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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:13 am
"You dont have to tell me twice", Sai said to the senju. He had his clones take a step back as well as himself so that they wouldnt get hit by any of the attack. Sai activated his Soul Expulsion jutsu on himself and then proceeded to form more handsigns. Sai would also have one of his clones hop into the hole to grab out raian and to make sure that that the other guy was dead while having his second clone stand at the top of it just in case the crazy hyuuga wasent dead yet. 

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:10 am
The sound of the roar permeated the surrounding area much faster than the shock that followed. Observing the contractions around Raians throat, Sanji could immediately tell that this was no normal roar. As it began to travel through the air, Sanji continued moving, creating a further 1 meter gap between himself and the crazed Jugo. His eyes periodically darting between the trio. The instant the roar connected with the Fuma Shuriken, Sanjis suspicions were confirmed in the form of the Fuma Shuriken being knocked off it’s trajectory. In that very moment, as both anger and frustration began overcoming the Hyuuga his more calculating personality took control.

Sanjis perception of his surroundings slowed to snails pace from a cognitive perspective. It had to be noted that the male who had circulated chakra to his Dojutsu hadn’t stopped moving in the direction of the two individuals, the two being Raian and Sanji. Since he had continued to move towards the duo, he too entered the 5 meter radius of the Moving Earth technique cast by Aokidanza.

Now approximately 4 meters from Raian, the Hyuuga firmly planted his feet on the ground, taking a deep breath in the process. “The one at the back is troublesome, but he didn’t as much as flinch at the prospect of a Fuma Shurikan slicing him in half. What an interesting fellow… The brute… well he lacks a few brain cells that is for sure. What kind of an imbecile rushes an enemy they know nothing about? The priority has to be to eliminate the one in the back, with the chakra circulating below us and the earth already in the process of submerging, I’ll likely be trapped in a close quarters fight with the brute while the black haired one act’s in the capacity of a support.” Briefly shifting attention to the Uchiha. “He’s probably more of an idiot than the big guy. I mean, at least the big fella’ had the notion to deflect the Fuma Shuriken before it went out of his range. This… guy… has just been standing there. Fuck him.”

“It ends now.”

Taking a single sharp breath, the Hyuuga centred and synchronised his mind and body effortlessly. This wasn’t a feat that his alter ego could achieve. The first sharp breath was followed by another, the oxygen obtain with each breath circulating at a more accelerated pace to usual throughout his body. His hyper-oxygenated muscles expanded ever so slightly, releasing a breath he focused, “Sharpen thy will, hammer thine body, be the bullwark against the wicked.”.

His body almost immediately wrapped in a visible chakra aura. Taking in his surroundings, the distance between himself, the Jugo, Aokidanza and the Uchiha, the Hyuuga began taking action. The point at which the Hyuugas reality resumed to full speed was just as the power of the roar had travelled 1 meter, the ground had submerged just over one meter.

Slipping his right hand behind his back at top speed, the Hyuuga pulled the secondary Fuma Shuriken free, rising, launching it with full speed and power at just over eye level, approximately 1.6 meters above the submerging ground level. This swing was effortless, sending the Fuma Shuriken on a completely different path to the one that was knocked off trajectory. The Hyuuga had already calculated the trajectory of the first Shuriken, based on the velocity and the relative pressure generated by the Jugo, the Shuriken would have been thrown off course by just over a handful of meters.

On the back of that calculation, he released the second Fuma Shuriken on a completely autonomous trajectory. Unfortunately because of the speed and force of this Fuma Shuriken, it would be completely unimpacted by the roar that was still being expelled by the young Jugo. In the grand scheme of things, Sanji was situated around 3 meters away from where the eastern wall of the sinking ground would be located. With the ground submerging at a third of Sanjis innate speed, a quarter of his current enhanced speed, he was confident that would be able to react appropriately in the time it would take for the black haired male to further support his muscle headed friend.

