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Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Training with an ally. [Private, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training with an ally. [Private, nk]

Tue May 14, 2013 12:16 pm
"Almost." Vergil says to himself mentally, as his fist missed its target due to Xuro, some what maneuvering around it. He notices the change in the appearance of Xuro, his features now seemed darker than before. As the man grabbed his fist, Vergil watched as he began to ready himself for a blow. The man holding one of his hands this limited Vergil's movements greatly, but there was still a way to keep the man off of him. Vergil raises his right arm his palm and thrusts it outwards towards Xuro aiming for the center of his chest. As he did this he could feel one of the punches the man sent towards him connect. At this same moment a projectile known as the Vacuum Palm is launched towards Xuro. If the projectile were to land it would send Xuro flying into the air and he would land ten meters away from him. The possibilities of the vacuum palm in this instance landing seemed more than likely due to the distance at which it was used and how close Xuro was to him at the time. If the man landed 10 meters away as expected, Vergil places his hands together while the man is mid-air and he performs the ram hand seal. He body flickers exactly where the man should be landing. He then begins to swing his right fist, calculating the exact moment where the man would land, if all went as expected, His fist would connect with the man's skull shattering it and possibly giving him brain damage making it unable for him to think straight. It was also more than likely that the man would fall to the ground unconscious. Unknowingly, if this were to happen the man's spinal cord would also be severely damaged beyond repair, from his neck downwards, but Vergil would not know this, He was caught up in the spar and giving it his all, like his senpai told him to.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Training with an ally. [Private, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training with an ally. [Private, nk]

Sun May 19, 2013 10:41 am
{It's been nearly 120 hrs...}

The blows connects to the soft tissue on the back of the man's head Xuro falls to the ground rolling over, Vergil could feel the man's skull shatter behind his punch. It made a heart wrenching sound, the man's skull shattering into tiny fragments. Vergil would continue to swing unknowing that the man had just fell to the ground unconscious. He would trip over his body falling to the ground landing on top of him. Vergil's eyes would be staring directly into that of the man's sharingan.

At this moment Vergil becomes mentally unstable. His mind reverts back to that tragic night, upon staring into the eye of Xuro's sharingan. "Dad. Don't open the door." Vergil says aloud. His voice reverting to that of a child. Vergil's mind skips over some sections in his memory, to the point where his father is trapped in a genjutsu and his father is murdered. The man with the sharingan smiles down on his as the blood from Vergil's father sprays into his face. Vergil stares towards the man, in all actuality he is staring towards Xuro, but he does not know this. All he can see is Xuro's sharingan, mocking him. Vergil unsheathes his ninjato and stabs it two times into the heart of Xuro, whom he believes at the moment to be the man responsible for his fathers death. "Don't hurt daddy! Stay away!!" Vergil says stabbing quickly in and out of the man's heart. He stops, his mind going blank after the second stab. "Daddy, he can't hurt you anymore right? Emily, look what big brother did, are you proud of me." Vergil says, laughing nervously, his voice still sounding like a child.

Vergil's mental state begins to become stable, but his mind is still blank. He subconsciously lifts the corpse of Xuro onto his shoulder. He exits the area. His byakugan activated as he takes the proper precautions to avoid any nearing chakra signatures.

{Exit, with body of Xuro, WC:1624 +8 stats and 16 jp.}
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training with an ally. [Private, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training with an ally. [Private, nk]

Mon May 20, 2013 1:51 pm
[Had permission to void Vergil's post]

Xuro would stop his attack and then he would body flicker behind Vergil. He was shocked Vergil came close to almost killing him. He couldn't stand that and used his eartani blade to swing at Vergil knocking him on the head unconscious. Xuro then picked up the knocked out body of Vergil and carry it with him home. He was still very startled by Vergil's actions but wouldn't kill Vergil...

Xuro headed off home hoping to hide Vergil's body in his room somewhere where his mother won't find out...
[EXIT with Vergil's Body]
[WC: 2016: 20JP, 10 Stats, 2000/2000 medical spec learned,2000 ÷ 50= 40 C points earned, 2000/10000 towards Soul Amethyst]

Last edited by Habee007 on Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Training with an ally. [Private, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training with an ally. [Private, nk]

Mon May 20, 2013 1:55 pm
Approved for the appropriate rewards
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