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Kyosuke Uchiha
Kyosuke Uchiha
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 3:59 pm
It would surely take a while before Anko could consider worthy enough to travel back to the least with his pride. "That's it!" he began, "No longer shall I call myself under the name of the dead! My new name will be..." As he began to talk to himself, Anko would have a flashback of some much earlier deaths.

It was back during Anko's time in the orphanage. As he was treated unfairly, beaten daily, and pushed around, he could remember taking a glimpse at one kid who always stood on the outskirts, feeling ashamed of his pain. He could remember taking a brief look into his eye before being distracted once more by the great beatings received. It would be rare to ever talk to this boy. Anko would always have to run as fast as he could, merely to talk to this gentleman, hidden away from the bullies. However, once he would reach this boy, it was almost like he was in a parallel world. Everything was so bright, so peaceful; so beautiful:


"Anko?! What happened?!"

"Meh..just a couple bruises here and there..."

"That's awful! I'm surprised you haven't escaped yet..."


" in leave the orphanage?"

"How would that benefit me?"

"You'd be leaving in peace, at least..."

"At least...I'd be living all alone!"

"Haha, true! So what do you wanna do today?"


"Haha! I don't think we can spar today! Wait until those bruises are healed."

"You're always so smart, aren't ya?"

"Yes sir! Do you have a problem with that?"

"Nope. At least you're not like those other kids."

A few months later...Kyosuke's death...





"Why did you take that hit?!"


"Because it's time I take a beating...geehee..."

"Not like this! We have to get you to a!"

"It's I'll later..."


"Yeah! I can't wait till we play again! You're my best..."


