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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Candy Store (Amat) Empty Candy Store (Amat)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:43 pm
Mission - Candy Store:

The mid day sun had been bright over the crumbling Sunagakure streets, the streets these days were less than filled at best and at worst packed with arms dealers scurrying from one shambling door frame to the next. It was something Mizuki had noticed on the evening she had arrived and then again the day Amateratsu had trained her on fire element - she was still unsure how their relationship was turning out, Amat’s fiery personality held everyone at arm's length, her rough venomous exterior being what she preferred to show still when around Mizuki. Thankfully though the sun had began its descent toward the horizon again when it was time for Amat and Mizu to head out into the street - they had a job today.

Mizuki found herself walking toward their meeting spot, seemingly uninterested in her surroundings while she was in fact on high alert; her ears listening hard for snippets of whispered conversation or hurried footsteps retreating from her oncoming presence. Stopping suddenly in the center of what seemed to be an old town market in one of the districts- turned over carts, abandoned and crumbling shops were easy tells; she laced her fingers together and cracked them one by one as she turned in a slow semi circle, gazing around for any tell tale marks of dealing. Noticing something she walked over curiously to one of the aforementioned shops, looking closer at a symbol that was carved crudely into the door frame: it was crude but it was definitely a new addition to the wreckage, a large X inside a circle - possibly carved by some kunai now that she thought of it. 

Taking out one of her own kunai she twirled it on her finger, looking around with sharper eyes, looking for any more of the symbol, a few minutes passed before she saw something- down one of the adjoining streets was another symbol, smaller by far than the one she had seen first. Before she was able to investigate further she could sense Amat approaching, and turned to greet the intense young girl, hand on her hip in mock exhaustion, “You know I have basically found where all the weapons are kept by now…” a small pause as she smirked in a joking manner,  “Come on tour guide you know this place than I do, what do you think of this?” She would walk over to the symbol she had seen first, if she was followed Mizu would look at Amat with raised eyebrows as if to say ‘See’.

[WC 423]

Last edited by Mizuki Ohta on Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ryo : 500

Candy Store (Amat) Empty Re: Candy Store (Amat)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:09 pm
Amaterasu had not slept the previous night, and thus was awake at the crack of dawn. Her scars throbbed in a manner she suspected was psychosomatic, causing her to scratch at the edges. Little specks of blood dotted her face, neck, and visible shoulder, and the girl figured she didn't look to good. One acid yellow eye and one pitch black eye surveyed the world around her. She had said she was going to meet Mizuki eventually, and she intended to keep her promise. However, that wasn't until about midday. By her estimations, it was currently about seven in the morning. She rifled through her borrowed apartment's fridge- one she had technically stolen from a dead shinobi and promptly cleared of all traps and personal belongings- before pulling out some spices, chicken, and vegetables. She placed a heavy bottomed pot on the stove and turned the temperature to medium high, adding a bit of cooking oil as she did so.

Meanwhile, she'd dice the chicken into cubes with a practiced hand, shred the ginger, and peel the onion. She ended up adding some yogurt to the pot as well as the chicken cubes and about half of the spices, ginger, and onion, stirring as she went. She was making a chicken curry dish- popular at her native Volcano country, but occasionally difficult to find the ingredients for. Fortunately, the Sunagakure civilian market had most of what she needed. Once the chicken browned, she added some tomato sauce, the rest of the vegetables and spices, as well as some coconut milk, and began to stir until it was mostly combined. The resulting curry weighed about a pound and a half; she stored most in the fridge, but decided to eat a bowl now before starting her rounds about the village.

She pulled off her leggings and tank before sliding on her Red Sand armor, wincing as the fabric passed over her inflamed scars. It'd be a rough day, but she'd manage. The young sociopath wandered down to the market, careful to observe everyone's each and every action as she passed. Most avoided her, shooting her practically acidic glares as she passed, but to be quite honest she didn't care either way. It was hard for her to care too much about other people, after all. A few times, an odd symbol caught her attention: a small X, carved with something sharp- a knife of some sort was most likely. She mentally noted their locations as she proceeded before she came to a stop around thirty meters away from Mizuki. She mostly stayed silent as she observed the older ninja, waiting to see what she'd do on her own. After a few moments, she approached, and her acquaintance turned her head to face her. As she spoke up about the weapons, Amaterasu tilted her head.

