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Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:32 pm
Salzem made his way towards the Kazekage's place of work, expecting him to be there doing whatever village leaders do. He felt that he owed Koroshi the knowledge that he was leaving and perhaps even his permission and at the very least, clearing his name with the leaf. The Kazekage had done so much for hims without a single thing being asked for in return... He hadn't expected such kindness from him or anyone else, much less someone who has to govern so many people at once. Salzem walked up to Koroshi's office door, noting the two guards on either side. Both were tall, taller than Salzem, bulkier too. Each held some kind of blade-staff-spear and stood still, almost like statues, but statues that glared down at him. They said nothing to him, only staring edgily as if expecting the young ninja to speak first. Salzem looked between one guard, then the other, slightly off-put by their chilling gaze.

"Uh... I'm here to see the Lord Kazekage...." Salzem said to both guards. "I just need to talk to him real fast." The guards would look between eachother, then back at Salzem before one opened the door and walked in. Salzem was about to follow him inside before the door shut, clearly emphasizing the guard's intentions. Salzem instead returned to his waiting outside the door, occasionally glancing up at the singular guard standing outside the door, still staring the sanguine-eyed ninja down.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Re: Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:58 pm
(So gonna tweak a few things here, we have a receptionist, and they would handle if you can see the Kazekage or not, they have his schedule, and can give you the ok to go in or not. The guards that wait in front of Koroshi's door have one purpose, and one purpose only "Don't let anyone come through this door unless they have been oked" So if you come up to them and ask to see the Kage they are going to look at you, look at each other, look back at you, and then say "No?" So pretty much you talked to the receptionist, and in my post I will have them give you the ok)

A women in her early 20's waits at the desk at the entrance to the Kazekage building, she is straightening up files and missions that have been completed to send up to the Kazekage to sign, however she sees a boy walk in, it is Sal the boy that Koroshi allow to come into the village, and stay under their protection. She was not given any details of why people wanted to kill him, or what village he is from, only that the Kazekage has made a deal to keep him safe. When he would walk toward her she would give him a friendly smile "What can I do for you today?" Should Sal give the same reply to her as he planned on giving the guards she would nod her head "Well I do see that he is free at the moment, so if you want you can go up there and meet him, I will notify the guards you are coming" Should he agree she would press a button on her desk which would signal an ear piece to one of the guards, she advises that Sal is here to speak with Koroshi and that he is allowed in, nodding the guards wait for his arrival.

Should he go up the stairs the guards greet him with a friendly smile and open the door for him, Koroshi already being informed that Sal wanted to speak with him is wanting at his desk offering a seat to him by gesturing to the seat across from him

Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Re: Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:19 am
(thanks for telling me :3)

Salzem nodded thankfully at the receptionist, whom had notified Salzem of his arrival. He headed upstairs to where the guards were (for real this time :b) and was greeted with a smile from each one. This is not something he would expect from people whose job is to protect a kage. He expected guards to be stoic, powerful, looming. He expected their very presence to have some kind of detering effect on whoever should enter. You know.... to prevent assassination attempts or other form of wrongdoings. This was not the case however, as Salzem noticed their smiles were warm, welcoming and kind. It seemed Suna was even more strange than it first seemed. Regardless, they opened the door for him to be greeted with Koroshi just doing his kage-business behind his desk. Seeming to already know that he was coming, he offered the chair in front of his desk and Salzem took it, sitting himself down in the seat.

"Thank you, Lord Kazekage for seeing me." Salzem said, bowing his head, upon raising his head, he would continue. "Your hospitality has been most gracious and I thank you for it. I feel as if I must be moving on, however." Salzem smiled lightly at Koroshi. "I appreciate that you've helped me when not needing too."
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Re: Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:29 am
Koroshi listens to Sal's words, they seem very strange as he is requesting to leave the village after he was offered protection not too long ago, also from what he heard Kira and him are pretty good friends, so why does he feel like he needs to leave the village? Where would he go? He has not yet gotten a chance to speak to Kurisu about him to clear his name in the Leaf village, Kumo is not safe, and he has not heard from the other villages in a long time. All of this added with him still being a missing ninja he would have a bounty on his head, so no matter where he goes if anyone has a bingo book, they might kill him to make some quick money.

"Due to the loyalty you have had with the Leaf and to your family and friends it only made sense to offer you protection for the time being, however I do need to ask because this request seems very strange and sudden, why do you wish to leave Suna? You do know that I have not gotten a chance to speak with the Leaf village as of yet, so you will be hunted outside of these walls, and if you go there as things are now, you will be caught jailed, or worse"

Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Re: Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:16 pm
Salzem shrugged shrugged his shoulders, a resigned look on his face. Koroshi's response was much like he expected, but that was okay. He really shouldn't be making unnecessary trouble for Suna. Really, it was his business to conclude and the only reason it wasn't the first time was because of circumstances and cowardice. He ran from his judgment when Kira allowed him an opening and that has shamed him for as long as he'd stayed. He couldn't even fight his own battles...