Shifting his balance to his left foot, his centre of mass lowering once again, his head still below what would have been the lowest level of the layer of Chidori senbon, he snatched 3 shuriken from one of his pouches he then quickly launched them towards the direction of the Uchiha at top speed and strength. “Peace be with you.” He thought to himself, sending 1 Shuriken at head height, the second at torse level while the third aimed at the groin. Naturally, the one aspect of the events that were transpiring that also had to be considered was that the Uchiha appeared to be no longer channelling any chakra to his ocular region, allowing the Hyuuga to deduce that the form of Dojutsu utilised by the male had been disabled.

Standing at 3 meters from the Hyuuga, the Uchiha was also caught in the submerging pit albeit by what would eventually come to be the eastern wall. With a gap of just around 3 meters, it would become rather difficult for the Uchiha to react to the actions of the Hyuuga. While the Shuriken were being released by his right hand, the Hyuugas body was moving north west, directly towards the oversized Jugo at top speed.  

While the roar was still expanding in the direction of the Hyuuga he was able to casually overpower it with his enhanced strength. Casually pushing through, to close the gap of three meters. Now just over a meter from the man, Sanji right hand shot to the hilt of his crystal singing blade. Grabbing the hilt at top speed, Sanji simply cut the ribbon that held the blade at his hip, extending the tip of the sword out to brawny mans right hip while simultaneously pushing the gap between the duo to around a 7th of a meter. With the swords length of 1 meter, Sanji had to take care, raising the sword high enough so that it wouldn’t be caught against the ground during the swing; this approach resulted in the Hyuugas face being obstructed by his forearm however he was still be able to utilise the Byakugan to observe any movements that would cause him worry. With the sword continuing on it’s trajectory, the tip would pierce the skin at the hip like a sword through butter. With the closing distance, the blade would edge deeper into the Jugo as Sanji moved the sword in a diagonal direction at a maximum depth of 4 inches. The sword would travel all the way through the mans muscle, flesh and bone leading up to his left shoulder.

Naturally, with the distance between Raian and Sanji, the Jugo would bear witness to the Hyuugas right sleeve tearing on the back of the wire that was attached to the Fuma Shuriken that was headed towards the black haired male. At this point, the man could make a decision to either snatch the wire in an effort to stop the Shuriken dead in its path or to defend against the blade headed for his torso.

WC – 1202
490AP – 5(Byakugan) – 50 (Breath of Charity) = 435AP.
Speed: 200
Strength: 75
Fuma Shuriken Speed: 177
Fuma Shuriken Sharpness: 100
3 Shuriken Targeted at Saizou move at 177 Speed.
Blade moving at Raian sharpness: 100
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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:06 pm
“It ends now.” Raian heard the hyuuga speak underneath his breath as the roar Raian had unleashed successfully knocked the shuriken off course just as his target released it. Then Raian noticed something that the hyuuga was doing, he was synchronizing his breathing, controlling it to rapidly oxygenate them to a massively level. Raian only understood what he was witnessing as he too was a practitioner of the divine breathing technique, however he himself had not reached such a level. Even still it was an interesting glimpse into what study into said technique would have to offer him in the future, once this annoying slippery little thing in front of him was taken care of that is.

It was at this point, the moment when he saw the man reach for the second shuriken with incredible speed that something inside Raian snapped. A familiar feeling and one he had felt before, the coming of the devil within. In most cases with Aokidanza so close by, along with their new acquaintance Sai now, he would try his best to fight this urge and recently he has been rather successful in his attempts to do so. However, this time was different, his own personal bloodlust seemed to align itself with the devil this time. So Raian, as the hyuuga pulled free the shuriken and launched it, greeted him with wide eyes and a devilsh smile. As the shuriken left the hyuugas hand Raians rage overcame him. As the hyuuga completed his throw of the shuriken Raian had transformed a burst of purple chakra enveloping him as his skin turned dark and a black marking formed on his face. His teeth had elongated into demonic looking fangs and he howled with bloodlust as he lost control setting his sights on the nearest target in his visual line of sight, the hyuuga. While in this berserker state Raians strength and speed increased immensely but it came at the cost of rational thought. In this state his only line of thinking is that everything must die, luckily, as the hyuuga was the closest to him, he became the first target for Raians bloodlust.