"Truth be told, there are many of those marks hidden about the markets, some in locations where it'd be impossible or highly inconvenient to hide weapons. I'm willing to bet that the marks are the locations of the deals- not necessarily where the contraband is kept." She leaned forwards on her feet. "I'd recommend making a list of each location to find what they have in common- transporting this many weapons in a place this crowded will be difficult and not likely long range. It will likely be nearby." A pause, and a tilt of the head. "Of course, if it comes down to killing the smugglers, I'd rather the two of us not make too large of a mess. Our position in the ruins of this village is tentative enough as it is. I'd even go so far as to say let's stick to weaponry, taijutsu, and perhaps some genjutsu only." should Mizuki allow it, Amaterasu would reach forward and tap the back of her hand, infusing it with chakra. "That is a mark seal, if you're interested in knowing what it is called. I can use it to track you or summon you over long distances, if I was to be so inclined... I suppose it's simple enough to learn. If you'd like, you can take a few minutes to study it, or we can directly leave from here to start looking for the contraband." Inhale. Exhale. Should she choose to study the simple fuuinjutsu seal, she would wait patiently for her acquaintance to finish. Should she be more impatient, she would nod and continue talking.

"Since multiple people would need to access it for this size of operation, I doubt it'd be in anyone's physical house. Perhaps we should start with shops, warehouses, and offices. Sunagakure's sewers are mostly collapsed right now, so its unlikely it's down there, either. Would you prefer to split up or stick together?... No, that's not a good question. If we are to expect any type of resistance whatsoever, it'd be a lot better for the two of us if we were united. Do you have any weapons on you, or do you perhaps know any taijutsu? Should you not, I have a simple enough one for you to learn." Amaterasu slowly held up her hand. All of her fingers were straight save for her thumb, which was slightly tucked into her ring finger. "You need to take the edge of your hand- the palm near your pinky finger- and strike the target towards their neck area. The ideal location to hit is right between their shoulder and neck. Should you do this effectively, it will knock them out. It's difficult to make work, however, if you are not very physically strong, or if you can't hit in that exact area. I suppose you could aim the strike elsewhere?... That sort of takes away the point though..." For a moment, she appeared deep in imagination, before she shook her head, clearing away any stray thoughts that passed through. "Well, I'll leave the mastery of that particular technique up to you. It'd be in both of our best interests to wrap this up sooner rather than later, hmm?"

[WC: 1,008]
[Total WC: 1,008]
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Candy Store (Amat) Empty Re: Candy Store (Amat)

Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:17 pm
The chastising began early today, internally sighing she concealed her irritation at the lack of credit she was being given; yes she didn’t think the spot itself was the place the weapons were hidden but the size and distance of the marks in relation to each other was like a map for those with skilled enough eyes to understand - if the marks were close to each other and growing smaller than it was nearing a drop zone and if the symbols were large and further apart it was due to them being an attractant to those in need. Amateratsu was a strange girl, yes she was very smart and well thought out but it was really hard to be talked down to as if it weren’t OBVIOUS for her to come to this conclusion without saying it aloud - at this point Mizuki was almost positive the girl thought she was incapable of understanding unless it was completely spelled out for her.