Present Time

"Kyosuke..." Anko would whisper to himself, smiling. "You were always a good kid. It'll only be a matter of time before we can play again." A sudden shock would hit Anko in the core as it gave him a bright idea. "A new future lies ahead of me..." Anko would begin again, "...And it's Kyosuke...Kyosuke Uchiha!" Another shock would hit as Anko would foresee an illusion. This illusion would be a portrait of Kyosuke, smiling at him. "You've gotten stronger...Nii-san!" Tears would drop down Anko's face as the illusion would fade away. "One more day. Just one more day...then I'll return..." Questions would continue to fill Anko's head as he would find a comfortable spot in the desert to settle. Maybe another encounter would help him achieve his goal...
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 4:09 pm
Aura would be propped onto the highest point towards the edge of Suna, Playing her usual tune of three o clock fairy, Aura would send soothing energy to anybody who happens to hear it, luring many children back into the town. This was her usual duty, to lure the kids with her tantalizing tune so they can be safe within the walls of Suna.
But then another figure catches Aura eye, as she continues to play hoping that the wandering soul would seek comfort and rest in the Suna village instead of plaguing themselves in the hot desert weather.
Kyosuke Uchiha
Kyosuke Uchiha
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 4:18 pm
As Anko would continue settling in his little, 'private' area, a sudden tune would catch his attention. It indeed would be very soothing to the soul, yet bring a very questionable message. Who would be responsible for this oh-so-relaxing sound? Reaching the third tomoe on his Sharingan, a sudden detection of chakra would catch the eye. Alas, the chakra level would be small, so Anko would stay cautious. "Come along now!" Anko would say in response to the sound, "Reveal yourself." The tone in which Anko would currently be speaking would be 'jokingly bright'. Anko figured if he were to relieve himself with the village, only to once again tag along, he would have to be nice with his surroundings. However, the ultimate question now would be "What if the musician couldn't do the same?" Confident in both "Plan A and Plan B", Anko would await the presence of this wonderful musician, only to hope that he or she would be as soothing as the sound he would hear.
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 4:23 pm
Aura would stand keeping her tone going would jump onto the balcony and onto the roof of the point she would be posted at fully showing her body, Aura's body would be littered with red tribal tattoos as she stood from neck to her ankles. She would be wearing black leather shorts a matching tank top revealing her toned stomach would complete her outfit. Her long, white hair would flow with the breeze blowing to the west of her position, almost like a flag due to the length. Her blue eyes would look like an oasis in the desert. Her silver flute shining with the sun high in the sky.
Kyosuke Uchiha
Kyosuke Uchiha
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 6:29 pm
Not a sound of movement could be heard, only soothing tune to be heard once more. However, as Anko could still sense the chakra levels, he would stand up, only to see a sudden twinkle appear from afar. Smiling, it had seemed as though Anko had figured this was a sign, a sign that someone was present. As he would sense this spark in this very hot environment, he would be wearing a grey high-collared, short-sleeved shirt, blue wrist
warmers, and black Uchiha robe on his waist, a belt sash attached. The Uchiha would move slowly, closer and closer until he could finally see the presence of a woman, only now to be a short distance away, a point much higher than where he stands. The girl seemed innocent, nothing harmful. "Hello there!" Anko would call out to the girl, "My name is Kyosuke Uchiha. What is your name? Are you from this village by any chance?" Hearing the name 'Kyosuke' again made Anko smile. Picturing himself in the shoes of the mockingbird made him feel special. Finally, after handling so many weights of pain, the Uchiha could finally relax...renowned.
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 8:27 pm
Ashie would stop her playing an slide the flute back with in it's holster that hangs on her back. She would call back out her tone serious and concerned, "Hello out there! My name is Aura, Aura Shinkuri! I am from this village, you should come back in it's going to get very hot today! It's best to stay within the wall lest you let the heat exhaust you!" She would climb down from her position landing nicely on the dirt before slowly making her way over with her back pack.
Kyosuke Uchiha
Kyosuke Uchiha
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 9:02 pm
Anko would chuckle inside as he could sense the concern behind the young lady's response. Although there'd be a sensation of concern, it'd seem as though this girl was quite brave, making an approach without knowing the Uchiha. "It's good to see another villager!" Anko commented, smiling brightly, "Are you new by any chance? I haven't see ya around, and I'm a Jounin." Anko would question the lady as she approached. A musician in Sunagakure no Sato? Could this instrument lead to some kind of jutsu? Either way, as Anko remained in his proud state, he'd assume it'd be an instrument for leisure. The soothing sound, even stopped, would remain stuck in Anko's mind. "So it seems we have som great new talent in the Sand, huh?" Anko smiled.
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 9:08 pm
Aura would make her way over to the man, "Well, I've lived in Suna all my life...I am still a student, I'm training for the upcoming Genin exams again..." She said embarrassingly. 'Does this mean he doesn't know anything about my past?'
But maybe that was a good thing. The last thing Aura needed was another individual to look down on her, especially when she's about to make sure he is ok. Feeling her strength she stood on her tippy-toes and pressed the back of her left hand on the man's forehead. "hmmm... you're not warm. But looks can be deceiving." Aura had ducked down to rifle through her pack producing a cool bottle of water. "Here you must be thirsty."
Kyosuke Uchiha
Kyosuke Uchiha
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 9:32 pm
"You're kinda like me!" Anko laughed "I've lived in the Sand since birth as well. Now, what would be my advice to a student? Ahh, how about this? Remember that the only thing standing in your way, is you. If you can see potential to become stronger, you're golden in anything." Anko would smile, unaware of Aura's actions until she'd place her hand on his head, commenting him. "Living in the Sand is like becoming one with the heat." Anko laughed. The laughter would continue until Anko would notice the young girl pull out some water. He was flattered. "Thank you!" Anko would say in response to the kind gesture. As a sign of gratitude, he would hand the young lady five passes, each serving for a free meal of ramen. "Consider this a welcoming gift." Anko would come to some mor thoughts about the youngster. "So, now that we know each other's names, how about we share a few stories?"
Aura Shinkuri
Aura Shinkuri
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The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko] Empty Re: The Outskirts [PRIVATE: Aura and Anko]

Thu May 16, 2013 9:48 pm
"Sure." She would speak looking back towards the village hoping she had gathered every wandering child before she gets distracted. "You first? Or Shall I? I just want you open to...well, to my life."
She blushes bowing for the free passes and tucking them into her pack zipping back. The wind blow softly at them cooling Aura off, Aura had never adapted too well the excessively hot weather. Hopefully the sun goes down soon so the enviorment can cool down.
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