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Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:06 pm
Ayumi was near the river training her Water-Heavens Convergence technique alone that day. She was wearing her usual attire except she had a big yellow ribbon on her hair, not to tie her hair but as an accessory. She was still not very good with the technique but she was determined to master it after seeing its capabilities from Senba. After 2 hours of training, she was running out of chakra so she sat near the tree and started regenerating and eating. It was very hot that day so she especially enjoyed the water from the cold river. She was able to easily extract the clean water from the river, which was not so dirty to start with. She had a good 20 minute rest before she stood up and started forming the hand seals to create more bubbles.

Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:07 pm
Habee decided to go training today. He had a good spar with a girl by the name of Ayumi. She was a very good water user and proved to be an excellent opponent in a spar. She also helped him improve in his chakra chains training. He decided to see if Ayumi was still around for another spar. She said she'll be there by the river. He made his way to river to find her. On reaching the river, he looked around to try and find. He saw her doing some more water jutsu training a couple of meters down the river. He headed in that direction. "Hey there Ayumi!" Habee shouted as he came up to her. "What you up to?"
Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:27 pm
Ayumi was focused and she created a few bubbles before she heard a familiar voice behind her. She dropped the bubbles to turn around, it was Habee! They sparred a while ago and he was good enough to beat her back then, he was a good wind user and had his.. what were they called.. right, chakra chains weapon-like yellow thingies! Ayumi was training and sparring since that day a lot and was more confident with her skills now. She told him she would be training around this area if he wanted to spar again, and there he was.

"Hey Habee, it's been a while, good to see you came." she smiled, "Not much, been training and sparring with people around here. I wanted a rematch with you and was getting frustrated of not seeing you around lately. How about you, what have you been doing?"

Xuro Kinzokutei
Xuro Kinzokutei
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:35 pm
Habee was very joyful today. He smiled and said, "Oh that's nice! Hope you've improved and became a lot stronger so that you can beat me this time! I've been good, just continuing my chakra chains training. He wondered how much stronger she got he was pretty sure she's a lot stronger now since he hadn't had that much training since their last spar. He knew she could definitely stand a good chance and possibly win him. He feared he might loose this time...
Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:50 pm
Continuing his chakra chains training huh? She wondered if he mastered those, last time he knew only half of it and demolished her clones in a matter of seconds. "Alright! Why don't we find out? Bring it!" she created 15 small bubbles around her without moving her hands and took her usual fighting stance, opponent slightly to her left, left fist on the front, right leg on the back, knees slightly bent. She was ready to use the bubbles as a shield or for an attacking purpose. She was determined not to lose easily this time, although he said he was tired, she didn't really believe him last time they faced each other, it looked like he had an easy time but now, she felt like she was prepared.

Xuro Kinzokutei
Xuro Kinzokutei
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:29 am
"Ok then..." Habee then gave a big smiled and lifted his hands out stretching it forward with his palms facing Ayumi. He then extended two chakra chains, one from each palm and shot them at her aiming for a mid section. He then realised two more chakra chains but kept it sticking out a mere few centimetres out ready for a second attack. He wanted to see first what she could do with that bubbles and how strong was this jutsu she was training.
Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:49 pm
Ayumi was ready for his attack when he said "Ok then.." and moved two chakra chains out of his palm towards her. They looked thicker and faster than the last time they sparred, they were coming towards her stomach. She quickly formed a cylindrical shield around her with the bubbles and concentrated most of the chakra and water to its mid section. She tried to push the chains back as they tried to penetrate through the shield and attack her.

Even if this were to fail, she would be at least succesful in slowing them down so the attack wouldn't be deadly. If this were to succeed, she would then push the chains back with the same strength she stopped them. After that she would attack with the water in the shield by moving the same cylinder towards him with high speed. if this were to connect, Habee would be washed meters away with damage equal to a B-rank jutsu.

Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Wed May 01, 2013 8:21 am
Habee watched Ayumi try and block the chakra chains with a water jutsu naturally since he was a skilled water user. He then released his two chakra chains that he kept ready and send them to further enforce their attack hoping to penetrate her water shield. He released two other chains to go on the sides and attack her from the side, one chain by each side. He then hoped he could get pass her shield and be successful in their attack, unless Ayumi tried something else to counter his chakra chains.
Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Wed May 01, 2013 9:00 am
Habee sent more chakra chains before she was able to counter-attack, two to her front to enforce the ones he sent before and one from each side. She thought about giving up the defence of her back to make rest of the shield thicker to stop incoming attack. She would probably managed to stop the ones coming from sides but 4 chains from her front would most likely come through the shield. Instead she decided to counter-attack with that water, she sent the water behind her, which was unnecessary since he didn't attack her from behind yet, towards Habee with high speed. In the way there they formed together to create a big water fist, flying towards Habee. In the meantime Habee's chakra chains from the front managed to get through her shield although the ones from sides weren't strong enough to penetrate.

Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK] Empty Re: Rematch! Habee vs. Ayumi [IO/NK]

Sat May 04, 2013 4:35 pm
Habee grinned as he tried to force his chakra chains through the shield. He was almost there, the 4 chains in the front had just broken through when a huge fist like wave came at him. He couldn't do much but retract all his chains back into him and cover his face as the wave pushed him a couple of meters back sending rolling on the ground. He should have brought his swimming suit if he knew he was sparring with Ayumi. Sparring with her means you gonna get soaked! He got up slowly and started to laugh. "Hahaha you got me. Good move! You know if i mess with the bull, I'll get the horns. But if I mess with you, I'll get hit with tons of water..." Habee then stood up straight and firmed his stance. He decided to let her attack this time. He just hoped he would get hit with something like that again. Another one of those could finish him off. He couldn't let this girl beat him and make the score 1 - 1...
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