By this point in time the hyuuga would have launched the three shuriken towards the Uchiha with Raian paying little attention to anything else but his target as the hyuuga then charged him with great speed. Raians own speed increase paled in comparison to the hyuugas, but even still he was capable of at least reacting to it with some degree. Raians devilsh smile turned into a sneer as his prey approached him, the speed of the hyuuga still a much higher tier than his own even with his enhanced body. As the hyuuga swung towards him, grabbing his blade and swinging it, Raian had no time to dodge or the clarity of mind for some fantastic maneuver. Instead he opted to simply moving one arm into the swords path, the arm shifting into a blade as it moved so that Raian could keep it from being severed. Even without all his mental faculties present, a mindless animal still knew that “sword will cut you.” The sides of the forarm had barely managed to sharpen and not even the chance to fully turn into an actual blade before the sword connected with the sharpened skin. With Raians massively bolstered strength, the hyuugas full force swing felt like little more than a tickle though with the sharpness and speed of the blade he had used and with Raian failing to fully shift it had managed to lodge itself within his arm about an inch deep. In his berserker state however the pain of it caused him pleasure rather than discomfort and he would take the opportunity to grab the hyuuga now that he was so close and his sword strike hopefully faultered. If Raian managed to grab hold of the hyuuga the arm that had blocked the sword strike would grab the sword wielding arm while Raians free hand grabbed the arm that was holding the wire attached for the shuriken. If it managed to throw the shuriken off balance than so be it but that was not Raians goal, he simply didn’t want the hyuuga slipping away as he would immediately try to slap him into the wall of the sinking earth and if able to do so keep pounding him with devasting blows to the head with the free arm not grasping the sword arm and utilizing his enhanced strength.

[WC: 749]
[TWC: 1956]

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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:26 pm
"The second one...? Just as I foreseen, and this one is the one attached to the wire I considered." He murmured as he monitored the actions that were taken into account before it was thrown. It was evident that this Hyuuga saw the Senju as a threat, he who controlled the flow of battle and the battlefield. One would easily assume that it was Raian that was controlling the flow of the battle, however, yes his presence did make a difference, but if the Hyuuga managed to avoid and gain some ground between himself and Raian, then Raian's strength would be irrelevant. Where as though, if he was not allowed that freedom, he would be rendered to a close quarters combat, which best benefitted the Devil. Hence, this was provided by the Demon, Aokidanza.  

10 meters stood between the two, the Senju and the Hyuuga, as he threw his final fuma at eye level, which means that they were now a meter into the depths of the hole. As the second fuma was launched, the demon would take notice of it as it traveled at its own course. Its speed was frightening, which only meant that something occurred that gave the Hyuuga a boost of some sort as his projectile was much faster than the last. "How inconvenient he's becoming." Once the Fuma was a foot past Raian, the groups would fall another meter below, oddly enough, this included Sai who managed to step deeper than perhaps he expected into the fray.  

