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Majima Nara
Majima Nara
Stat Page : Majima
Health: 100 | AP: 350
Vigor: 34 | Chakra: 25
Speed: 20 | Strength: 25
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2000

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:16 pm
Majima - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

The climb back up to the deck of the ship with Saturn took more out of Majima than he was expecting. The adrenaline that had been fueling him earlier caused him to ignore the effects of his injury and exert himself more than normal. As such when Saturn dislodged himself from Majima's back the Kumon genin inadvertently collapsed onto the wooden surface below him, bracing against the pain in his torso as he did. He felt the ship trying to settle in on the water as it began to take on more and more water from the damage. If this keeps up we are gonna be donezo.

Majima was literally pulling himself up to his feet using the rope around one of the mast of the ship when he heard the loud chirping of Yagi's chidori. He struggled to make out the noble's exact words through his disorientation and all the aural input he was receiving from the environment around him. Saturn was already up and in action doing something at the railing of the ship. As for Yagi, the man had backed up for a moment before dashing back to the railing near Saturn and leaping off of the ship.

"God damnit! I thought you just said to never go full retard!"

Majima yelled out loudly into the abyss of the sky and sea as he made his way to the railing as quickly as he could to witness the events unfold.

WC: 243
TWC: 3229
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:36 pm
Yagi was already in the air as he heard Majima, causing him to chuckle as he flew into the mouth of the giant predator. Once inside he hit the slimy tongue of the creature as its jaws snapped shut. It was likely going to reposition itself in an effort to take out the others. However, the momentary escape would allow the vessel to arrange itself to open fire if it was ordered. Yagi was cut by a serrated tooth, but he was not done with his chore as he used the surface walking technique and gained footing as the pressure increased. The rush of saltwater, the scent of decay…of absolute death hung in the air as he moved to the cavity above the chamber he was in to enter the nostrils of the beast. He was finding it difficult but he was soon rocked by whatever was happening outside. He continued to climb as he was ripping apart cartilage and membranes to find the spine. He was going to give this bastard one hell of a wake up. After about ten minutes he was able to source out a direction and find his way into a chamber that housed the gargantuan shark brain and he finally let loose his boosted chidori. Lightning crackled and popped as the mucus helped the shark to have some sort of resistance, but when faced with impossible situations…the Raitenno male was often able to make the impossible…possible. He shoved his lightning covered hand into the brain and clenched as he surged the power and began to fry the brain of the shark.

Outside, the beast charged again, but when the waves hit the ship, the shark stopped dead in its tracks…the storm was raging outside as Yagi continued to claw…rip, and tear as he needed to escape…this was not going to be his tomb. The fucking captain’s hat was evidence of that…

WC: 317
TWC: 2,006
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:42 pm
Saturn placed a reaffirming palm on Majima's back[1]. "Don't worry, that's Yagi Raitenno! He was born that way." The Genin voiced his faith in his mentor, the Jounin who had taught him how to wield his sensory abilities. He watched as the chirping birds of Chidori ripped into the beast's open jaw, causing short circuits in its spasming body on its way to the shark's twisted sadistic brain. Then, the enormous malice dove into the depths of the ocean with the Jounin still inside its gelatinous body. What followed was a long wait of over ten minutes. Saturn had faith in his fellow compatriot, and his heart remained beating at a regular pace. All the while, behind the Nara clansman's back, Saturn was trying to read his memory unbeknownst to him. If he should allow the blonde to keep his hand on his back, he would keep scanning. The purpose for his inquiry into the mind of Majima was simple - he wished to learn how he had arrived at the beach. Thus knowing, Saturn hoped, would help him remember how he himself had come to Mikadzuki Beach. Not knowing how he had arrived continued to bother him for the duration of his stay at the beach. At points throughout his journey, he had stopped to ponder on what was real, and what was just a fragment of his own imagination.

A toilet..? Is that.. Kumogakure..? He raised his brow as he narrated in his mind as he liked to do. As the waves hit the ship, the enormous body of the shark seemed dead - it did not make it all the way to the base of the vessel. As the storm raged on, it dived further into the depths of the ocean. On the water, the shadow clone that Saturn had summoned earlier reared its head. It had mastered the art of swimming. It made eye contact with Saturn, so as to communicate to him that Yagi had still not emerged from the shark's fried body. Not willing to take his own hand off of Majima's back to dive in and investigate - at the cost of giving up on learning how Majima had arrived if that was even possible with the mental tools Saturn had at his disposal - he simply nodded at the clone, signalling his stunt double to dive back into the water to check on the noble.