The beast of arrogance she so masterfully contained deep in her being - began to stir with irritation as she continued on telling her to make a list of the locations and analyze their placements for commonalities. Maybe it was her loner status since she left Hosigakure or maybe it was simply because she was so used to a certain level of acknowledgment to her own wit, but she was definitely feeling underestimated by the young girl. I used to kidnap and kill people your age… at the price of an open untapped tab at the local bar, and here I am being taught basic information gathering skills from an overpowered hot head. Having her face still remain impassive as this thought crossed her mind she calmly reached into her pocket and pulled out a black leather bound journal - a little ragged at the edges, the binding itself warped from many nights of it lingering in puddles of alcohol unnoticed by a passed out Mizuki. In this journal she kept tabs on everything and everyone she came in contact with - her handwriting was extremely small so as to make it hard to read over her shoulder or by any other means that holding the pages very close to the eyes. Amateratsu had her own page in here actually - and since information collecting was so ingrained in her that it took no time at all for her to add the intriguing young cynic to her roster. Some pages have long since been ripped out and burned to ash, some left in tact with simple blacking out some of the more sensitive information that had already been forced permanently to her memory.

Waving the book gently between her fingertips she would smile mischievously, “You mean like I have already been doing? I noticed some of the when I was heading to meet with The Ragdoll… couldn’t get the meeting out of my head so I took to some old fashioned information gathering.” She would flip to a seemingly clean page and turned the book over in her hand to show Amateratsu - her hand still gripping it tightly to make clear she was to simply look as Mizuki had zero intention of ever letting this book leave her possession. On the page the small cramped handwriting would detail where she had noticed the symbols during her walk to morgue, as well as any individuals she noticed and where she noticed them- having impeccable memory aided her in recalling miniscule details about places and especially about people.Having given Amat sufficient enough time to look it over she snapped the journal closed and pocketed it, the feeling of it resting tightly against her hip bringing her calm. Now she was discussing tacts of approach and she found herself nodding along thoughtfully as she considered what the two of them must look like to the remaining refugees of the now fallen Sunagakure - puppets of a tyrant at best or simple warmongers. “Staying together would be best… plus what better way to bond that by taking metaphorical candy from a baby. I mean who left in the village could really win against either of us, especially together -” She shrugged lightly as she held out her hand to allow Amat to tap the back of her left hand, sealing a bit of her chakra into a seal - her eyes would harden as she was bombarded by this new chakra. She had realized how sensitive to chakra energy she really was during their training and it was even more apparent to her now as she became truly familiar with the girls Chakra.

White hot and wild was the easiest description she could give it, it was hard to focus on as it was spiking and falling in intensity - a few moments of her internally studying the new feeling was enough for her to become immune to the emotional effect it was having on her, she had felt suddenly more free willed, dangerous and daring but it had quickly faded as the seal set in place and the words of explanation settled into her conscious. A tracker. Eyes narrowing almost imperceptibly she wouldn’t outwardly question it, since in this instance it was a useful and smart tool to have in place but it made her feel somewhat like a watched prisoner - when your old life was never being seen or heard it was its own form of irony to be ‘tagged’ in this sort of manner. She raised her hand in a gentle stopping motion, a small smile forming on her lips as a chuckle escaped her, “Amat...I was an assassin for years before I found my path toward you and The Ragdoll, and while I appreciate the instruction I think for once hand to hand combat might be one of the few things I’m better at than you. Her voice would begin in a light hearted tone and steadily harden into a more factual flattened version of her voice. “If my analyzation is correct they are most likely in a warehouse or underground, and yes I know you just said it was mostly caved in but think about it from their point of view  as they are trying to analyze you - they would assume you would know just how much of the village is destroyed and having it above ground is already dangerous enough with The Ragdoll being able to see through just about everything,” she had become more animated as she spoke, using her body language to disguise her earlier irritation, moving her hands in pointed manners as she made her argument, “and combined with the fact that this area is almost completely destroyed it wouldn’t seem a likely spot to lead anywhere… but-” she cut herself off as she gazed around, noticing smaller and smaller markings circling around an almost completely collapsed shop opening, “I’d bet money that one of the shops leads down into a cellar that just may have been isolated perfectly to the point it created a little hidey hole for the rats to sell their weaponry.” She looked back at Amat, her violet eyes alight with the fire of discovery and argument - there was always something special about engaging in earnest arguments, to Mizuki it showed just how adamant her partner was on their point and how open to new ideas they were. She shrugged again, placing a well fitted grin of indifference on her face, “You’re in charge around here though so it's really up to you.” 