Aokidanza would remove his hands from the ground, cutting his possession of the terrain short. Simultaneously as he did from his core aerating across his person an obsidian shade, thus his flesh became a much darker tone as well. Nothing in unique pattern as Raian's, but his held a special trait in of its own. Thus increasing his speed and strength up to 100 each. At a speed of 100 he weaved a set of seals, horse, tiger, snake and a clap of his hands he would immediately form another set, snake, tiger, horse, monkey and dragon. His palms would hit the ground. "Doton: Tajū Doryūheki!" Once again his demonic chakra would impregnate the terrain, molding from it 3 rectangular walls of earth 20 meters wide, 10 meters tall with a curved top to secure his overhead and 5 meters think each at a distance of 1.5 meters from him. These walls would manifest before him and around his left and right. Leaving a small openings before and around for him to look out of about three inches wide. These openings are strategically placed without hindering the build of the wall while giving him the option to maintain his eyes on the field. The wall would form at the speed of 50 with the health of 50 and a power of 100 due to the technique he used prior before erecting this jutsu. Thus should Raian's attempt to grab the arm and simultaneously stop the fuma from advancing further, The wall would not meet with the projectile, should he fail in stoping the wire than the projectile would meet with the right wall of the Senju's stopping in its tracks, while being lodged into the thickness of it up to 3 meters in. Thus leaving it stable. Aokidanza would keep his guard up, just in case there was more to that fuma than he realized. He would then notice the sound of force from the fuma following. The fuma would have an impact force of 137 which would be enough to cause the wall to his right to crumble. The fuma now buried within it and it was well away from his position to cause him to worry, he simply eyed the destruction, only 2 of his walls remained. 'Oh?, I amplified these walls, and the sheer impact of his weapon was enough to crumble one of them... Nasty little criter.' He thought.  

From the rubble the wire exposed. The Senju acknowledged this, from within his coat, abaft of him he would retrieve a single Kunai, using his skill to infuse his chakra he would strengthen the kunai's sharpness by 10 to make it 60 at which he would fling it towards the wire, which had a health of 50 severing it. "Wouldn't want that to find its way back, now do we?" The pitch black demon would began to walk around what was left of his defense. Should Raian accomplish his moves, he would notice that he had a pretty good grasp on the Hyuuga. With that came a large smile. Turning to glace at his wall, he would move to top it. Simultaneously forging the seals for his next jutsu, at this point he was feeling a tad thirsty for blood himself. Was he was upon the 10 meter tall structure he would face the direction of the three in the 2 meter hole, Sai, Raian and Shinji. "This was fun, but seeing as Raian is now in that form, I no longer need to hold back." From his mouth spewed stream of fire 6 inches wide that immediately broke off into not 1, not 2, but 3 fire dragon head constructs at the speed and power of 55. These flame molds were 5 meters in diameters as the soared overhead, they would each then curve downward at a 90 degree angle as they were on range. Each dragon head would plummet into the hole upon all that was within it one after the other with a large roar that would shake the very air and ground. The intense heat would be enough to be felt by all within a 15 meter range of them. Should the flames crash into the hole upon them it would create a large explosion up to 5 meters. These dragon constructions are capable of delivering 2nd-3rd degree severe burns at best, but can turn people and objects into ash at worst.  

Should Sai remain in the hole, he would die, should shinji remaine, he would die and should Raian, due to his form he will receive 2nd-3rd degree severe burns. Now should they somehow manage to escape the hold and the jutsu they will be free to continue as they were. At which point, Aokidanza would descend from his walk while weaving more seals as he lands behind his wall for cover, looking out of one of the peek holes. 

[WC: 1,074]
[Total WC: 3,358]
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Saizou Uchiha
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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:16 am
This is taking alot longer than expected", Sai thought to himself. He had hopped that this fight wouldnt be dragged on on this long. He had wanted to this to be over soon so that he would still have time to explore the Wind country a bit more before finding his way into Suna. Unfortunately this Hyuuga was proving to be a tab bit more resourceful that they all had expected. Sai realized he was starting to get to relaxed in the fight and allowed the other two to take the lead more than he would of had liked , only cause he was curios to see how strong they were. A smile was bought upon Sai face realizing that his two need comrads were actually pretty strong guys in their own right , but also had some brains behind them as well. Now though it was time for Sai to actually do something , he had wandered into the range of the senju jutsu and allowed himself to be caught down with the Jugo and the Hyuuga." Shit this isnt good", Sai thought to himself. 

