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Navi's Set of Missions Empty Navi's Set of Missions

Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:06 am
Name: Patrol
Rank: D
Type: Scouting
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo
Task: Scout around the village to make sure the
area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to
higher ranking shinobi.

Navi had learned recently that there was an additional way to reach the rank of Chunin, and that was performing a series of missions for his village. So far he had only a B-rank mission under his belt, which meant he had to start cracking down on performing a series of missions. This unfortunately meant that a series of very lowly missions he could have performed as a Student in the academy had to be undertaken. Navi undertook a lowly patrol mission that was D-ranked in order to begin filling this requirement. As much as he would like to go through the Chunin exams, his team didn't seem on par with the skill level needed, and he decided that beginning to perform missions would be the best course of action. Besides, he could use the extra money for equipment and materials.

Navi sighed as he walked through the forest, patrolling the border of the village. If he saw anything worth reporting, he was to return immediately to a higher ranked shinobi. The forest seemed to stretch on forever, and save a few birds and rabbits, the place was silent. There was a dirt road he walked along that slowly stretched on as it curved around the village. Although Navi felt he could let his guard down without a problem, he still let his hand dangle next to his kunai pouch, just in case. Navi walked down the road further, just listening to the sound of his feet clack against the trail. Earlier Navi saw a tiger or lion like creature, but he had killed it so he wouldn't have to worry about reporting it later. Besides, students did missions like this all the time. Reporting to some higher officer would be a little annoying for a Genin like him.

Navi had just about finished his rounds along the village. He took some time to meditate silently in a tree branch. Thinking over his career as a ninja, then decided it was time to head back to the village.

WC: 338

Mission Name: Thief in the village.
Rank: D
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300 words
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 400 ryo.
Task: Multiple villagers have reported their belongings stolen. Multiple villagers had reported being a target of a thief, mostly at the same time. Your job is to find the thief, or thieves and capture

Another easy mission, some villagers reported belongings stolen and Navi was supposed to find the culprit. Navi sat on a rooftop and waited. He had asked around with some of the villagers and found out that the belongings that were stolen were either shiny trinkets, or some sort of food item. It wasn't difficult to put the facts together and draw a line. This was probably the work of some cats or ferrets or something. The items that were stolen would only be worth taking if they were animals. Unless of course a gang of Fat ADD kids had turn to a life of crime, food and shiny objects didn't really seem like anything a normal person would steal. Navi would be waiting on the rooftop for a long time, watching the street for any stray animals stealing things when people were looking. He had taken a cage to lock the creatures in and had it sitting next to him. Navi's feet dangled off the side of the high building as he struggled to get a better vantage point.

Missions like this were very annoying, the only point was to do some petty chores that any student could do. He was as capable as any other Chunin, so doing menial tasks for a very small reward was seemingly a waste of his time. He had to do seven more of these pathetic outings though, so he might as well get them all done in one shot.

Suddenly, Navi spotted a cat dart up to a person who was enjoying some sort of desert treat. The cat swiped it from the man and ran back to the alley. The man cried out and ran after the cat into an alley. A second later the man ran out, a pack of cats chasing him down the street. “Well, thats my mark” Navi said, standing up and jumping down from the building. When he entered the alley, a small group of cats hissed, then jumped up and attacked him. While they were in mid-pounce Navi simply held the cage open in front of home. All the cats fell into the cage and he slammed the cage door shut. “Mission Complete” Navi said to himself with a sigh.

Word Count: 376

Mission Name: Wild Animals
Rank: D
Type: Guide
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 ryo
Task: There is a man who wants a simple escort from Konohagakure to Sunagakure, all you have to do is travel with said man until he reaches Sunagakure and make sure he gets there safely.

Navi picked up a slightly harder mission for a slightly bigger reward. It was still a D-rank mission, but it would be slightly be more interesting then the normal one. This time would be a little different. Instead of doing the normal exercise of being alone and performing some solitary mission or task, he would be walking with a companion this time. A man who just wanted a simple escort to the sand village. The only thing you really had to worry about on this particular road was a few wild animals and the occasional bandit. It was sure to be another boring mission, but maybe the man he was walking with would be somewhat entertaining to travel with. As they left the leaf village together the man immediately introduced himself politely and pleasantly. Navi did the same as they left the village together. As they walked down the road he talked about his business and reasons for leaving. The man turned out to be an ambassador from the Sand Village, and after traveling to the Leaf on some business matters, he was on his way back home. The leaf and sand village were on good terms so Navi was more then happy to lend a hand to the man. It also was a show of good faith to hire a leaf ninja to assist him on his way back. It meant one more mission assigned to the village, and of course a small amount of compensation.

The wind picked up a little bit and the trees on either side of the path swayed slightly in the breeze. Suddenly, a lion jumped out from the bushes and leapt towards them. Navi was reacted quickly and flipped open his kunai pouch, spinning a knife around his index finger. As it pounced, Navi rolled under the beast and stabbed upwards, impaling it with his kunai. Navi heaved it off and carried it to the side of the path, as not to litter the middle of the road. He put his knife back in his pouch and the man, thanked him for being so courageous. Another show of good faith to be kind to a leaf shinobi, there was no need to thank him though, all of this was just part of his mission. Navi continued to talk to the man and was surprised when the man told him he was around Chunin level. Navi always realized he was that powerful in his own mind, but hearing someone else acknowledge it meant a lot to him. Navi explained he undertook this mission in part to achieve that rank of Chunin and the man nodded and understood. When they finally arrived at the sand village the man thanked him for escorting him safely. Navi of course replied that it was no problem and the man's company was greatly appreciated. It was partly a show of good faith, and partly because Navi did truly enjoy someone else to talk to. The fact that he was a person outside of the leaf village also made him an interesting companion. Navi bid his farewell and started heading back to the leaf village, another simple and completed mission finished in his career.

WC: 534

Last edited by Navi3 on Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:09 am
Requesting 1350 Ryo and 9 JP for the above completed Missions.
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Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:36 am
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Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:18 pm
5 More D-Rank Missions:

Mission Name: Missing Pets
Rank: D
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo
Task: A few cats belonging to an old lady have ran away, she requested help on getting them back.Your job is to find the five missing cats and bring them home.