Underneath the surface, the clone chased after the nosediving body of the shark, witnessing the sparks of lightning that cut through its tough hide from inside as Yagi made his best attempt to break free. Hoping to be of assistance, he formed hand seals in quick succession; Ram - Rat - Tiger - Snake - Bird. It was a weak version of a certain space time technique that Saturn had honed. A pitch black orb manifested in space, in the ocean, a few meters above the sinking shark's spasming body[2]. Immediately after, the gelatinous body of the shark began to shred and tear, floating rapidly upwards and into the sphere that had come forth from the ether. In doing so, the body of the shark began to dismantle, and the water began to flood with shark blood. He watched closely for any sign of Yagi as he tore the beast's body apart hoping to set the Jounin free.

WC: 553
TWC: 5196

Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:44 pm
Memories flooded back into Yagi’s head as he knew the fried shark was sinking. If he was not ready for what was to come…he would die a fool’s death. He remembered the viscera, the warm blood splattering against his face, and of course there was the smell. It was worse than being stuck cleaning the medicine hall back at his clan compound. His joints ached and his head was pounding, it was clear that he was sinking further and further down into the deep and the pressure would cause him to lose consciousness if this continued. Water could be heard flooding down below as the beast had opened its mouth upon expiring. “Fucking hell…the 9 mountain gods and their obscene concubines will not get their way this time either. The gods of the clan are with me and I will prevail!.” He said as he felt the cartilage at his fingertips. He would have opened his mouth to smile had the blood not continued to splatter and coat his face. He took a boot knife and cut the cartilage till water splashed his face, the salty spray of the ocean cleaned him and gave him what he needed as he took a deep breath, but before he could cut. There was a blast as a jutsu fired from the clone of Saturn blasted the side of the shark open and managed to push Yagi’s hand back, knocking the boot knife from his hand as he quickly shot out of the innards of the shark. It was dark and the edges of his eyes felt as if they were going to explode. He did not panic, the memory of the similar situation coming back as he moved up.

He was back at the Raitenno compound and he was tasked with strengthening his mind by spending a dull day and night in a meditation pool with one of the most dangerous “pets” of his clan. A large alligator that could eat men at full height. The young Yagi was six years old and he was eager to show his clan that he was the best of the best so he went in without a second question. The alligator immediately showed aggression, but when Yagi showed that he was a predator was well, his size mattered not as he went to the stone in the middle of the pool. However, his clan was ruthless and knew that if Yagi were to attain control and become a prominent member of the clan he would be the first in his line to become a higher member…in a clan that hardly married outside of their own…that was a problem. As he meditated he felt the chakra begin to surround him and right before he was able to achieve a breakthrough he heard the alligator hiss. When he opened his eyes he saw the walls shoot up and a lid being placed over the chamber, suddenly spouts appeared in the wall and water began to pour in, filling the shallow meditation pool quickly. He looked around and was faced with the alligator as it stared at him, its eyes showed anger and distrust. Yagi knew that he would not make it out alive…he resigned in his head and was going to just let the creature take him away, but not until he had made sure his death was a quick one. He pulled the boot knife he carried on him and moved to be ready to stab himself in the heart quickly, raising his arm to do so…before he plunged the knife in he heard a voice in his head as the water was at his waist. The voice was caring and clear…feminine and almost motherly it explained that it watched the young Yagi meditate and gain control over his chakra…it was unlike any other clan members other than his own mother to do this…it also spoke about familial politics and how he was seen as an outsider. It then said that Yagi does not yet possess the strength needed to demolish the wall and that it cannot help because of how it was contracted with the young shinobi’s elder. It did offer a way out, but it made the young boy start to cry as he understood the voice and the feeling…the alligator before him was a summons and it offered its own chakra as a way to escape…but the only way was to finally put it to eternal rest. The young shinobi was scared that it was a trap, fearful of what would happen once he escaped…fearful that should he follow through with this, his elder would discipline him and exile him. The voice of the female alligator summoned once more in his head and reassured him that this was the only way and that it was her time anyway. Soon they would have sent another, then another…not for her, but to use her as a judge of power…she had killed a great deal of “prey” and she was done, the blood spilled of one’s family was not necessary to cultivate stronger warriors.

Yagi escaped that hell, covered in blood and ichor…looking like a beast and with the power of a familial summon he was seen as a great warrior…an alligator among a herd of cattle…He was punished for what happened, and was asked why, but gave nothing of what he was told in that tank…or how he managed to kill the beast. He did not even try fighting his family that was trying to kill him…instead his great grandfather carried out the punishments needed…Yagi was stronger and quieter after the incident though…he made no friends of his family as he saw what he was to them…a tool…a warrior for a village…nothing more.

In the open ocean the memories filled him and he felt an increase of his own will…he wanted to live, nay he NEEDED to live…there was still much to see and do. Soon the lighting from the lightning strikes illuminated the ship and he breached the turbulent waters. Wearing the captain’s hat as he sputtered and gulped down air, waves hit his face as he spat the water out and yelled. A primal victory cry from the one that felled the beast of the ocean…he took no trophy, but he was better for the experience. His muscles ached and the adrenaline made his heart hurt, but he still swam back to the ship and climbed aboard…feeling the rain on his face he closed his eyes…was this a dream? Did he die, or was he finally safe?