As sai had reached the bottom of the hole with the other two his and his two clones sharingan was back active. He remembered that he had two clones still standing outside the hole weaving handsigns, waiting for him to give a signal on when to make their move, and it seemed like that time has arrived. Before Sai could make a move though he had seen three shuriken be thrown at him at a speed in which he couldnt out right dodge with such little space. Instead he used the subsitution jutsu and swapped spots with one of his clones on the outside of the hole. While having his second clone jump in the hole a few moments before the senju would launch his technique and simultaneously activate the jutsu Hiding in the Ash and dust. Sai made sure to have his clone jump in the hole and activate the jutsu befor the senju attack would arrived so that even if the Hyuga was to find a way to avoide Sai attack he would still have the senju attack right behind him. Sai clone would have the ash and dust to only go 10 meters in all directions , so the momment the real Sai seen the jutsu activate he jumps back 9 meters. Once back he started formng handsigns once again, he also kept his sharingan active.

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:56 am
“Huh… aaa Jugo…” he thought to himself, witnessing the mans transformation. Sanji had seen this form of transformation before, at a annual festival hosted in his village. The festival was a tradition in the eastern part of the world where the Jugo Kekkei Genkai is quite prominent compared to the western lands. The tradition involved caging a Jugo in a contraption made from meteoric iron, too strong for a single individual to break out from. The locals then poked, prodded, and burned the Jugo over a period of 2 days in order to send them into the berserker frenzy. Still caged but in a Berserker form, the local butcher would cut away at the Jugos hardened skin, quickly distributing each piece of flesh. The villagers held the belief that the transformed Berserker meat contained healing properties and indulged on it on an annual basis, buying a live Jugo from the Yew Black Market.

There was one thing that Sanji was certain about, “When they transform they’re usually a lot more powerful and ferocious…” he thought, the gap between himself and the Jugo reduced to 1 meter. His body and centre of mass lowered, his right hand reaching for his sword, his eyes proactively darting between the three men. At this time the Jugo hadn’t moved his arm to anticipate Sanjis Katana, in an effort to counter the berserker and throw him off during the interaction that was to follow Sanji lowered his head, tucking his lower chest against his knees, effectively shrinking his body profile in doing so. With his left hand, he delivered a swift strike to the ground.

The hit instantly sent a ripple into the immediate vicinity at 140 speed and power, suddenly making the area beneath the Jugo unstable which in turn decreased his speed and strength by 30. As the Jugos next move was contingent on Sanji, he waited for the ripple to bridge the 1 meter gap between himself and the Jugo. His eyes still primed on the males chakra network. During the period that the ripple began expanding into a 15 meter distance around the Hyuuga, his eyes darted to first the Senju then the Uchiha. Once the Shaking Earth reached the Uchiha it would send him flying 10 meters into the air, the same fate awaited the Senju. Naturally with the Jugos strength surpassing the power of the technique and with the debuff applying after the fact, he would remain firmly on the ground, ready to receive what was to follow.

With Aokidanza situated 6 meters from the Jugo and the Hyuuga, the Fuma would have only have travelled a distance of 3 meters by the time the man release his grip on the ground, stopping the earth from sinking. Meanwhile, the Uchiha stood completely motionless, not a hand seal in sight, not a clone to be seen. The first Shuriken hit the Uchiha in the head, splitting his wig in two upon connection. The second Shuriken clashed against his armor, the impact force effectively destroying the armor in that region before crushing his ribs under intense pressure. The third Shuriken struck the groin, now embedded deed into the mans body. With the 3 consecutive strikes and the fact that a Shuriken had just blown a whole through his brain, the Uchihas chakra network faded as he dropped to his death.

On the other side of the battlefield, with the Jugo now caught in the radius of the Earth Shaker, the Hyuuga reached for his sword, his shirt tearing as the lining of the wire began to be slowly exposed. Having achieved the intended effect with the Fuma Shuriken being directed at the Senju, Sanji decided with a flick of his wrist to yank the wire and re-direct the Fuma, changing its trajectory with an effortless pull. With the pull came a moment of absolute focus, almost as if having a bird eyes view, Sanji could see all of the pieces on the playing board falling in line.