Navi had completed three D-rank missions and was already getting sick of them. The one he had just recently accepted was probably the most embarrassing so far. The mission could have easily been an E-rank chore given to some student for a first mission. Apparently the old woman made it a D-rank so the mission would take higher priority though. He had heard a rumor that the old woman had screeched and hollered in the Hokage Office to make it an A-rank mission. Eventually they had compromised at D-rank for a slightly higher fee. Somehow five of the old woman's cants escaped her home and they were now running loose around the village. Navi needed to capture all five of them and bring them back home. He couldn't believe he needed five more D missions completed to fulfill his requirement.

Navi sat on a rooftop with a couple small cat cages he had borrowed from the old woman. As he captured each cat he would have to bring them back home to her. Navi spotted a white cat roaming the street hiding behind a box. Navi struck from above, slamming the cage down on the cat to capture it. The cat screeched and he slammed the cage door shut. While carrying the cage back the old ladies house the cat scratched at the metal bars. He dropped off the cat on the old ladies porch, and then headed back out to the village to find the other four. With his vantage point on the roof Navi had spotted two more. The cats were very fast when he chased them and it took Navi's Body Flicker jutsu to catch up to them. He caught both in the same cage and decided against opening it and putting them in separate cages, just in case they tried to escape and give him a hard time again.

Navi had two more cats he needed to catch. Interestingly enough while leaving the cats on the porch together (still scratching and meowing) he stumbled across another stray cat at the base of the stairs. Navi simply opened an empty cage and the cat walked inside of its own accord. I guess that cat just wanted to be home already, and didn't want to both being chased down. Navi smiled as he began his search for the last one. After searching the streets of the village for awhile he spotted the last one, a sly black cat that bolted as soon as it saw him. In order to cut it off and capture it Navi had to create a crow clone to flank it and corner it. To get away from the clone the cat ran right into the cage. Navi slammed the cage shut as a violent hiss erupted from inside. Navi dropped the cat off with the others at the old ladies house and had thereby completed his mission. The old lady thanked him several times over as she took the cages inside her house one by one. The cats ran loose in her house as she opened the cage doors and the old lady smiled again at Navi. He left her home with another completed mission in his career finished. Unfortunately he couldn't waste any time, he needed to start another one.

WC: 548

Mission Name: Art Thief
Rank: D
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 500
Reward: 550 ryo
Task: There have been reports that multiple people have had their paintings stolen from their homes or shops. Find the thief and bring him in by any means, while at the same time returning the stolen arts, or
what remains, safely back to the rightful owners.

Navi had received another D-rank mission, this time with slightly more importance then finding some stolen cats. There was a thief on the loose, this time actually stealing things worth taking. This meant that it was most likely a person. The thief was known as an art thief, notorious for taking valuable paintings in particular. Navi would have to be extra careful to watch for the thief, the art work was probably stored somewhere in a hideout or basement. Another part of Navi's mission was to return the stolen art work so that it can be returned to the rightful owners.
Navi waited up on his usual spot, high on the rooftop to watch closely for anything or anyone suspicious. This would be his fifth D-rank mission unless he was mistaken. He was getting closer to being finished with them for a good long time. It was just as well to, he could hardly stand the lack of difficulty when his efforts could be spent being actually useful to the village. The only things Navi really looked forward to was the money he was getting. Still, he would be getting more anyway if he was doing a more difficult mission. Even doing C-rank missions would be less tedious and more beneficial. Navi continued to ponder his career as he watched the streets of the village carefully for any break-ins or sneaky robber looking people. The good news was that the D-rank mission requirements were the highest. After he had completed 8 of them then he would only have to complete 4 C-rank missions. It essence he was getting the hard part out of the way.
Navi's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a scream and a black-cloaked man jumped from a window in the building across from the one he was standing in. He clutched a beautiful looking painting in his arms and was running down the street. Navi wouldn't catch the criminal just yet, his mission was to capture and return all of those stolen paintings. He was guessing the criminal would lead him directly to the stash of other paintings.
Navi was right, the criminal ran for about a mile until he reached a little hut on the county side. Navi was following him the entire time, occasionally leaping behind some bushes to remain out of sight. When the man opened the door to his house Navi followed him silently and entered his home. The man rushed down stairs to a basement he had, with the painting he had stolen still cradled in his arms. When Navi followed him downstairs he was astonished to see all of the paintings all over the walls. The man turned around and saw Navi at the base of the stairs. At first he looked like he was about to strike, but then when the man saw his headband he turned to run. Navi took out both of his kunai attatched to wires. “Ninja Art: Manipulated Shuriken technique” throwing both kunai at the man and binding him in the wires attached to the knives he just threw. The man fell over on the floor completely binded in wire. Navi slung the man over his shoulder and returned him the village, where he would turn him in to complete his mission. Navi also notified the village where all of the paintings were being kept and that they should be returned to the rightful owners when possible. Navi gave a sigh of relief as he had completed yet another D-rank mission.

WC: 587

Mission Name: Helping The Academy 
Rank: D
Type: Help.
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 400
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo
Task: The teachers at the academy are looking for some small assistance. Your job is to simply show a group of three academy students the basics of being your rank.

Now here was an easy D-rank mission he could get behind. Navi would be more then happy to do a mission like this, even if it was just D-rank. The mission was a very simple short task, to show a small squad of academy students the basics of being your rank. Navi had gotten two student boys and a young student girl assigned to him for this mission. They were eager to learn the basics from him. Navi kept things short and simple when he started. He told them the basic responsibilities of carrying out missions and protecting the village, and of course showed them his special leaf headband. Their eyes grew wide with excitement as he lectured them. He told them they would be divided up into teams of three, similar to the way they were now, and given a team leader to watch over them and teach team.