[WC 1247]

[TWC 1670]
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Ryo : 500

Candy Store (Amat) Empty Re: Candy Store (Amat)

Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:10 pm
(Exit, dont wanna finish this so im not gonna make mission shit outta it.

Claiming 5 stats, 1k words towards memorizing Mizuki's chakra, and 1k words towards )
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Candy Store (Amat) Empty Re: Candy Store (Amat)

Sat Jan 18, 2020 8:54 pm
Approved by Duppy:registered:
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Candy Store (Amat) Empty Re: Candy Store (Amat)

Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:28 pm
They had come to a stalemate it seemed - whether it be from Mizu’s aggressive stance on being correct or perhaps her outward desire to lead paired with her unwillingness to unleash control to Amat. She had no qualms with the girl, in fact she enjoyed her time with her and cherished learning from her, she was always thinking outside of the box, but this wasn’t a time for that kind of thought. This was a time for decisive action - and years of experience which Mizuki had in spades. Growing up taking jobs similar to this, especially against civilians as they were. These people were the easiest group to read and undermine with ease - the people of Suna truly thought reverse psychology would stumble the nin up long enough for them to gather their weapons without a worry in mind. Too bad for them that she was there now, and had been roaming and watching ~ listening to their every whispered conversation in dark alleyways, huddled meetings in darkened homes- windows shattered open from the battle fought some time before and still in disarray.

Sighing to herself as Amat seemed to refuse her weak attempt at giving the power back over to her, she had gone silent and she had no time to qualm her - “Have it your way Amat, I retract my earlier statement, I think splitting up and trying our different approaches would be best. If I am correct in my assumptions I will deliver the weapons down in Kenshin’s morgue, you know the place I’m sure - if not then I will see you some other time.You know where to find me after all, you can track me now.” She turned to leave briskly, the heat of the one sided argument beginning to heat her cheeks slightly, looking over her shoulder for a moment to see that she had already disappeared into the spider web like streets of Suna. Shaking her head to herself, tendrils of loose black hair swirling around her face as she did so, and continued on her way. She took her book back out of her pocket, consulting it as she walked - the symbols she had been tracking still etched into it with their locations and distances in small text next to each one. Her first step was to follow the signs she had pointed out to Amat earlier, the trail of them was sparce but they headed to the east of the market square - toward the industrial sector of the village. Snapping the book shut again she placed it on her person - snapping the pocket closed and drawing herself in close. Walking with her head held high again - arms behind her back nonchalantly - but her pace was too quick to be construed as casual. It was assertive and intimidating, her eyes growing darker and harder as she progressed to her assumed target. 

As she walked, each step brought a familiar cold feeling to her soul - a feeling she had begun to lose from her time in the walls of Suna. She hadn’t expected to become so soft especially after her history of violence and aggression. Who had she become? The person she wore in front of Amat, Kai, and even Kenshin wasn’t her… was it? No, the cold steel of her emotional trap was falling down over her heart again - the freezing taking place as she took steps further from Amat’s side. The fiery young girl brought out the ‘older sister’ in her, and she vowed to never have that same feeling for someone again - but there she was worrying about the girl fruitlessly. Her footfalls fell harder and faster as she had begun to run now. The symbols catching her sharp eyes as she whisked by them with increasing speed. It had been some time but she had managed to find the end of the trail - and as expected the warehouse was where it led her, but Amat seemed to have truth in that sentiment from earlier.

Large chunks of the roof were caved in, windows shattered, the whole nine yards - the building was barely standing as if a strong gust of wind could finish it off - but here it still stood. Curiouser still - the path leading around to the back looked more worn than it should have. Very curious. She narrowed her eyes as she slowly came to a stop in the middle of the road - her intense eyes roving over the building and the ‘too-fresh’ footsteps left in the semi soft sand stone path. Luckily a small shower had granted the desert a few moments of water a few days prior - of course everything had since dried up thanks to the baking sun - but the damage was done. The water combined with many passing over the unusually wet floor had given her enough reason to follow her gut. 