The Fuma Shuriken now headed back to its owner at the same speed as it was initially thrown would now be blocked the towering body of the Jugo. Instead, the Shuriken would come to strike him in the back, obliterating his spinal cord before piercing one of his two lungs. And now in this one moment, the Hyuuga once again secured grip on his sword, drawing it from a makeshift scabbard comprised of a small silky piece of string, swinging at the Jugo will killing intent. The swing once again commencing at the Jugos right hip, the gap between the duo pushed to a 7th of a meter once more, with the blade extending 4 inches into the mans body moving at top speed towards the males left shoulder. Should the Jugo place his arm in the way, the blade would effortlessly slice through it and continue its trajectory. Upon reaching the Jugos centre mass, the Hyuuga pushed the sword a little bit deeper to ensure that the heart is split in two upon contact.

In the distance around 6 meters away, Aokidanza had erected walls in anticipation of the Fuma Shuriken that had now changed course. Unless the Jugo had eyes in the back of his head, he would either die by the sword or by the Fuma Shuriken... or both.

WC – 880
435AP – 5 (Byakugan) – 50 (Breath of Charity) – 35 (Earth Shaker) = 345AP

Earth Shaker –
Power Scaling:
Base: 40
200 Speed – 40 = 160 / 2 = 80 (Base Scaling) + 20 Mastered = +100
Power and Speed = 140
Distance Scaling:
Base: 10 Meters
Base Power: 40.
Base Speed: 150.
Difference In Speed and Power = 110 / 2 = 55 = 5 meter distance and height increase.

Base Stats:
Speed: 200
Strength: 75
Fuma Shuriken Speed: 177
Fuma Shuriken Sharpness: 100
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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:50 pm
”Damn this feeble body! It wasn’t prepared for this..” The thought permiated Raians shattered mind just before the events before him unfolded. In one swift motion, the hyuuga instead of continuing on with his initial assault dropped his center of mass to the ground. At the same time as dropping however the hyuuga had clutched his body close to his knees shrinking his entire profile in one process. He then brought his left hand out to the side, Raian in response and utilizing the speed and strength of his transformed state launched a heavy soccer style kick at the hyuuga at the same time as he dropped to the ground. Raian was also quite a large man in size and thus the same could be said about his legs and their length. With only a meter separating him and the hyuuga at this point his leg would easily reach even without stepping closer Raian even made sure it was low enough the hyuuga could not simply duck, so then even with the hyuuga slightly superior speed he would be smashed by the kick as he attempted to lower his profile unless he performed some sort of dodge to avoid it, stopping his earth shaker technique he had begun to execute. As an added effect, if the kick managed to land upon the hyuuga center mass where it was aimed it would most likely snag the line on the fuma shuriken redirecting its course in the process away from Raians senju friend and in the opposite direction of Sai. Even if his kick failed and the hyuuga managed to roll away somehow, the roll would definitely alter the fumas path on its own just how much Raian couldn’t calculate in his current berserker mindset. 

No matter what transpired with the kick, Raian would then move in closer following his oppoent whether kicked away or rolled away while his transformation still held up, hoping either the impact or the attempt to dodge would keep the hyuuga off balance long enough for Raian to sink his own profile towards the ground and close the distance, his hand glowing and crackling with lightning release chakra as he exploded with even higher levels of speed and strength, performing his lightning uppercut combo technique. The uppercut, if connected, would smash the hyuugas jaw and lift him up into the air which Raian would follow making himself parallel to the hyuuga in flight before landing one more shot to the hyuugas body with all his enhanced strength hoping to crush him and end this little escapade. On the other hand, if the hyuuga managed to avoid the uppercut as well, Raian would instead be slighting in the air about a meter or so, in which case he would instead inhale and exhale sharply letting out another roaring shockwave to permeate the area. This shockwaves power would be much higher than the lasts and with its strength Raian would attempt to crush the hyuuga into the ground. 