After the quick explanation Navi decided to impart some real wisdom to them. He told them each to perform the basic clone jutsu in front of him. When they did, he told them basic chakra control tips and training styles that could help perfect the jutsu. After that he continued by asking them to perform the transformation jutsu. Navi was good with chakra control, so explaining ways to make the transformation jutsu easier came naturally to him. After the ninjutsu training Navi explained genjutsu. He taught them how to recognize and illusion style jutsu and how they could break it by inflicting intense pain on themselves. This could be accomplished by biting down on their tongue or lip, even stabbing themselves in the leg. Next he taught them some basic Taijutsu tips and training ideas. He showed them techniques on how to perform an effective combat stance. He showed them the three basic attributes for fighting: strength, stamina and speed. He told them that the quickest way to be effective at Taijutsu was to train rigorously in these three areas. The fastest way to become a strong and powerful shinobi was to discover there unique speciality was to fine tune it with loads of hard training and work. When they grew powerful enough, they could learn jutsu and then finally take on missions, which was the primary responsibility of shinobi in general. All three students listened carefully to every word he said. With his guidance, Navi was sure all three of the students could be fantastic ninja if they trained enough and studied hard. With it all said and done, Navi bid farewell to the three students to continue with his busy day.

WC: 433

Mission Name: Cleaning
Rank: D
Type: Chores
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300 
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo
Task: The village has become rather dirty, with most shinobi already on a mission the kage had requested that you help clean some places in the village up.

Many of the other shinobi were out on more important missions, while Navi still needed to do another couple D-rank missions. That meant he had to stay behind, which irritated Navi immensely. The sooner he could finish up these easy missions the faster he could do his part around the village. This time he had to do something especially degrading, community service. A chore because someone decided that the village was dirty and made it a mission to clean it. It wouldn't take long, but it was still a little annoying to do something that didn't even need a ninja to be done. Navi gathered up discarded trash around the village streets as he continued thinking. What would Asukari or Claire say if they saw him taking on some stupid mission like this? Well Asukari would probably make fun of him, and Claire would just laugh a little and ask to lend a hand. Either way, he wanted the mission over with. Navi took arm fulls of trash to an over packed dumpster to the side of the village. When it was finally over flowing with garbage Navi stepped back and performed a few handsigns. “KATON: RYUKA NO JUTSU!” He said spilling fire from his mouth. He lit all of the trash on fire to get rid of it and make room for more. Instead of going to a dump somewhere it would just be eaten up by a little flame.

After going back out onto the village road he had come up with a few more arm fulls of garbage and trash. He continued to pile the dumpster high with discarded items and useless trash. He had just about finished the mission and cleaned up the trash around the village. He blew one more small burst of fire into the dumpster to finish off what was left. The debris blew around for a moment before settling. Navi decided to call the mission completed and decided to continue on with his day.

WC: 333

Mission Name: Supply Run
Rank: D
Type: Delivery
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 400
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 Ryo
Task: A small group out in the forest were building a small home for a family, they had left behind some supplies and it would take too long if they would come back and get them.

Navi was ecstatic that this was the last D-rank mission he would have to undertake for a long time. After this was over he could start performing more difficult and interesting missions. He was going to have to do this one quickly if he wanted to be a Chunin. The faster he became a Chunin, the less Asukari could make fun of him, which of course would be another plus. Navi just had to carry a box of supplies to a family who was building a new home away from the leaf village. They were apparently left behind by the old family and were paying Navi to deliver them to him.

Navi headed down the road out of the village carrying the heavy box which was held together in a cardboard package. The road was barren and the sky was cloudy. The trees wove back and forth in a slight breeze, this particular mission would be extremely boring, all he had to do in essence was walk and carry a box for a bit. Navi began thinking about his career and fighting style some more. His most powerful jutsu was a clone explosion jutsu, which relied on him swooping in with crow clones and detonating in a massive explosion with chakra as the fuel. This of course was an extremely difficult jutsu to pull off and he would need more chakra in order to pull it off continuously. What we be very valuable is a special style where he surrounds his target with multiple detonating crow clone. It would be difficult to combine jutsu and style, but the new ideas were interesting to contemplate.

Navi was getting close to the families home as he continued thinking about his career. He needed to perform four C-rank missions after completing this mission, which would be a refreshing change of pace. This meant more money, more experience, and more responsibility. Plus doing four missions would be faster then doing eight, which also meant that he would be a Chunin very quickly. Navi could hardly wait for the rank of Chunin, it would be the mark of him being a far stronger ninja and a much more able-bodied fighter. Plus Asukari wouldn't be so annoying all the time and talk down to him. Navi delivered the package and started returning back to the leaf village. The mission was complete, and Navi was prepared for the next stage in his life as a ninja.

WC: 409

Requesting: 15JP
2400 Ryo
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Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:15 am
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Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:09 pm
Four C-Rank Missions:

Mission Name: Village Status
Rank: C
Type: Repair
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 800
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 1000
Task: The gates have been ruined, assist other shinobi and repair men in fixing the gates.

He had finished all of the D-rank missions necessary to become a Chunin. The next stage was to complete four C-rank missions. This meant more responsibility, more money and more work. Navi was happy to take on all three of those things. Of course, these missions still didn't really fit his abilities yet, but compared to the D-rank missions he was doing, it would be a welcome change of pace. This mission would take about twice the time it took him to do a D-rank mission, and pay him twice as much as he would regularly take it. Despite the upgrade in payment, Navi was still eager to hurry through all four missions.

The gates of the leaf village had been damaged and needed to be repaired. Many shinobi had been assigned to repair the actual gate, while others were assigned to gather materials like metal and wood for the actual building and construction. Navi immediately set to work on the resource gathering task. At the metal smelting plant area he volunteered his services to save the leaf village on using gas and embers. When he arrived he took his place at the furnace and crouched next to the fire intake. He used his fire style jutsu to light up the furnace when metal needed to be smelted. Only a small amount of fire was needed, but he did need to constantly continue to light the furnace. Navi was going to be there for a long time, blowing fire in the furnace and smelting the metal so it could be put in a container and transferred to the work place at the village gate. From their the material would by placed in the gate to reinforce the structure and help with the repairs. The metal he created was very important so he made sure to heat the furnace with as intense of a flame as he could create. After a long while of doing this process he realized that he had burned up a lot of chakra from doing such a constant stream of fire style jutsu. Navi had nearly finished the smelting and now headed back to the village gates to assist with the repairs.

