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Nullifying the Rhino Contract Empty Nullifying the Rhino Contract

Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:15 pm
Komon sat on a branch in the middle of the forest, he had done quite a bit of training as of late and even gone so far as to teach his brother a few new jutsu, the way he saw it he had earned more than a little bit of free time. Not wanting to spend his day off alone he had at first reached out to his brother who had been busy preparing for his own chuunin exams and then to Amai, but it turned out she still hadn’t really forgiven him, which left him alone as usual.

At least he thought so, before he remembered that he was a summoner and as such had summoning capabilities, He thought Tiaopi might be fun to hang out with and quickly bit his finger in order to draw the blood that was necessary for the summoning ritual. As he watched the blood trickle down his thumb he jumped out of the branch he had perched himself up in and landed on his palm first causing the summoning ritual to take place, he watched as a strange seal stretched outwards using his palm as a centerpiece as it did so and as smoke began to emanate in his surroundings.

The smoke rose into the air and stayed stagnant for a while before dispersing to show him the small rhino he had talked to so often in the past. Tiaopi looked cheerful as always and asked “What’s up boss” he said cheerfully as komon informed him that he was pretty much just summoning to hang out. “I’m bored, and everyone's busy… Let’s do something” Komon said to the small rhino in front of him. Not knowing exactly what he was expecting to do with his day. The little rhino seemed confused for a bit, but then came up with a relatively good idea.

“Let’s go to Raiton Valley!”

He exclaimed before puffing into smoke, and vanishing from Komon’s view. This confused Komon at first in fact he was in the middle of thinking How the hell am I… Before he puffed into smoke as well, apparently the rhinos could summon him as well with the contract and Tiaopi had done just that. Komon looked around at the valley he had visited long ago seeing several rhinos playing in the field.

Tiaopi then turned towards the gennin and asked a simple question “So… What do you want to do?” Komon took a second to think on it before he remembered that the rhino’s had, worked with his father in the past. Zhando said that he was the last person they had allowed to summon them in the past, and Komon wanted to know more about this relationship, he had been just six years old when their father had passed and hadn't much memories of him. Maybe they could help answer the questions he had always wanted to ask. “Take me to Zhando” He replied to Tiaopi.

Tiaopi was more than happy to oblige and began skipping happily forward towards a large tree on the other side of the valley, Komon couldn’t quite see clearly from the distance but when he used byakugan he could make out Zhando resting beneath it, This rhino had worked with his father and he desperately lacked the information he wanted. As they grew closer several questions began to pop into his head “What was he like”, “Did he ever talk about Komori and I”, “What was his favorite ninjutsu”, “Was he a talented fighter”. As his mind drifted off he kind of lost track of the real world until he rather abruptly walked face first into the rhinos stomach.

“Ow” He exclaimed as he backed up before seeing Zhando’s clearly irritated face. “Sorry” he would mutter before averting his gaze back to the ground to avoid eye contact. Zhando was curious as to why Komon had traveled to Raiton valley and began to ask Tiaopi why before Komon cut him off. “I want to know more about my father” He blattered out rather abruptly. Zhando turned and looked to him with an understanding gaze. Before sighing, not rudely but more like a compassionate sigh. “What would you like to know” He simply said.

Komon surprised at the Rhino’s understanding was beginning to understand why they called him Zhando the wise. Now frantically thinking over the questions that had raced through his mind earlier he selected one at random blurting out the first one he could recall. “What was his favorite jutsu” He asked Zhando. Zhando smiled before answering the relatively simple question, “He was a Hozuki and as such loved the hydrification technique, he used it often in battle and it was always a sight to see” He said in his soothing voice.

Komon smiled, these questions where something he had wanted to ask for a long time, and he decided the next one was perhaps the most important. “What was he like” he asked innocently to zhando. The Rhino realized this was a more loaded question and that he should answer it with more thought so he took a short pause before crafting his sentence. “He was always kind, sometimes I couldn’t believe someone that nice was a shinobi, He just wasn’t the kind of person you’d picture punching someone in the face, but my god could he punch someone in the face.” Zhando said half laughing at his own comment as he did so.

Komon smiled before following up on the rhinos comment. “So he was a good fighter?” He asked. Zhando answered almost immediately “He was the best I’ve ever fought beside, I never thought he’d die, especially the way he did.” The rhino said before realizing he had just dropped a bombshell on Komon. At first Komon didn’t know how to react, he had no idea Zhando had been present at the time of his father's death, but then that feeling turned into anger. Trying to contain it he asked the Rhino how his father had died. Zhando was clearly feeling uncomfortable now but Komon didn’t really care. He asked the question again this time with a more demanding voice. “How did he die!”

And with that the rhino began to paint the picture with sorrow in his voice. Komon already knew that his father died protecting a caravan but all the other information had been declared classified, Now with Zhando’s help he’d finally figure out what happened.

“Your father, and two other jounin were tasked with guarding a caravan, lord raikage hand picked them himself because he knew that rogue ninja would target the shipment based off previous raid patterns, however he hadn't counted on the skill of these rogue ninja. Your father ended up summoning me to help defend the shipment, at this time I was but a child and not nearly as large as I am today, I was but the size of a cow but I was fast and your father valued that. When the shinobi attacked I charged them with my horn and missed the first time, upon doing this I quickly recovered and turned around charged the enemy ninja once more.” He paused before continuing as if afraid to utter the next sentence. “Or so I thought”

Komon was growing impatient and asked him what he meant by that, but zhando seemed less than eager to share, after persistent demands by Komon however he continued. “The enemy ninja cast me in a genjutsu, I thought I was running towards him…. I really did, but… It was your father, When my horn hit him in the back it didn’t pierce his armor but hit him with enough force that it sent him flying backwards into a tree. The force of the blow caused his skull to shatter and he died almost instantly” zhando said with sadness in his voice.

Komon had visible tears running down his eyes, He was angry and sad at the same time and just didn’t know what to do. He didn’t blame Zando, Genjutsu was a hell of a technique and could fool anyone, but he also knew he couldn’t trust or forgive him. Frustrated he shouted “I don’t want to be near you right now!” in Zhandos face swiping his arm as he did so. Zhando looked pained and consumed with guilt but also understood the boy’s feelings and transported him back to the hidden cloud.

Here Komon sat in the tree he had rested in earlier that day, optomistic and looking for nothing more than fun, Had he known what the journey would have brought him he might never had gone, still not knowing what to do he reached into his weapons pouch and grabbed the rhino contract as he began to inspect it. I can’t work with them anymore, I just can’t… He said as he scratched a line through his signature.

WC: 1479
Requesting: 14 AP, and removal of rhino contract
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Nullifying the Rhino Contract Empty Re: Nullifying the Rhino Contract

Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:58 pm
"Lies told, revelations made and bonds broken, a Shinobi of the Cloud continues his journey through life and duty.

So continues the Tale of Komon Hyuuga."

- Approved, Komon Hyuuga is now barred from the Rhino Contract until the end of his days.
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