No matter how the events unfolded, as they did so, Raians skin would fade back to its normal color, his demeanor slightly groggy as he shook his head attempting to regain his composure as his level headed mind came back to him. 

[WC: 547] 
[TWC:  2503] 

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Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
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Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:38 pm
There was a shift, a shift that could be tasted with each passing breath that was took by all four of the men there. The taste was death... In the midst of the Hyuuga, Shinji's movements, three things would be made pernicious and clear. The first being... Whatever breathing he aimed to do in his moment of engagement with the three would proved to bare no fruit, for as he motioned to move closer and to tuck before the Devil known as Ranma, the Senju would forgo all his efforts to manipulate the terrain as a window was revealed to him. Golden eyes noticed the sudden lowering of his body into a smaller proportion. Thus he moved in kind approximately 4 feet forward as he released his grasp of the turf in doing so.  

The second error was when Shinji aimed to manifest some sort of technique in hopes that he would cause a shift in the field, only to find that he did nothing but greet the ground underneath him. He lacked the strength to create a disturbance, he would have been better off using a weapon for he had the speed to more than cover the checkpoint requirement, this would - without a doubt cause pause for most. Simultaneously a few seals were formed and a clap erect from Aokidanza's positioning while at the speed if 100 another two seals were weaved. By this time the Hyuuga would come to realized that he was better off sticking to his first plan before deviating.  

The third flaw...he was now withing range of the Demon, Aokidanza. A vile smiled filled his face from the thought of the pressing calamity to come. At a full standing, the Demon would pierce his gaze in the direction of the Hyuuga and the Jugo, both men would feel an intense binding that would feel nothing short of steel bounds holding them both in place at a power of 90 which in turn would leave the Hyuuga completely immobilized unless he could physically overpower the forced obligation of the remaining still in the presence of tge Senju. However, for the Devil, Raian would be more than powerful enough to render that hold to nothing more than a tickle, thus allowing him to complete his actions as intended.  

With the flesh of the Demon now fully enmeshed by obscurity that resembled obsidian at best. Skin now as impure as the scleras of his eyes. Only thing piercing through was the two toned gold iris of the Senju. A malicious expression fit his face, his personal air grew heavy with lust for blood. His body responded to the excitement of the intoxicating thoughts that traced his frontal lobe. His tongue erect to wipe his lips moist as he tilted his head to the left a few inches. "Mmmm... You've managed to excite me this entire dance, Hyuuga! But atlas our time together must come to a...delicious end. May your blood spray and nourish the very ground that we stand upon. May it stain the land with your sins and virtues. Scream...cry...even beg if you must...but please grant me this one request... Die painfully, but don't you dare die slow!" A twisted, low almost inaudible tone escaped him. His smile was even more sinister than the last. He would watch as the Jugo blooded Devil did as he intended. He would even turn to eye the Uchiha. Whom was now safe from the Hyuuga's plans to release an assult for he was ensnared in the jutsu of the Senju.  

However, should the Hyuuga manage to maneuver his way out of the range of the Senju, which was 5 meters, to continue his assult, the Senju would react in kind.  

With his eyes on the Uchiha, his expression would be felt with a contortion. He took notice of the fact that this one...this one did not do much of anything but nearly get himself killed. Something that did not affect the Senju either way, but what the Senju was not going to overlook is the fact that he could have cost him his own life if that Hyuuga would have managed to end them all. "Listen! There is a number of things that I can tolerate... but when it comes to my own life being at risk, but not at my own leisure, I find that to hold heavy complications." That malicious expression ebbed, resting into one of grim. "Try your absolute finest to comprehend the words that follow, for there will not be a next time. If you wish to forfeit your life, kneel before me and present me with you neck. But, if that is not your intentions... and you find it reasonable to get in my way again, I will kill you. I will eat your eyes, use your corpse for things that I best not say for my better nature. Are we understood?" He added. "Unless, you desire to determine if I jest." With that, Aokidanza shifted his front to face Sai directly. Narrowing his eyes, brows furrowed. He awaited the man's response. One thing is for sure, the Uchiha would know without a doubt that this Senju was not in the slightest without resolve or care for if he did believe him or not. He only cared for results. It was as simple as that.