The gates construction was only just underway as all of the materials that were being sent to the work site. This was an extremely difficult project for the workforce to undertake, even if they were all powerful and determined leaf shinobi. They were all being paid well for there time though so there was no use in complaining about the situation. Navi began carrying lumber and helping to repair at the construction site. The work was long and dreary so Navi began thinking about his career. It was annoying to hear all of the construction noise around him, so focusing on thinking was easier for him. Navi hoped to finish this C-rank mission as quickly as possible. He had three more to accomplish as soon as he was finished. Hopefully they would be shorter then this though, Navi was patient, but even a long C-rank mission was beginning to get the feeling of a series of D-rank missions. What Navi would really like is some combat, especially against other ninja. Fortunately when he became a chunin combat would be more common in his career. Plus the rank of Chunin meant that Asukari would be on more equal terms with him, but it also meant Ayumi would be the only Genin on the team. Navi was unsure whether or not a team with such a lopsided composition would stay together for very long.

The gate was about two thirds done now, the materials were all gathered, they just needed to be restructured and put together on the gate to form a more reinforced structure. Navi continued to help with repairing the gates as he thought some more, pushing the sound of pounding nails from his mind. His next C-rank mission would probably be an escort mission from some bandits, or maybe another somewhat important village-wide project the leaf village would have to work on. I guess it wouldn't really matter, he could only contemplate his next step, he couldn't make time move any faster. Navi would need to perform one more B-rank mission and an A-rank mission before he would be guaranteed Chunin status. He was looking forward to both of those missions because they would be true representations of his skill level and a good test. Even the responsibility of taking on both an A and B rank mission was enjoyable to him. It meant he had a shot at real combat, maybe even ninja vs. ninja combat. It would be an incredible experience and Navi could hardly wait for the experience to truly test his meddle as a Konoha shinobi. The gate was now completely repaired and the mission was complete. It was time to accept his next mission right away.

WC: 818

Mission Name: Missing Lunch
Rank: C
Type: Intel
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 600
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 700 Ryo

Task: Someone has been stealing food from both the members of the village, citizen and shinobi alike, and the shops. Find out who said person is and report who the person is, and where he is hiding. Make sure to not be caught or else the person may run.

Well another C-rank mission, the second mission in line of his C-rank campaign. The mission details were pretty easy, there was a good thief somewhere that Navi had to identify and report where he was hiding. This would be an extremely simple mission that would just require a lot of observing from his favorite spot on a rooftop. Apparently the food thief had also stolen rations from shinobi and was hiding his stash somewhere in the village. He would need to spot the thief and discover where he was hiding the stash. After reporting that it would be mission complete. This would be a pretty short mission that required him to stay in his same spot as usual. He sat on the edge of a rooftop and waited again to see if the thief would show themselves. With a birds eye view over the village he could tell when he would see a suspicious character and keep a close eye on them. For now he could simple whittle away time by thinking more. The work was long and dreary so Navi began thinking about his career. It was annoying to hear all of the construction noise around him, so focusing on thinking was easier for him. Navi hoped to finish this C-rank mission as quickly as possible. He had three more to accomplish as soon as he was finished. Hopefully they would be shorter then this though, Navi was patient, but even a long C-rank mission was beginning to get the feeling of a series of D-rank missions. What Navi would really like is some combat, especially against other ninja. Fortunately when he became a chunin combat would be more common in his career. Plus the rank of Chunin meant that Asukari would be on more equal terms with him, but it also meant Ayumi would be the only Genin on the team. Navi would need to perform one more B-rank mission and an A-rank mission before he would be guaranteed Chunin status. He was looking forward to both of those missions because they would be true representations of his skill level and a good test. Even the responsibility of taking on both an A and B rank mission was enjoyable to him. It meant he had a shot at real combat, maybe even ninja vs. ninja combat. It would be an incredible experience and Navi could hardly wait for the experience to truly test his meddle as a Konoha shinobi.

Navi spotted the thief easily with his position on the rooftop and watched him grab an armful of food and speedily escape. The food thief was very fast, which must have been why he had been at large for so long. Navi kept up with him across the rooftops and watched him jump into a sewer/manhole when he thought noone was looking. Technically the mission was over, he spotted the thief and knew where he was hiding. Although just to be safe Navi followed the thief into the sewer. Surely the convict had some sort of hideout somewhere, it would help his credibility if he could find out exactly where the mans hideout was. Navi followed him silently and kept a bit of distance between them, just in case he would have to duck around a corner. After a few more twists and turns there seemed to be a small tunnel in the side of the sewer with a door in it. The man opened the door and carried all the food inside. Now Navi knew exactly where all the food was taken and had identified the thief. Navi returned to the surface of the leaf village to report his findings. That was two C-rank missions complete now. The rewards were beginning to stack up and his experience as a shinobi was slowly increasing. He would need to find a use for all of this ryo he was earning. Navi had completed the mission and decided that he was ready to take up another one. He put his hands in his pockets and headed out to accept another one.

WC: 680

Mission Name: To the pits
Rank: C
Type: Intel
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 700
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 Ryo

Task: There have been reports that there have been animal fights somewhere in the village, your job is to find out where the arena for the fights are and to investigate it, try not to be caught.