Before approaching she would undo her silken blood red kimono style shirt, the fluttering ties as she walked calling to much attention to herself - underneath she wore her completely black skin tight bodysuit, loaded with pockets which were full of small knives and bombs if she so chose to use them. She folded her shirt up and placed it ceremoniously on a rock - not minding if anyone came across it and saw it - for anyone who mattered wasn’t in her war path. The time away from Amat had brought back the part of Mizu that had been suppressed since she stepped foot through the gates - she was back full force and dangerous - more so than she had ever been. Now with deadly intentions she had the fire power to enact her rage more fully - more finality in her actions. She took a deep freeing breath - the dry air filling her lungs as she closed her eyes - upon opening them she was no longer ‘Mizu’ the chameleon of the sand she was Mizuki the Monster of the Sand reborn. The red ring around her pupils burning as she rounded the path and found a few pieces of wood leaning haphazardly over a hole in the floor - a cellar. Shoving the makeshift cover aside violently she began to descend into the underground keep, the walls were cracked down here too but they seemed in less danger of collapsing around her as she proceeded - the air was much cooler down here and even a bit damp thanks to the recent shower. Luck was really on her side this time- shame it wasn’t on those she was bound to meet down here, in fact had Amat accompanied her she may very well have kept herself in check.

It was too late for that now - the blood lust had sank its teeth in and she needed the adrenaline rush more than she had ever before.

Cracking her fingers gingerly, preparing herself for what she was about to unleash on the unsuspecting people hiding in these tunnels - pity. Finally she had made her final turn around a corner that opened up into a large room, the rock walls definitely showing its age as it hadn’t been updated in years it seemed -and the room was full of around twenty to thirty people. Her footsteps had been catlike and graceful as she handmade her way down so they hadn’t noticed her until she had stopped a few meters from the majority of the group and tisked. Time to play. The tisking had done it - a few heads whipped up from their plans to stare at her- the faces a mix of fear and anger, while hers was full of sadistic glee, much more terrifying that being impassive. She spotted the weapons she had been sent to retrieve, labeled and stacked along the walls with some laid out on the tables for repair and such. A high pitched manic laugh escaped her, “Those aren’t yooours”, she was flexing her fingers now, the itch to see their faces contort in pain becoming stronger by the second. It had been too long… too long since she drew blood, playing house hadn’t softened her at all - it made her return worse. Before they had even managed to grab any defenses she had her fingers nimbly fly through the Half-Tiger seal - and a the dampness in the air was suddenly sucked dry as if they were out in the baking sun - and forming in the air above them all were thirty 6 inch long needles hanging in mid air. Unwilling to close her eyes she let out her breath - one she hadn’t realized she had been holding - and unleashed them all into the crowd. Some hit targets head on - literally - and some merely maimed, landing in legs and sides, non fatal but very painful. Those that had been directly in front of her were the least lucky, their limp lifeless bodies slumping to the floor in an instant - their blood splattering her. Good thing she wore black. 

There was a huge weight lifted off her heart, as though she had been repressing something for too long and finally had gotten her fix, a smile spread across her face as she calmly walked over to one of the still living men on the ground. Grabbing the front of his shirt she half lifted him off the ground and brought his face inches from hers - “You are going to return every single one of these. I want them all down in the morgue of the hospital, stacked nice and neat outside the door, you are not to enter. If I don’t see them there in an hour I will kill the rest of you.” Her voice was a whisper, but it was worse in this state- held more weight. She dropped him back to the ground and turned away from him, his wince as he hit the floor only further bringing her pleasure. As she left the cellar she was genuinely happy she had done it her way, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

-30 AP for One Thousand Needles of Death

[WC 1658]
[TWC 3328]

Claims: 4000 ryo + 100 for MN 10 AP and 1 starting ninja bundle
15 stats (5 at 400 wc and 10 at 200 wc I think) all going to stamina

1747 towards Water Dragon Whip [2500/2500] previous wc from The Herald
1500 towards Suiton: Stormy Blockade [1500/1500]
81 towards Piercing Darts [81/500]
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