[WC: 896]
[Total WC: 4,254]
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Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:44 am
Sai Dies a quick death

Claiming; 1659 WC
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chance Meetings (Mission - Hunter)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:34 pm
There were a few things to note about the state of the battlefield. The first was that the Uchiha had died at the hands of the Hyuuga, his body embedded with an assortment of Shuriken, one in the head, one in the chest, one in the groin. He was done for and the instant his chakra network began fading the Hyuuga knew that one had been ticked off the list.

Shifting his attention to the larger, transformed fella, it was obvious even to an layman observer that this towering figure was much larger than an average human, more so that he was considerably bigger than the small Hyuuga. However, as Sanji lowered his left fist he saw an opening in the males defence which forced him to act.

As the over sized male cocked his foot back, extending his arms out completely by his side in preparation for the heavy soccer style kick, the Hyuuga saw his chance to act. There were a few factors that went into soccer style kicks, the first was the balance. It was evident that despite being in a berserker state, the man still retained an element of intelligence as he expanded his arms out, pulling his right leg back, balance shifting to his left foot as he primed himself to boot the Hyuuga in what would be one excruciating kick for the small white eyed male.

However, the giant that towered over the Hyuuga was 6ft 2 in height, making his lower body and each leg in the region of 0.95 meters, with the area from his knee to his foot covering roughly 0.47 meters in length. With the distance between the Hyuuga and the giant being reduced to a seventh of a meter, the instant the giant began to cock his foot back he created more of a distance between his foot and the Hyuuga which in turn meant that his foot would have to travel longer through the air to contact the young man. The total distance from the tip of the foot to the Hyuuga being 1.6 meters.

In wake of those events, the Hyuuga flicked his right wrist the moment the ground around the giant began to shift from the movement of his oversized body. As his right foot began moving back towards the white eyed male, a flick of the wrist delivered a previously rigged Kunai to the palm of Sanjis hand at a speed of 100. Now shifting his centre mass, the foot still in motion the Hyuuga began to move back to create more of a distance between himself and the giant. The instant the Kunai landed in the palm of his hand after travelling 0.41 meters from its original location to the palm, the foot had only travelled 0.47 meters. In tandem with the Kunai delivery the Hyuuga was also able to extend the distance between himself and the giant by the distance of 0.61 meters because of the evasive actions taken at a speed of 150.

Raising his right hand he threw the Kunai directly at the mans chest. Despite the unorthodox position of his body, the 360 degree vision offered to the Hyuuga through the use of his Byakugan allowed him to perfectly target the Jugos heart. Should the Kunai connect, it would rip through his chest, digging past his skin and bone before splitting his heart in two. The Kunai whistled through the air from a distance of 1.3 meters, flying from the palm to the chest at a speed of 127.

Naturally, on the other side of the battlefield, as the Fuma Shuriken had not yet shifted on a returning trajectory to its owner, it would continue in a linear motion towards the Senju. Seen as the young man had forgone any defensive measures, the Fuma would strike him dead centre upon arrival, splitting his body in two upon connection. Having already travelled 3 meters prior to this moment however during the recent exchange where the Hyuuga had moved back, the Fuma would have travelled a further 0.52 meters, leaving a mere 2.48 meters before the inevitable connection with the young male. At a sharpness of 100 there would be next to nothing that would stand in the Shurikens way. Even if by some miracle, the Senju was able to avoid the Fuma Shuriken and continue on his 4 foot or rather 1.2 meter approach, the Hyuuga would be able to easily extend the distance between himself and the young man by 1.8 meters in that duration.

WC - 749

345 + 35 (Earth Shaker) – 5 (Byakugan) – 10 (Hidden Arms Technique) = 365

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