It was time for Navi's third C-rank mission, it would be a moderate length but it would also be a very low reward. The amount of money he was getting for this mission was around a standard D-rank reward. It was an annoying issue to get so little money for a mission, but it was a necessary mission to take on if he wanted the rank of Chunin. There were illegal animal fights being held in the village, and is mission was to investigate the issue and report where they were being held. Basically this mission would just require him to jump from from rooftop to rooftop until he stopped the illegal activity. It would be a lot of recon work, so he would have a lot of time to daydream. The next stage was to complete two C-rank missions. This meant more responsibility, more money and more work. Navi was happy to take on all three of those things. Of course, these missions still didn't really fit his abilities yet, but compared to the D-rank missions he was doing, it would be a welcome change of pace. This mission would take about twice the time it took him to do a D-rank mission, and pay him twice as much as he would regularly take it. Despite the upgrade in payment, Navi was still eager to hurry through both missions. Fortunately when he became a chunin combat would be more common in his career. Plus the rank of Chunin meant that Asukari would be on more equal terms with him, but it also meant Ayumi would be the only Genin on the team. Navi would need to perform one more B-rank mission and an A-rank mission before he would be guaranteed Chunin status. He was looking forward to both of those missions because they would be true representations of his skill level and a good test. Even the responsibility of taking on both an A and B rank mission was enjoyable to him. It meant he had a shot at real combat, maybe even ninja vs. ninja combat. It would be an incredible experience and Navi could hardly wait for the experience to truly test his meddle as a ninja of the leaf village. Navi also had to become a Chunin soon because his apprentice would be a genin as well. He didn't have time to waste and he couldn't afford letting his student pass him up. As a chunin he could also technically lead his first team, which would be an incredible responsibility that Navi would gladly take on. A chunin was the average soldier, a middle ninja. The ability to take on bigger problems that the leaf village had to face. With a team by his side he could perform A and B rank missions all the time. When his team was strong enough (or even when the current team he was apart of was strong enough) he would be able to take out the true test of his skill. An S-rank mission. A mission that was so dangerous it almost didn't even belong on the rating system, these missions were almost legendary and there completion would determine the state of the leaf village. Usually only extremely skilled ninja undertook these missions like the Anbu Black Ops, of whom Navi idolized. S-rank missions were certainly a thing to strive for, they would take immense skill and power, which he couldn't wait to develop.

Suddenly Navi spotted all of them, a large group of people in an alley who were cheering on a pair of dogs to fight one another. Unfortunately Navi had specific orders to not engage the enemies, he could only report their specific wear-abouts. Navi watched as the ring leader walked around taking money and accepting bets as both of the dogs pounced on one another, scraping eachother with claws and gnashing their teeth. This violence was needless, and Navi was no animal rights enthusiast, but this was pointless and had to be stopped. Navi would be more then happy to carry out this mission, despite it's extremely low priced reward. Navi made sure to carefully take note of all the participants faces, especially the ring leader. The rooftop offered him a perfect vantage point to undergo this recon work. After a minute or two of memorizing their voices, faces and speech patterns Navi decided to go report what he saw and complete the mission. The other animals used for fights would probably be captured and rehabilitated and all of the participants in the fight would be jailed or punished. Navi hurried along to go accept the last C-rank mission he would need in order to achieve the rank of Chunin.

WC: 785

Mission Name: Uh oh
Rank: C
Type: Intel
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 900
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 1000 Ryo

Task: The village hasn't been receiving shipments of resources from the farmers not too far from the village. The village shinobi are unable to make any contact with the farmers, your job is to go and find out what the trouble is, and make sure the village receives the shipments soon.

This was the last C-ranked mission Navi needed in order to become a Chunin. From here Navi could go right to one more B-ranked mission, then one more A-ranked mission. This mission was of some importance outside of Navi's career as well. The leaf village wasn't receiving important shipments from the farmers on the countryside. Navi's job was to go out and figure out what was wrong so that the shipments could come back soon. This mission would probably take him the longest of the other C-ranked missions, but it would also be the most lucrative. Navi would be sure to complete this mission carefully and successfully. His career as a ninja would depend on it.

The first step was to leave the leaf village for the countryside to see what was wrong. The time he spend on the road was spend contemplating his career. Navi would need to perform one more B-rank mission and an A-rank mission before he would be guaranteed Chunin status. He was looking forward to both of those missions because they would be true representations of his skill level and a good test. Even the responsibility of taking on both an A and B rank mission was enjoyable to him. It meant he had a shot at real combat, maybe even ninja vs. ninja combat. It would be an incredible experience and Navi could hardly wait for the experience to truly test his meddle as a ninja of the leaf village. Navi also had to become a Chunin soon because his apprentice would be a genin as well. He didn't have time to waste and he couldn't afford letting his student pass him up. As a chunin he could also technically lead his first team, which would be an incredible responsibility that Navi would gladly take on. A chunin was the average soldier, a middle ninja. The ability to take on bigger problems that the leaf village had to face. With a team by his side he could perform A and B rank missions all the time. When his team was strong enough (or even when the current team he was apart of was strong enough) he would be able to take out the true test of his skill. An S-rank mission. A mission that was so dangerous it almost didn't even belong on the rating system, these missions were almost legendary and there completion would determine the state of the leaf village. Navi couldn't wait for the ability to undertake those missions.

When Navi reached the main farm on the countryside, he told them he was a shinobi from the leaf village and asked what had happened to the shipments to the leaf village. The farmers told him that they couldn't send any shipments any more without them being attacked by a vicious pack of wolves. Until the wolves were killed or subdued they wouldn't be able to send any more supplied back to the village. Navi understood the problem and immediately came up with a plan. He told the farmers to send out a caravan of supplies as bait. When the farmer objected Navi silenced him and explained he would protect the supplies. He would use the supplies as bait and kill all of the wolves when they emerged. The farmer was reluctant at first but eventually agreed to Navi's plan. The farmers sent out a large caravan of supplies that was sure to be sufficient bait and be targeted by the wolf pack. Navi warned the farmers to stay with the caravan and stay out of the fighting.

