going to be painful but he could imagine what was about to happen to him. He hoped he’d hit the ground and get it over with, but that’s not what happened. He ended up flying right towards one of the tall standing trees.

His back was the first thing to impact the tree trunk, pieces of the tree’s rough and tough bark breaking through his clothing that covered him back and stabbed into his skin puncturing just less than half an inch into his tissue. It was enough to cause some blood to trickle out of the areas the bark stabbed into. He bounced off the tree with a loud thud and hit the ground hard. His head sort of bounced off the hard ground, with the only comfort from the entire event coming from the blades of grass on top of the surface. He slowly got back to his feet, shaking off the pain that he feel and prepared to try again.

(215 Word Count; +1 Health)

He sat down and decided that if he was going to make this new jutsu work then he was going to have to meditate on it and be careful with his chakra. He crossed his legs and put his hands together, letting his chakra flow throughout his body without exiting out for a jutsu. It was basically holding one hand seal together without performing an actual jutsu. His mind cleared itself, only focusing on thoughts of training his chakra, how to control his chakra, the way chakra flows through his body during a jutsu, and of course, things he had learned about chakra.

After a few minutes of meditating on the thoughts of training his chakra and his control over it, he stood up with new resolve. Making the hand seals of Snake, Monkey, and then Dragon, his chakra flowed towards his arms, to his hands again and finally towards his index fingers. He felt a very subtle tingle in his arms and hands when his chakra tried to ball up at his fingertips. It seemed like it was working, as the lightning based chakra started to form a tiny orb, with sparks of lightning bursting off it, but again it didn’t work. This time, the crackling lightning that was sparking off his fingertips had formed a small orb when it decided to explode, meaning this time he might actually take some real damage.
(235 Word Count; + 1 Chakra)
His body was sent flying backwards once again, only this time because of having more lightning chakra attempting to flow to his fingers, the explosion of the resulting lightning chakra made small burns on his hands, while at the same time a strong surge of lightning flowed throughout his entire body, giving him a sensation of pain along with a slight numbness in his extremities. His body impacted against the ground instead of hitting another tree, making him bounce along the surface, doing at least three different flips overs, each time his body bounced against the ground harshly, making small cuts and bruises.

He was barely able to get up, having to struggle to get his muscles to want to react again after the unexpected surge of lightning chakra from his body attacked him from the explosion that resulted from his failed attempt at creating a new Jutsu. He placed his hands palm down on the ground and pushed upward, flexing his arm muscles tightly, the constriction of his muscles finally working properly as the numbness and pain wore off. He staggered to his feet, slightly bent over, the pain seemed to be lingering for a while, and clearly the lightning charka had power in it. He wasn’t going to give up, he was still alive and wasn’t going let the training kill him.
(224 Word Count; + 1 Health)

He had to make this jutsu work, it was simply another step to getting strong as a shinobi, another step closer to having the power that was going to be required to make his dream of avenging his family’s death real. He let out a large exhale of air and inhaled before taking another shot at making the jutsu finally succeed and not injure himself anymore. He again made the needed hand seals for the jutsu again; starting with the snake hand seal, then the monkey seal, before moving onto the last hand seal, the dragon. This time, things were different, maybe it was focus or just it could have just be flat out luck for the jutsu to succeed but that is exactly what happened on this third attempt.

His chakra flowed towards his index finger on each hand, letting the hand seal go and pulling his hands slightly apart, with his index finger’s pointing forward. Lightning chakra mixed in with the regular chakra, and once the mixed chakra exited from the tip of his index fingers, they formed tiny lightning chakra orbs on top of each index finger. He was impressed with the fact he had succeed in making his jutsu work, but he still didn’t know the extent of the power of this jutsu. His eyes took focus upon one of the rock formations just 10 feet away from him. He stared at the small lightning orbs that had formed upon his index fingertips, feeling a large sense of pride from his new found jutsu and improved chakra control, realizing that this would also get him closer to activating his Kekkei Genkai.

His vision still focused upon the large rock formation just 10 feet away from him, he pointed his right index finger and his left index finger at the rock. Feeling the chakra on the tips of his fingers trying to break away due to the prolonged amount of time he was holding the jutsu, he decided it was time to test it out. “Ration: Shikuko Raikyuu no Jutsu!” he yelled out as some sort of verbal commanded for the jutsu to launch its attack. In split second the two orbs seemed to bounce off the tips of his index fingers, flying right at the rock formation, leaving a very small trail of crackling lightning that dispersed in seconds after the orbs continued traveling towards the center of the rock formation.

