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Down Boy [Missino] Empty Down Boy [Missino]

Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:31 pm

It was a sunny bright day, Chishiki didn’t know what to do. He was bored and was just skating around the village. On the roofs, to be more exact. Is he was skating on the streets as normal kids, he would always bump into someone, it had happened for him many time now. He was always in trouble, even though many people knew he was one of the greater clan member, but that was not anything that would stop them from punishing him. Just as he would hold a pause and see a jounin shinobi give him a letter with a mission. Chishiki had gained the mission of saving a life, a civilian with suicide thoughts. The civilian was going to jump of a cliff and kill himself! Chishiki just had to save him! He was looking around at the mountain side, he was going to find the cliff the civilian would jump off. This was tough, Chishiki had to find him in time before it was too late, he didn't want to fail a mission with a dead body ... He would run around, looking for the civilian, he just wasn't sure if he was in the right side of the mountain side. He would look around, trying to hear anything and see something. He couldn't hear anything, nothing at all or else it was just too far away.
''Hello?? Is there anyone???'' he would yell out on the mountains, waiting for any reply, if that person still were alive, later he heard something. He scouted out, but then suddenly noticing that it was his own echo ... he would sigh and walk further through the mountain side. He looked through all the areas he knew, all those areas with deathly cliffs.
Chishiki would hoover around on his skateboard, he was just scouting around. He wasn't thinking of anything else to do than to try call for him and try to spot him. But then it hit him ...
I could just use my sharingan so it would take less time finding him .. he thought and face-palm'd himself while thinking. He would activate his sharingan and tried now to scout around. He was still dashing around on his skateboard and he was looking in all the trees and cliffs. He couldn't find much, but he was trying to find a person, and not all the animal he had found lately. Finding a human without proper coordinates is difficult. Chishiki gave up of finding him in high speed, so he jumped off his skateboard, his usual skateboard he already scouted on, but not today. He as holding his skateboard under his arm and looked in the trees around him. He climbed up in the trees and tried to find the civilian, now known as a man. He was looking around up in the trees.
After some more hours of of looking around in the trees, he would give up. Hours has passed, and he wasn’t even thinking of it, but then it hit him. He would yell at himself, then focus chakra to the body to scout for the civilian easier. He would be able to scout the civilian through the rocks, tree and all the other things. He would look all around and couldn’t really find anything. Could he already be dead? After some time Chishiki spotted chakra, he would rush over to the area with the chakra core and he found a boy, only a bit older than him. It was him who was trying to do a suicide. Maybe he wasn’t brave enough or couldn’t do it. Chishiki would take him up his shoulder and dahs home again with the sleeping boy on his shoulder.

[w/c: 619]

Last edited by Lightwind on Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Down Boy [Missino] Empty Re: Down Boy [Missino]

Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:55 am
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Down Boy [Missino] Empty Re: Down Boy [Missino]

Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:09 pm
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