The caravan departed and Navi followed it and kept a sharp eye, he would make sure to protect it and save the farmers. After a few minutes sunset was coming and the farmers began to worry. It wouldn't be long before they were attacked now, Navi heard a howl in the distance and some of the farmers jumped. Navi stood fast and continued walking, his hand on the hilt of his sword and his other hand dangling next to his kunai pouch. A few silhouettes of the wolves appeared in front of them, and Navi stepped in front of the caravan to defend it. He slowly drew his sword and a loud steel sound of clanging came from his sheath. *riiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnng. Navi held his sword in his right hand and slowly walked forward toward the pack of wolves, there were five of them. The wolves growled and slowly surrounded him as if they were surrounding their prey. The farmers watched in horror as the fight began to ensue. The first wolf pounced for him and Navi rolled under him and thrust his sword upwards, impaling the wolf. Two more wolves jumped to attack him from either side. Navi jumped backwards just in time for them to slam into eachother. Navi immediately took advantage of the confusion. After performing a series of handsigns he puffed his chest out and focused his chakra. “Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu!” Navi engulfed both wolves in flame and immediately turned them to ash. The other two wolves growled at him before slowly backing away. Navi couldn't let them escape and possibly terrorize the farmers in the future. He threw his kunai at both of them as they attempted to flee, killing both immediately. There was a moment of silence from the stunned farmers as Navi pulled his kunai from the dead wolves and put his sword back in its sheath. Navi waved the farmers forward and the caravan continued to move. The farmers didn't say a word to him and Navi didn't say anything back. When the caravan arrived at the village he had successfully cleared the route for the farm caravan. His mission was successfully completed.

WC: 958

Requesting: 20 JP
3200 Ryo
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 55500

Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:20 pm
Mission Name: Escort To Sunagakure
Rank: B
Type: Escort
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 1500
Repeatable? No
Reward: 1450 ryo

Task:A man has requested a shinobi from the village of Konohagakure escort him to Sunagakure, the man is being hunted by quite a few assassins, your job is to get him to Sunagakure safely.

His C-rank missions had been completed, all that stood in his say now was a B-rank mission and an A-rank mission. This mission would be a perfect test of his skill and Navi was excited to undertake it. This mission was similar to another one he had done before, he was escorting the same person as before, to the same destination as before. This was a D-rank mission he took a long time ago, escorting a Sand village ambassador from the leaf village back to Sungakure. Now he was escorting the same man as before, but the circumstances were different. The man was being hunted by a team of assassins which raised this mission from priority D to priority B. When the Sand ambassador saw he was being escorted by Navi he had a sigh of relief. Navi had saved the mans life in the past and would be happy to do it again. Navi enjoyed the mans company, so when they departed the leaf village to the sand he was already happy to have him as a companion.

He learned from the ambassador that he had recently made dealings with the leaf village that strengthened the alliance between the sand and the leaf. Extremist rogue shinobi had targeted him, intel suggested that it was a squad consisting of three genin-class assassins. With Navi around the skill level of a Chunin, that would make it a close fight if he encountered them. As they walked alone the path to the sand village the wind blew gently and small dust clouds formed around them. The path was made of dirt and rock with the occasional tree along the road, swaying in the breeze. Navi made small talk with the man as they trekked on, careful to keep an eye out on his surroundings. The air felt cold as a breeze washed over them. Navi gripped the sword hilt on his back and crouched slightly. They were going to be under attack in a moment, he could feel it. The ambassador looked worried for a moment and Navi tried to calm him down “don't worry, just stay back. They'll come for me first.” The man nodded and stayed back. A large blinding dust cloud was passing over them and Navi decided to take advantage of it. Navi created a crow clone to take his place as he leapt up to conceal himself in a nearby tree. Concealing mist would work both ways, as the enemy assassins would soon realize. As the dust began to clear three Genin class rogue ninja stood together in a triangle formation blocking the path. Navi's clone stood in front of them with his sword drawn. He examined his three enemies closely. One held a sword, one seemed to specialize in wind jutsu and the other specialized in what he thought looked to be an earth style ninja. They stood there murmuring amongst themselves, seeing the leaf headband on his forehead. The one with the sword seemed to be the leader, threatening to kill him if he interferred with their business. Navi (or his clone) stood his ground, not saying anything. The one with the sword walked forward towards him and took a slash at him, Which Navi easily blocked with his sword. Navi broke the clash and swung his blade over his head at the ninja, which the man blocked by holding his sword sideways. The clashed swords a few times, before one of his teammates stepped in. The man clashed hard and Navi held his sword in one hand to hold the clash. The other wind style teammate performed a few handsigns before targeting with with a strong gust of wind. One of Navi's hands was busy holding off the man with the sword, but Navi's special ability would come into play. With his free hand Navi made a few handsigns. “Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu,” as he spit a stream of flames at the wind-style assassin. Fire beats wind, and his flame jutsu was amplified immensely when the man tried to hit him with a wind attack. In the blink of an eye, the man was engulfed in flames and was screaming out in pain. The other ninja with the earth style reacted quickly, clapping his hands together to trap him in some earth style jutsu. The ground quaked slightly around him and two large hands made of stone grabbed him firmly. They earth style had completely binded his clone. The man with the sword laughed slightly to himself and held the sword to his neck. “Sorry kid, we told you not to interfere.” This was going to take a lot of chakra, but Navi was going to perform his most powerful technique. He performed a handsign from his position concealed in the tree and focused an incredible amount of unstable chakra in his binded clone. “Clone: Great Explosion,” Navi whispered. In an instant and without warning, his clone detonated in an explosion so great it immediately blew the man with the sword apart into several pieces. The man with the earth style was blown off of his feet and the earth style hands that used to be there were completely shattered in the deafening blast. Even Navi, who was perched up in a tree some distance away, fell out of the tree because of the powerful shockwave. As the earth began to settle Navi dashed forward back-wielding a kunai in his right hand. He needed to defeat the earth style ninja fast. He rushed forward, and his opponent began to stand up and dust himself off. In an instant the man took out a kunai and as Navi dived forward their kunai clashed together. After a few more clashes Navi used a body flicker to get behind his opponent. In an instant Navi slit his opponent throat, a stream of blood erupting from the mans neck. The man fell to his knees, then landed face first on the ground. Then the man puffed into smoke and was replaced by a log. It was a substitution jutsu. The man burst out of the ground and grabbed his leg, surprising Navi. Navi faked a series of handsigns and said the words “Clone: Great Explosion”. The man panicked and hid his face deep underground, letting go of his leg. Navi jumped back landing an eloquent backflip. So far he used 2 C-rank jutsu and one A-rank jutsu. His chakra was very low. So far his opponent had used substitution and two earth style jutsu. This would mean he was at a slight disadvantage, but still on very equal ground. Navi had to think quickly, he would need to defeat his opponent with as little chakra as possible. He was going to use one of his special techniques. Navi held both of his kunai knives in his hands, both had unbreakable and nearly untraceable wires tied to them which were also tied to his fingers. When he threw his kunai, he would be able to steer the wires to bind his opponent. Speaking of his opponent, the earth style ninja burst from the ground and lunged at him. Navi acted quickly, “Ninja Art: Manipulated Shuriken Technique,” Navi threw both of his knives, steering them with his fingers and using the wire to bind his opponent. Navi pulled the wires tightly and successfully bounded his target. His opponent looked startled, before he looked down and noticed he was now entirely trapped by Navi's technique, lassoed by steel wires. He wouldn't be able to make any handsigns or fight his way out of this. Navi pulled the wires tightly and decided to end it. Walking up slowly, unsheathing his sword. The man began to say something and Navi interrupted him by cutting off his head, the stump of his body collapsed. Navi re-coiled his wire and put both of his kunai away, followed by re-sheathing his sword. There was blood everywhere from the enemy he had blown apart, the blood leaking from his decapitated opponent, and the burned up wind-style rogue ninja. The sand ambassador walked forward, stunned by the turn of events. Navi had been brutal and had not held back, if he did, his mission would have failed and both of them would have been dead. The assassins hunting his escort had been slain and the sand ambassador was now safe from any harm. Navi continued walking side by side with the man, ignoring the silence and using the time to clean off his blood stained weapons with a few clean leaves around the trail. Although they seemed safe now, Navi wouldn't let his guard down, just in case there were any more assassins.