It took just a few seconds for the lightning based chakra orbs to strike the rock formation; his aim was a little off as the orbs didn’t exactly penetrate the center of the rock formation. Instead of his lightning chakra orbs hitting the center, one hit the top of the rock and the other orb of lightning chakra hit the base of the rock formation. He didn’t have control of the path of the quick and power lightning chakra, but at least the orbs managed to at least hit the target, which was good enough for him on his third attempt at this new jutsu. Clearly, mastering the jutsu was going to be harder than he originally had thought it would be.

The impact of the lightning base chakra orbs hitting the rock formation result in a violent reaction. With the rock formation being made up of earth, it was basically like earth chakra only lacking the chakra made it even more vulnerable to the lightning chakra. Due to the fact that lightning chakra already had an advantage over earth chakra, the lightning had a huge advantage over the rock formation, giving it the power to cause an extreme amount of damage to the formation. The rock formation cracked apart at the top, giving it some serious infrastructural damage and when the second orb impact less than a second later, the rock formation nearly completely collapsed on itself. The double impact caused hundreds of pieces of rock to break off and scatter off the rock formation. The top of the rock broke off and the base had a small carter formed on the front of it, showing off the power of his jutsu. Although it was clear that the jutsu need to be stronger than it was.

He was definitely proud about the fact he was at least able to cast the jutsu at its C-Rank level. Finally figuring out how to flow the chakra with the hand seals needed for the jutsu, he had a great understanding of how to improve the jutsu. Of course it wouldn’t be easy, and it’d take a few more tries to get the jutsu to be mastered at its weakest stage of power. He couldn’t stop with just making the rock formation crack and have a carter, he needed to make one fall down. He looked to his right, and saw another rock formation, this one was only 7 feet away from him, and was his next target for his second attempt at the jutsu. This time he planned to knock the rock formation down. Obviously this task would not be easy to accomplish though.

Hoping that this fourth attempt at the jutsu would result in an increase in the damage it could cause to an object or even an opponent, of course he was only testing the jutsu out on a simple rock formation out in the middle of nowhere. Regardless of the situation or the object he was testing the jutsu on, it was still a good way to measure the power and effects of the jutsu. He made the hand seals of snake, monkey, and ended with dragon again, resulting in a similar effect. This time, the difference he felt was less chakra than last time, the lightning base chakra that poured towards his fingertips seemed to have been weakened, as if there was not as much chakra for him to use for the jutsu. No going back now, the lightning chakra balled up on his index fingers, crackling with lightning, although the orbs seemed to be smaller than last time.

He again yelled out, “Raiton: Shikuko Raikyuu no Jutsu!” thrusting his right hand forward towards the large rock formation, the lightning orb on his right index finger being sent at the center of the rock. This time, he held the second lightning orb in place on his left index finger, and by only releasing one orb, his aim was better. Instead of moving up or down when released and not hitting the center, this time it went straight for the center. He quickly released the second orb, sending it out towards the base of the rock formation.

The two lightning orbs struck the rock formation, the first orb crashing into the center, making the entire rock formation become covered in cracks, ruining its entire infrastructure. When the second lightning orb hit the base of the rock formation, it caused to the rock formation to be unstable enough to collapse, although the upper part of the rock formation crashed forward, breaking apart when it hit the ground, destroying the entire rock formation leaving only pieces of rocks. His jutsu had indeed worked, it was a clear success and he managed to perform the jutsu twice. He still had yet to master the jutsu, but he felt confident that it would in fact happen one day, he’d eventually turn the C-Ranked jutsu into something stronger, something that was S-Ranked, and although it would take a long time he figured it would be worth training the jutsu over the next couple years.
(Word Count is 1254. + 6 Chakra.)

(Entire Word Count 2340. +9 Chakra, +2 Health, +11 Jutsu Points.)

Last edited by Kursiu Ametsuchi on Tue May 08, 2012 3:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Finished)
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Kursiu's Chakra and Health Training (Done.) Empty Re: Kursiu's Chakra and Health Training (Done.)

Tue May 08, 2012 3:35 am
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