"I know my situation, lord Kazekage and I am thankful for the aid you have provided. However, I do not think this was a sudden change. I've been thinking... About coming hear, begging shelter, running from my sentence. Quite frankly, sir, its not sitting well with me." Salzem looked the Kazekage in the eye, a pained expression filling his face.

"I feel like a coward, unable to solve my own problems. I feel my weakness coursing through me as I sit here.... I feel pathetic that I had to run to you to stall the inevitable. These are my people I'm running from, sir. Its a terrible feeling always being on the run from them.... Even if they want my life..." His last couple of words dripped with shame and anguish. Although he didn't shed tears, his facial expression did do the talking. Shinobi code begone. He wasn't feeling like a ninja just then. He wasn't feeling like the lycanthrope he was. He felt like a human and he wanted to go home, even if that would kill him. Even if his family would kill him.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Re: Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:53 am
Koroshi silently listens to his words, making sure to analyze them very closely, he can understand where he is coming from, however he would not be able to accept his request in good conscience. "I can understand your reasoning, and your drive to go back home, however, I wish to tell you a story first, hopefully this will help change your mind. For you see there was once a ninja of the Leaf, he was brave and devoted to it whole heartedly, and would throw  his life away, if the need arises, even though he was only a genin. Well one day something very precious was taken from him, and he ran to chase after it, the chase lasted for some time, until the young ninja was so far away from the Leaf, that he did not know how to get back home. While the boy was trying to get home tragedy struck, the village was attacked while he was away... many were killed including the Hokage. He had heard about the attack while he was heading home, but came back far too late and after everything was dealt with. He cursed himself and he trained every day of his life to make sure that if something like that ever happened again he would be there to help, or he would be fast enough to come back in time. Years went by and he went up through the ranks, he has even saved villages from many dangerous threats, and has spent his time trying to keep the peace. However he still thinks back at that day thinking of what he could have done differently, however deep down he knows that if he did return in time, he would have died, and nothing he has done would have ever happened, and the people he has saved would have died." Koroshi pauses for a moment to let some of this sink in and so that Sal can think about it "I feel that you are a lot like the ninja in some ways, something precious was taken from you, you left to try and reclaim what you have lost, or in this case to get revenge, however when you returned home things were different. The only difference here is that you left during a time of peace, this lead to you being labeled a missing ninja even though this was not your plan.  I cannot promise you what kind of a ninja you will be in the future, or that you will not run into situations like this one again later on, but what I can tell you is that everything happens for a reason, and the events that have lead you here today have kept you alive and active as a ninja."

Koroshi would once again leave some time for him to think about his words before continuing "I will be speaking with the current Hokage myself, and I will clear your name as your actions were done out of the love for a comrade, and a friend. However I have not gotten the time to go to him due to the events and changes in Suna, if you can give me some more time I will even go to the Leaf with you, and make sure that you will be able to continue life as a ninja in that village, if that is what you want."

Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Re: Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:55 am
Salzem listened to Koroshi, feeling how real this story could be. It didn't seem like something someone could make up... He lowered his head, thinking on the story Koroshi had told him. He thought about what had lead him to this point, how impulsive he had been... How this story rang to him... He felt emotions swelling in his stomach. Frustration, despair, rage and fear. A whirlwind of refracting emotions. When the Kazekage spoke of "things happening for a reason", Salzem nearly laughed.  How could that be? Life just happens... Fate was for people who couldn't handle the weight of their own actions. People who like to justify them with the excuse it was going to happen regardless of will. Or at least... that's what he thought up until now. Thats what he allowed himself to believe throughout his entire life and now.... with Koroshi's story, he was actually beginning to doubt everything... He had not said a single thing since Koroshi began his story and, even as he finished talking, the sanguine-eyed ninja hadn't even began thinking of what to say. He was too busy looking back on his life. He was too busy reexamining his actions. What Koroshi was doing for him... it was moving beyond generosity and plain kindness as he asked for Salzem to give him a little more time. It seemed as if the foreign village leader actually cared for him on some level. He just didn't understand why... He nodded, an almost guilty expression on his face. He knew the Kazekage was busy and he couldn't handle everything at once and Salzem's status wouldn't be high on his list of priorities.

"Your continued aid honors me sir." Salzem almost whispers. "I've been inpatient... I'll wait a while longer, Lord Kazekage. Thank you for seeing me." If Koroshi would let him go, Salzem would get up from his chair and walk to the door. He'd look back for but a moment before heading out again without another word.

(Exit if allowed)
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro) Empty Re: Becoming Aware (Sal and Koro)

Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:28 am
Koroshi upon hearing that he had gotten through to Sal smiles brightly, this has brought great joy to him that he was able to effect his thinking, and to help guide him to the right path. All through out Koroshi's life when he was first becoming a ninja he has never once thought about being a Kage of any kind, in stead he wanted to be a sensei and help the youth of the ninja world, with this interaction it shows that he can be a leader, a protector, and a mentor not only to the youth, but to a whole nation. Koroshi has had his doubts of if he is truly fit for the spot of Kazekage, but the more time he spends with his ninja, and others, it is helping him grow into that spot.

"If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask, my door is always open"

(Approving Sal's exit)
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