Navi had reached the sand village with the man and began to come to a stop. This was where he would stop. The sand village was very close and sand village border guards would see to the rest. The man thanked him again, still shook up by the brutal violence he had displayed earlier. Navi didn't regret it, and when the man awoke from his trance he would be thankful. Navi had completed his mission and had a mere single mission between him and the rank of Chunin. It would be the most difficult test of Navi's ninja career so far, an A-rank mission. If he succeeded, he would be promoted and paid well. He had even gotten word from Mr. Uchigawa that the Hokage was watching many of the talented shinobi of the village and was prepared to promote a certain genius or two to the rank of Anbu. Navi was shook up by the fact that it might be him, but he could think about it more later. Navi decided his next step was to undertake the final mission in his life as a Genin and the first step in his life as a Chunin.

WC: 1648

Requesting +7JP +1450 Ryo
Haru Glory
Haru Glory
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 10000

Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:30 am
Approved all unapproved Missions
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Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:36 pm
Find the Cargo!
Words Required:2,000
Other Requirements:Konoha Ninja Only.
Reward:1,500 Ryo,2 Shuriken,2 kunai.
Task: Reports say that our shipment of ninja tools was intercepted by bandits, your job is to find them and bring the shipment back, let no one stand in your way, Konoha needs these weapons!

This was it, Navi's final mission as a lowly Genin. Navi had trained hard and went through many missions and experiences to get this far, now this was his final test. More importantly, it would be the most difficult test he would face yet. This was an A-rank mission, a very high priority to the leaf village. When Navi heard the details he realized what “high priority” really meant. Apparently the leaf village had received a report that a shipment of ninja tools was intercepted by bandits and all of the weapons needed to be returned to Konoha in one piece. Not just kill the bandits, not just destroy their package. But a mission where Navi would have to defeat a gang of bandits, then return the entire caravan of ninja tools back to the village. He was taking this mission alone, which was extremely unusual. A Genin taking an A-Rank mission without backup is nearly unheard of, but most of the Konoha shinobi were out on other missions or had been hospitalized for other reasons. This was an extremely important mission he would take alone. For the first time in his career he would be given true responsibility. This was just the tip of the iceberg, Navi checked his gear to make sure he was ready to depart the leaf village before setting out. He had learned from some leaf village scouts the approximate location of the bandit camp, but it would still take quite a bit of tracking down to do. This would be the longest and most difficult mission yet. The rewards were great as well though. Not only would Navi be paid well for his effort in ryo, but he would also be given a small token from the military caravan for his help. A prize of two shuriken and two kunai. Navi would have done the mission for just the money, he might have done it even for just the weapons, but most of all, the most important thing that Navi was doing this for, was the rank of Chunin. That would be the greatest reward that Navi would be able to earn. If he succeded, a whole new world would open up for him. Not only would he earn the title of Chunin and the perks that brings, but he would be given a certain amount of prestige that the hokage was looking for. Word was the hokage was looking for a new recruit for the Anbu Black Ops, which was Navi's dream job. This mission was the first step though, when Navi walked through the village gates, he had determination in his eyes and his heart set on one goal. The completion of this mission.

Navi departed, he walked the road out of the leaf village alone, he needed to begin thinking about his game plan to complete this mission. The road he walked would be long, eventually though he would need to break off the road and travel through the forest to get to the bandit camp. There was supposedly around twenty bandits, fortunately they weren't shinobi, but he had heard their leader might know ninjutsu of some kind. Navi would first locate the bandit camp, and then stay low. He would wait for the time to strike and take out the bandits stealthily, then he would take back the caravan to the leaf village. Now that he had a plan laid out in his head, Navi decided to continue thinking about his career until he got closer to the enemy camp. What would he do after he reached the rank of Chunin? First he would probably add a couple new jutsu to his arsenal. He wasn't sure if he would stay in team 7, but felt he probably should, at least until he was a Jounin or hit Anbu. Still, this would all depend on the situation at hand. Even though Navi was happy to be on an A-rank mission, Navi was greatly anticipating the endeavor of an S-rank mission. Navi would also be happy to have strong teammates by his side when performing these missions. Especially on S-rank missions when teamwork was essential in life or death situations. He trusted Sachiko would be a good teammate, but she was still very new and only recently became a Genin. Asukari was a powerful teammate, but very annoying. The team leader Raito could be helpful, but he was usually busy, similar to Asukari. Finding a solid team would be a difficult prospect for him.

