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Ryuu H
Ryuu H
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Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:04 am
Ryuu sprints out of his bed, jumps into his clothes, runs out the door, and heads directly to the Training Grounds. "My first day of training as a Genin!" Ryuu yelled to himself as he got closer and closer to the grounds. He began thinking of the endless things that he could start training in, but then thought to himself. "This is going to be much harder being by myself. I have no teacher or anything to help guide him through his session, but thats okay, I can do this alone." Ryuu finally got to the grounds and walked into one of the open areas. The area had a huge tree that stands right in the middle of plain open grasslands, with three straw targets in the shape of people on the far side of the area. "Right, this is where I begin my career as a ninja!" He then grabbed his pack, ran up the side of the big tree, hung his things on the lowest hanging branch. Jumped down, readied his kunai and shuriken, and was ready to train.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:22 pm
Since he had come to the village Kyofu walked around with the jar of soil with in his left hand as he gripped it to the left side of his ribcage pouring chakra into it and back in himself to get a feeling on what wood release was like. Of course as he walked pouring chakra in and out of the jar he came upon the sandy and sunny training grounds where he saw it was blustering with various amounts of ninja unlike Hoshigakure who's ninja trained in isolation. Kyofu began to wonder what do when he saw a person who looked to be a year or so younger than him walk up into the grounds as well. Being nice Kyofu would wave with his free hand as he said " Hello, I see that you have come to the training grounds. Are you intending to train? " Kyo would ask a question that was directed at the new person.

He of course would maintain his smile while simultaneously holding the jar, he did not want to break the sequence of the in and out pattern he was doing with his chakra at the moment. He knew that if he broke the sequence then he would have restart all the way over again making it even more harder to obtain the wood release.
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 50

Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:31 pm
Ryuu saw the man walk up with a jar of soil, which looked like he was doing something with, but Ryuu could not exactly make out of what he was doing. Ryuu shrugged the whole "jar of soil" thing off, as it was not a huge deal, and continued to walk toward the man. He then answered the man's question on whether or not he was intending on training. "Yes, sir. I come here every single day intending to train. That is practically all I do with my life is train." Then his curiosity did in fact get the best of him, he was restraining himself as to actually ask him what was up with the jar of soil, but alas, he could not hold it to himself any longer. So he allowed himself to look at the jar with confusion in his facial expression, and finally he asked, "If I may, May I ask what you are doing with the jar of soil?" Ryuu then looked at Kyofu, awaiting a response.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:41 pm
As Kyofu was looking at the kid he said " Yes sir I come here every single day intending to train. That is praticalky what I do all my life is train " said the man. Kyofu was kind of dumbstruck by what the kid had said, it was not healthy at all to train all the time. You needed to get out and see the world in order for your mind to evolve not just your body. However Kyofu was surprised when the guy said " If I may ask you what you are doing with that jar of soul ". Kyofu would stare at the kid then down to the jar of soil he held. Chakra was continuously moving back and forth from the jar and to his hand to try and get his body use to the Senju DNA he carried within him. Looking back up at the kid Kyofu would say " I rather not tell you as I would have to go into alot of details that would surely leave a mental scar in your life " said Kyofu honesty. He actually did not want the kid to suffer from mental abuse nor did he want the kid to know if the various knowledge Kyofu knew about both science and medical things. Of course ever since he arrived in Suna he decided not to tell anyone what his main goal was in life since it was quite cruel.

He had to be less mysterious here as Sunagakure was not a place he wasn't familiar with as of yet. Their were still things he had yet to discover about the place, he only knew of the Kazekage and that's it. He didn't know about how the people of the village lived or if they were hostile or not because he had only been within in the village for a few days. But it was quite funny that the girl he had met back at the Hoshi borders had made her way to Suna and became a ninja of the village.
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 50

Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:49 pm
Ryuu looked confused as the man said that it would leave a mental scar from him explaining what was with the jar of dirt, "what in the world could be so difficult to understand or explain a jar of dirt?" Ryuu then looked at the jar of dirt and he couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on with the jar. He finally decided to let it go and continue to talk to this fellow, as he did seem to be quite an interesting character indeed, mainly because the only thing he knows about him is the fact that he is definitely not from this country, and that he is carrying a jar of soil that he says will leave a mental scar if he explains what he is doing with it. "What are you doing here in Sunagakure? Business or Pleasure?" He then asks "Are you also here with the intension of training?"
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Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:59 pm
"What are you doing here in Sunagakure? Business or Pleasure?" Said the ninja as he asked Kyofu a question. Looking at the ninja Kyofu would say " It is to become a ninja of the sand seeing as I did not like my old village as much as I thought. And to be honest I do not want to get much into detail " said Kyofu as a cord was torn in his brain trying to forget about Hoshi and starting a new life in Sunagakure." Are you also here with the intension of training " said the ninja after Kyofu spoke his own words. Well, Kyofu kind of just wandered to the training grounds and was not going to train. But looking down at the jar of soil he said out loud " Of course I am, also if you want to soar with me you can " said Kyofu as he would turn around and walk 10 meters away from the ninja cupping the jar he had in his left hand and putting it safely withun the pocket on his left thigh.

He would turn his body west as his head faced the boy and his right hand pointed outward towards the boy with his palm open awaiting for the boy to commence an attack. From where himself stood Kyofu could already tell that the boy was not that strong compared to himself and that he could easily take the boy on if he actually tried.
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 50

Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:16 pm
Ryuu was immediately could tell that he was definitely stronger than he was. Especially knowing that he only knew a handful of techniques, had the most basic of techniques learned in all types of ninja skills (Taijutsu and Ninjutsu) and absolutely no genjutsu whatsoever. But if I am doing this I might as well do this. Ryuu grabbed his kunai, threw it directly behind the man and sprinted toward him with a kunai in hand, just as he came within striking distance, he body flickered to the kunai behind him, threw two kunai fifteen feet away to each side, and thrusted forward with his kunai.
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Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:32 am
(Now I'm gonna show you what would happen if this was a serious fight)

Kyofu stould in place ready to begin his attacks if the ninja in his front did not attack. He saw the man grab a Kunai with his left hand and throw it directly at Kyofu. But the Kumai was only going at the speed of 10 so at the speed of 25 Kyofu leaned backwards matrix style with his right hand raised as his fingers gripped around the handle of the Kunai. Coming back up with the Kunai in hand he would began to commence his attacks.( You didn't do any handsrals nor grab anymore Kunai so people can manip you and say you were just standing there). However the ninja only appeared to be just standing in that one spot. Kyofu shot forward at the speed of 25, of course it would appear to the ninja as if he was moving really fast but in Kyo's sense this was actually slow.

Behind the man Kyofu would put the Kunai that he had in front of his hand 3 inches away from the man's neck and wrap his left arm around the abdomen of the ninja. With his mouth next to the ninja's ear he would say " Game over, but if you wish to continue in the future we shall ". Kyofu would quickly let go and walk backwards coming upon a boulder and sit on it tossing the ninja back his Kunai.
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 50

Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:24 pm
Ryuu was not surprised when he had realized that he had lost. "He is obviously a much more seasoned shinobe than yourself." Ryuu thought to himself as he watched the man walk away from his position. He grabbed his kunai out of the air that the man had tossed back to him. But Ryuu had this feeling of hatred, growing in his stomach, the arrogance that the man had displayed in the battle made Ryuu more angry than he could he even bother to explain, but Ryuu understood that once you get to being that skilled, you deserve to at least be a little arrogant and confident in your skill. "One day, I will be a much stronger ninja, and then, that will be when i come back to fight you once again. You can count on that!" Yelled, getting excited at the idea of getting to fight him again, but being much more experienced and actually giving the man an actual challenge one day. He respected the shinobe that he just fought, getting beat like that he was obligated to. "Thank you, for sparring with me. It makes me realize that I am no where close to being good enough, and that I need to train more and much harder." Ryuu then said calmly, walking toward the man, extended his hand as to give him a hand shake, "My name is Ryuu, by the way."
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Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career. Empty Re: Ryuu Hyuuga is ready to begin his career.

Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:24 pm
Kyofu would avoid shaking the man's hand as he had a problem with handshakes in the past. Instead he would nod towards the ninja and say "You only need to grow stronger, when you do you will prevail in anything that comes your way ". After saying his words Kyofu would turn around and run towards the direction he had came from at the speed of 50 so he would not be stopped by anyone.


WC goes towards reroll for Wood Release and am claiming  5 stats
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