TWC: 3,100
Majima Nara
Majima Nara
Stat Page : Majima
Health: 100 | AP: 350
Vigor: 34 | Chakra: 25
Speed: 20 | Strength: 25
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2000

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:47 pm
Majima - "Speech"|Thoughts|(Jutsu)
Third Party - "Speech"

It felt as if an eternity had passed after Yagi leapt from the ship and into the maw of the beast before then disappearing beneath the waves as the beast sank towards the depths. Majima didn't react to the hand on his back and instead watched intently as the clone created earlier by Saturn was now diving into the water chasing after the shark once more. The seas were becoming more and more stormy with each passing second as the prospect of the fierce man that had scolded him earlier returning alive became more and more slim in Majima's mind.

He was exhausted and fighting off the pain of his earlier injury when he stepped away from the railing, letting Saturn's hand fall off of his back, and made his way over to a mast nearby at the middle of the ship. With his arm clutching at his ribs he slumped to the ground and propped his back against the massive wooden beam. "He's been gone too long down there." A pause for breath. "He saved our asses but there is no way he survived that." A few more minutes passed with the ship stuck in a sort of limbo against the raging storm, perhaps that is what this place had always been and would forever be. "Are we just gonna wait until the ocean claims-" He wasn't able to finish he statement as he was cut off by an eruption of cheers from the crew members that had been watching the vigilantly for a sign of the shinobi.

Majima let a smile of relief show on his face as the chorus of voices rose and the ship started operating again in preparation of the hero's return. Fucking show-off. He had not seen the man nor heard his victory cry but he knew what all the upbeat commotion was indicating. With that Majima splayed himself out onto the deck on his back as he exhaled the last of his tension out to be taken by the stormy winds. It was time for a rest, and maybe when he woke up this would all just be an insane dream.


WC: 358
TWC: 3587

Mission Rewards:
18,000 ryo
90 AP
55 Beachside Tickets
1 Shark Fin (B-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Pirate Cutlass
1 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch

WC Claims:
wc claims later
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:25 am
As Yagi finally emerged from the sea and climbed aboard the ship amidst the heavy storm, Saturn finally let go of Majima's back and got down on one knee to inspect his mentor to check for any injuries. It would appear that he was mostly alright, with no visible injuries at least not to his untrained eyes. However, his glove had slipped off during the chaotic turn of events, and it was revealed that one of Yagi's fingers was indeed missing just as rumors had been spread about it. Picking up the pirate hat that was passed to Majima and then Yagi from Saturn himself, he put the hat back on his own head.

"'Tis a damned thing that has come to pass to ye finger, matey.. Is it true that ye finger lies in the chambers of He, the one who rules all of the Kumon landlubbers, in a thick cedar box?"

WC: 153
TWC: 5349

2x Mission Rewards with Beloved Presence;
36,000 ryo
180 AP
55 Beachside Tickets
1 Shark Fin (B-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Pirate Cutlass
1 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch

WC Claims:
3750 words towards (max stats discount)
1125 words towards (max stats discount)
474 words towards (previously trained here: )

Last edited by Saturn on Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:58 pm
With everything said and done Yagi grinned as he looked to his two compatriots and was going to say something else...but Saturn seemed to have a touch still of whatever madness that he has contracted. "For now I think it is best we get back to port...we can talk more over a flagon of ale...maybe that will fix your speech." He said with a wide smile before going to assist in repairs of the ship.

Mission Rewards:
18,000 ryo
90 AP
55 Beachside Tickets
1 Shark Fin (B-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Pirate Cutlass
1 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch

WC Claims: later
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
Stat Page : Link
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

A Requiem in the Deep Sea - Page 2 Empty Re: A Requiem in the Deep Sea

Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:40 pm
Majima Nara wrote:WC: 358
TWC: 3587

Mission Rewards:
18,000 ryo
90 AP
55 Beachside Tickets
1 Shark Fin (B-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Pirate Cutlass
1 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch

WC Claims:
wc claims later


Saturn wrote:WC: 153
TWC: 5349

2x Mission Rewards with Beloved Presence;
36,000 ryo
180 AP
55 Beachside Tickets
1 Shark Fin (B-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Pirate Cutlass
1 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch

WC Claims:
3750 words towards (max stats discount)
1125 words towards (max stats discount)
474 words towards (previously trained here: )


Yagi Raitenno wrote:[EXIT]
Mission Rewards:
18,000 ryo
90 AP
55 Beachside Tickets
1 Shark Fin (B-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Pirate Cutlass
1 Shark Scales (A-Rank Augmentation Material)
1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch

WC Claims: later

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