This was the place Navi would have to turn off the road. He started heading through the trees now, leaping from branch to branch. The enemy bandit camp would be close-by now. Situated fairly close to the road in order to rob any passing caravans. Unfortunately, this bandit gang chose the wrong caravan to rob. Navi saw smoke from a camp fire about a mile ahead and would be in position in a few minutes. As he rushed forward he reviewed his strategy and briefly review his training in his head. Before he knew it he was already near the bandit camp. Navi looked around before he spotted a tall tree with an excellent vantage point to watch over the camp with. He concealed himself behind the leaves and made sure to remain as quiet as possible. There were several men below him and it was time for Navi to slowly start picking them off, one by one. Navi used his manipulated shuriken technique from high up in the tree in his vantage point. He through the kunai, steered it to wrap around their neck, then tugged upwards to strangle them. He did this process a couple times until one of the bandits tried to yell out. Navi tugged sideways on the wire to hastily snap his neck. What Navi would really like is some combat, especially against other ninja. Fortunately when he became a chunin combat would be more common in his career. Plus the rank of Chunin meant that Asukari would be on more equal terms with him, but it also meant Ayumi would be the only Genin on the team. Navi would need to perform one more mission and an A-rank mission before he would be guaranteed Chunin status. He was looking forward to both of those missions because they would be true representations of his skill level and a good test. Even the responsibility of taking on both an A and B rank mission was enjoyable to him. It meant he had a shot at real combat, maybe even ninja vs. ninja combat. It would be an incredible experience and Navi could hardly wait for the experience to truly test his meddle as a Konoha shinobi. Technically this was an important mission, but Navi never stopped his powerful ambition of wanting to become a stronger ninja. He had already picked off several of the bandits from his vantage point and had hopped down and was hiding in nearby bushes. He examined the bandit camp closely. There were horses next to the caravan cart which was stocked with boxes and boxes of the stolen leaf village tools and weapons. A bandit would slowly saunter over and past Navi in his position in the undergrowth. When the coast was clear he would slip silently out of his hiding place, creeping behind them individually. He would hold a knife or his sword to their neck and slit them quietly. A tiny gasp would come out of their bloodied mouth and Navi would drag their body back into the undergrowth silently, hiding each body. A couple times Navi had even snapped their neck to make less noise, just to be sure nobody else nearby would hear. After about an hour of this process he had killed off half the camp, and some of the bandits became suspect of where their friends were going. Navi had to kick it up a notch and strike while he still had an element of surprise on his side. His attack would need to be powerful enough to even the score and kill a large number of them as quickly as possible.

Navi contemplated the possibilities and moves he could take. He could light the forest on fire, but that might endanger the caravan. Besides, fire would create chaos, not necessarily kill many of his enemies. He could create a crow clone to strike and then detonate his distraction, but that would use an immense amount of chakra. Plus, that technique wasn't very precise, it was a method that would definitely stand out. There was also a very strong possibility that it would damage the caravan. The manipulated shuriken technnique would only work on one enemy, and he would me mostly vulnerable during that time, so he ruled that out. The best method would be body-flickering from target to target as quickly as possible, immediately executing each foe. Some of the bandits were having conversations with eachother though, so this method would have to be performed by at least two of him. Navi performed a handsign and a small flock of crows flew down to merge into a clone of him. Both him and his solid clone drew their ninjato and performed a body-flicker technique appearing behind the nearest pair of bandits and instantly killing both of them. Slicing both necks open and their bodies toppled on top of eachother. The pair of them nodded and moved to the next set of bandits. A group of three were talking together, weapons already in hand. Navi and his clone dashed in, Navi stabbing one in the heart, and his clone slicing another one in half. The third bandit had a moment to react, swinging wildly with some mace weapon of his. Navi flowed slowly like the wind to dodge each swing and aimed a powerful slice for the man's neck. His sword cut though him like butter, his head lopped right off and tumbled to the ground, rolling a few times. After their mop up operation most of the enemies were gone. The area around the caravan now was seemingly clear. The bandit camp itself was entirely undamaged, minus being very untidy because of the several bodies littered throughout the place. Some of the bandits that were reported to be around the camp weren't there, most likely out on the highway preparing to rob other caravans. When they returned, Navi planned to already by long gone with the leaf caravan recovered. Navi looked around, how was he going to return the caravan back to the village? Alone its not like he could deliver an entire supply of weapons without some sort of transportation. Navi looked around the camp for a way to return the weapons. Then Navi spotted it and a slight smile parted his lips. The horses in the bandit camp let out a slight whimper. He grabbed a length of rope in the camp and tied the horses to the caravan. Navi would steer the caravan out of the camp and back to the village using the horses. As soon as he started galloping off Navi dispelled his crow clone and blew a small amount of fire on the camp. By the time the enemy bandits returned, they would not be able to catch onto his trail. Their base would be in ruins and hopefully their entire regiment would be in ruins. Navi lead the horses quickly through the forest, pulling the entire leaf weapons caravan along with him. It would be a bit of a journey, but Navi was just about in the clear. All he had to do now is get the caravan back to the village. After passing through the trees slowly, he broke through the final tree line and made it to the path that led back to the leaf village. Whipping the reins, he forced the horses to gallop faster. He needed to get the weapon shipment back as fast as possible. Navi blazed down the path quickly, a cloud of dust forming behind him. After a few minutes of this pace the Leaf Village was inside. He didn't let up on the horses reins until he was well inside the village gates. He halted the horses and the caravan came screeching to a stop. All of the weapons had been safely returned. Navi would, beyond the large amount of compensation, be rewarded with a small part of the weapon shipment. The mission was complete.

WC: 2079
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 33200

Navi's Set of Missions Empty Re: Navi's Set of Missions

Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:57 pm
Approved, +1,500 Ryo,2 Shuriken,2 kunai, and 10JP.
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